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Chapter 3

Back in Aria's room, after she finished eating her dinner, she pouted looking at Armand "He embarrassed me in front of Jor"

Armand knows how much Aria likes Jor. It was cute to see her chasing after Jor, trying hard to get him to like her.

"He.. He. Don't worry Aria. You have other ways to attract him. Try winning the Mordeux Warrior Tournament. I'm sure that will make him fall on his knees for you" Armand laughed. He was teasing Aria who can't even get pass stage one of the said tournament. Aria glared at her brother.

"Alright. I'm sorry. Bad joke" Armand put up his hands in defeat and chuckled.

Prince Armand is the second best male Beastian Warrior, followed by Jor who is still young. At the age of twenty four years old, Prince Armand is still single not wanting to get married as he enjoys the company of different female Beastian warming his bed at night. He does not believe in loving one female for the rest of his life. An opposite thinking from Argan who is loyal to one female Beastian at one time.

Armand too has a large horn but slightly smaller than Argan's horn. When Aria is not training, he will ask Aria to polish his horn for him once a week. No other female Beastian can touch his horn except for his sister. And maybe one day, his wife, if he decides to have one. His horn is his symbol of glory.

The horn of a Beastian is their life force. Once damage or broken, it can kill the Beastian. The horn is so important that a Beastian will only allow their family or love ones to touch it.

"By the way, I have a present for you. An early birthday present, you ugly Princess" Aria rolled her eyes hearing her brother calling her ugly. Armand stood up taking out a sword from its sheath. A long sword with beautiful engraving of Isadora's name.

Aria stared at the sword and felt like the sword is calling her name in a whisper. When she read the word "Isadora", there was a sudden short gust of wind blowing from her side.

Both Armand and Aria stared at each other "What the f**k was that?" Armand asked. Aria shrugged.

She stood up and took the sword from Armand's hand.

"It's beautiful. I love it, brother" she swung the sword left and right, testing the weight and her speed.

"Yes, it is. Isn't it. It belonged to your mother, Isadora. It is said to be a powerful sword and only answers to her bloodline" Armand said. Aria was mesmerized with the sword that felt light when she carried it but in fact heavy for others.

She swung it again and suddenly, the sword glows in blue light.

The engraving which states Isadora suddenly changed to Aria.

Both Aria and Armand gawked.

In the Warrior's tent near the borders' of Mordeux Kingdom, a Prince from the Human Kingdom of Eterna of the South was preparing for the Mordeux Warrior Tournament that will happen in two days time.

The Prince has the kind of face that will turn any woman's head to face him again. He is used with women staring at him with lust wanting to taste his big d**k. When he smiles, a dimple is seen on his right cheek making women blush and that is a sign of the woman wanting him to pleasure them.

He got the brunette hair matched with ocean blue eyes, an adonis looking features that make women weak on their knee when he stares at them. A strong man with muscle that shaped his entire body is a sight which is an envy to most men.

A Prince with the heart of lion and strength of hundreds of men. He is God's beautiful creation of Human being.

Today, he is preparing to compete in the annual Mordeux Warrior Tournament which has never been won by non Mordeux species.

It is a tradition set by the ancestors of Mordeux Kings showcasing their strength to other species from other Kingdoms.

He aims to win this tournament and make himself respected for his strength to lead his Storm clan in Eterna Kingdom.

Human beings live in Eterna Kingdom. They are the original settlers on The Great Continent thousands of years ago.

When the Earth was hit by natural disaster of tsunami, it flooded another nearby continent called The Exodus Continent where non humans lived.

The Visioners who originated from The Exodus Continent had a vision of the destruction of Exodus. With that vision, most of the species back then who lived in The Exodus Continent fled to The Great Continent, sailing there with thousands of ships.

The human beings back then was not prepared to be chased away from their land. They fought to defend what is theirs. Many humans died but those that survived never gave up protecting their land.

After years of fighting the war that happens thousands of years ago, a King from the Evangeline species ended the war by letting the human beings live in the southern part of The Great Continent. The first ever Magni King of The Great Continent was an Evangeline King Eros, living in the Divinos Kingdom of the North where magical and divine species live.

Since then, the human King became allies of the Evangeline.. up to today.

"Aidan, you are here too for the Tournament? This is the first time I'm seeing a Human Prince fighting at The Mordeux Warrior Tournament. It will be the death of you. As a friend, I advise you to back off" An Evangeline Prince Edgar spoke to the handsome Prince named Aidan, warning his friend.

Prince Edgar and Prince Aidan are friends for many years. They first met each other a decade ago, at the annual Eterna Jousting Tournament held by the King of Eterna Kingdom. King Ambrus of Eterna is the uncle of Prince Aidan.

For the Eterna Jousting Tournament, Prince Aidan is the defending champion for many years againsts warriors from Eterna and Divinos.

Evangeline are divine species from Divinos Kingdom sent from heaven thousands of years ago. Through some cross breeding, their features change over the years except for the royal blood who are conservative and only marry an Evangeline.

However, one Evangeline King in the past named King Isaac, was the only Evangeline in history who dares to marry a Witch from the Eastern Kingdom of Magia. It was a disgrace to the Evangeline royal lineage. His children were called the Half Blood Prince and Princess.

After he died, the royals voted his brother, King Ivan, instead of his Half Blood son, Prince Isaiah, to be King of Divinos Kingdom.

Tying his long blonde straight hair that shines like the yellow sun, the tall and attractive looking Edgar stood next to Aidan. "Aidan, I'm serious. This is suicide for you. You are fighting species that has the abilities to throw fire balls and most with the strength of thousands of Human. This is not your fight" Edgar patted Aidan's shoulder.

"Edgar, my friend. I have trained myself for years to fight this Tournament. I have studied about all the species of Mordeux, knowing their strength and weakness. If I die today, it is a death with honour" Aidan said while polishing his armors. He smiled at his flawless skin friend, Edgar, who frowned at him.

"Fine! You stubborn Human. I will watch you die and arrange for your grand funeral" Edgar was being sarcastic. He cares for his Human friend. Taking a silver dagger from a gold sheathe, Edgar gave it to Aidan.

"My present to you my stubborn Human friend. A dagger made from the steel originate from heaven. It is yours. My gift to you. But, be careful not to prick your finger, it is poisonous. I will give you the antidote for the poison.. just in case" Edgar said with a serious face.

"I'm going to miss you when you die" Edgar said while handing over the divine looking dagger to Aidan.

Aidan chuckled "Thank you, my annoying friend. Also, thanks for the words of encouragement. You making me wanting to win more".

The two Princes chatted exchanging information about the Tournament till the night ends.

The next day is the last day they can train before the borders of Mordeux Kingdom is open, allowing the contestant to enter for the Tournament. It is a one day free pass allowed by King Argan, ruler of Mordeux, to let citizens from other Kingdoms to enter Mordeux for a day.

"I will win this war proving Humans are equally strong among other species of The Great Continent" Aidan said in front of a mirror wearing his Tournament attire.

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