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Chapter 8

Zane stood up and pulled Suki nearer to him. "The new king is just human, Suki! He is without any powers. He can't defeat me. He is definitely not the Chosen one. I am the Chosen one. I'm the powerful Wizard of the East" Zane said spitting on the floor in disgust.

He is the rightful heir to the throne being Ambrus' only son left. But Ambrus never acknowledge his existence as Zane was consumed in a secret affair. His illegitimate son.

Suki kneeled infront of Zane who is now sitting on a large chair. "There is a way, my love (She came closer rubbing his chest with her breast) One way to fulfill the prophecy making you the Chosen one (She placed kisses on his hard bare chest) You just need to find the Protector, and Queen ruler from the North" she said while licking and sucking his chest.

"The North never had a Queen as their ruler, my dear Suki. You know that. You are from the North" He caressed her cheek and stroke her shiny blonde hair.

"Well then, Zane. You need to find the Protector first. With the Protector's help, you will sit on the Human throne uniting all four Kingdom. You can then make me the Queen from the North. I am a princess after all. With enough army from the East and the South, we can take over the North too. Don't worry about the West, I can handle those idiots. They are strong but not that smart" she smiled.

Zane looked down on her pretty face "Who do you think is the Protector?"

"Well, from what I heard from our King Ivan, the Protector is said to be a powerful person with abilities. It could be either an Evangeline, Wizard or a Witch. Only these species are powerful enough to defeat such evil that is made from fire. Also (Suki moved to sit on his lap facing him), I heard from my princess cousin of mine, the Visioners saw the Protector being a woman. It is so simple, my love. She must be either a Wizard or a Witch. You know most of the Evangeline women are useless in war. We are just kept as trophy wives for men. I, myself, hate being an Evangeline woman" Suki pouted.

Zane grab her face and kiss her hard.

"Suki! You are more than just a trophy wife material. You are one genius b***h, Suki! And I'm honored to get to know you"

Few days later, a royal coronation ceremony was being held to crown Prince Aidan as the new Ruler of Eterna Kingdom of the South, after the death of King Ambrus and his two sons.

King Ambrus' heart could not take the sorrow from loosing both his sons to the recent war with the Wizard King Zane.

During that time, Prince Aidan was still in Mordeux Kingdom fighting at Mordeux Warrior Tournament. His success in getting to the final round of the Tournament shocked the people of Eterna.

Aidan became popular and well respected for that. More women throw themself to him.. offering him their body to satisfy his sexual needs, every night.

But the only woman in Aidan's mind and heart.. is the beautiful female Beastian he met, with the name he was told to be as Isadora.

But he also know a Beastian is a proud species that will only marry their own kind.

Remembering how small Aria was among her Beastian species, Aidan thought maybe there is a possibility that she is of a mix breed.

'She had golden hair! Not a typical Beastian features' Aidan thought of all possibilities on what Aria really is.

The royal coronation ceremony was attended by the people of Eterna with the presence of Evangelines from the North.

Outside Eterna Castle, the citizen of Eterna Kingdom gathered, waiting to meet the new human King from the Storm clan. There are five human clan living in Eterna Kingdom namely the Storm, Sea, Smith, Sun and Surrey.

The Storm clan has been the ruling clan since hundreds of years ago. Now, Aidan is the last heir to his lineage of Eterna Kings.

A man wearing a royal blue cloak stood at the balcony of the Eterna Castle overlooking thousands of Eterna citizens. He lifted his hand and said "Citizen of Eterna! Kneel to your new King! King Aidan of the Storm Clan! Long live the King!". A royal council named Yates shouted to thousand of human outside the castle.

With Yates' command, all human that are present for the ceremony, kneel to Aidan and shouted three times "Long live the King!".

Aidan walked out to the huge balcony and raise his hand and gave his first speech.. prepared by Yates.

In his mind, what Yates told him earlier makes him worry.. a prophecy of The Chosen One.

It was bad enough he is crowned and forced to be the new King. He was also informed of a prophecy that he needs to fulfill.

Aidan wonder.. 'Am I really The Chosen One?'

After giving his first King's speech, Yates guided him to meet the Royal Council in a room called The Great Room.

Aidan was wearing his royal cloak embroidered with gold thread and diamond on the neck area. He was also wearing a golden crown which he thought was irritatingly heavy.

When they reach The Great Room, there were six people already seated in elegant high chairs carved with symbols at the head of the chair.

Yates whispered to Aidan's ears "Five of them (he pointed to five men) are representatives from five clans. Your representative for Storm clan is Serena (he pointed to a sultry looking women with revealing dress). The blondie seated next to the King's chair, your chair, is Prince Elijah who is an Evangeline from the Divinos Kingdom of the North"

"And why do I need an Evangeline in my meeting?" Aidan asked Yates in a disgusted look.

"Well, you know the humans and the Evangeline are allies. I'm sure you are aware of our history on who helped us maintain the southern part of The Great Continent, my Majesty. I advise you not.. to kill him" Yates chuckled. He was hinting to Aidan that Prince Elijah is one annoying Evangeline.

Evangeline are fair skin with blonde hair and pointy ears. They have blue eyes and sharp nose. Both Evangeline men and women are beautiful. They are as tall as the humans and walks gracefully without a sound. It can be scary at times as you would not know when suddenly an Evangeline stood behind as they walk with not much sound.

Seated in the King's chair, Aidan looked at each of his Royal Council. His eyes stop at Serena who looks at him and winked. 'Damn woman. You want me to f**k you already?' he thought and smiled back at her.

It was odd that the Storm Clan sent a woman to represent their clan.

Looking at his King staring at Serena, Yates who sit next to Aidan whispered "Don't you think it is odd that your clan send a woman? You want to know why, don't you? He He.. she is your distant cousin and your clan is trying to make her your Queen. But, don't worry my King, I can send her away if you want me too. Your wish is my command" Yates said.

"Yates, are you a mind reader? Seriously, you are good. But.. remember this. If I find you back stab me one day, I will hang you to be eaten by ravens" Aidan said while smiling wickedly which scared Yates a little. Aidan was actually just teasing Yates. He likes his assistant who is knowledgeable and funny.

After the council told their problems to the new Eterna ruler King Aidan, a representative from the Surrey clan voiced out his concerns "Your Majesty, we need to be prepared for the next attack from the Wizards and Witches from the East. They will not stop until the throne falls on the hands of King Zane"

One by one of the clan members voiced out their concerns about the Wizards but none suggested any solutions. When it got too noisy, Aidan shouted "Shut the FK up! Have you no faith in me? I have been in battle for many years. I am not afraid to meet this King Zane. We will fight and bring him down. Trust in me as your new King and most importantly, trust your fking selves" Aidan then stood up and walked out from The Great Room.

He was too tired to listen to the useless and selfish council members.

Tomorrow, he plans to replace them all.

On the way to his room, Aidan sensed someone is following him from behind. He pretended to take a right turn and hide behind the pillars. When the person came close, he pulled the person to the side and choke the person's neck.

"Aaahh.. you like it rough, my King?" the person was Serena who liked it when he choked her.

"What do you want Serena?" He asked with his face inches away from her.

Serena bit her lips and answered "I want you"

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