Chapter 2
2 weeks later
I was starting to adapt into the place my mom got us, the place is better too. My room was slightly bigger than my previous one. I was cut off on my thoughts when the lady calls on my number, i got up and gave her my number. She gives me my coffee, smelling the sweet aroma that always got me every time.
This is a need every morning for me.
I almost poured the coffee into myself when a tall guy suddenly bumps into me while heading towards the opposite side. "HEY! Watch it!" I said angrily.
A little bit of coffee, pouring into my shoes. How can he completely destroy my morning like this.
He didn't even turn to see me and raises his hand. "Sorry bro!"
"You little shit." I murmured and headed towards him. He was about to seat next to his girl when suddenly i grabbed his shirt. "You almost spilled my drink!"
He turns to see me. "Oh shit i thought you were a guy." He laughs. "Well you dress like a guy so i assumed you were one."
I looked at my outfit and he really isn't lying, i was wearing a hoodie, jaggers and big ass slippers. I closed my eyes in frustration. Can this get any more embarrassing? I shook the thought off and glared at him. "You're not just fucking clumsy but also got a rude attitude."
"Woah there little missy, watch how you talk-" her girl suddenly says.
I cut her off. "Shut up i wasn't talking to you."
To be frank, i'm not the kindest person especially to strangers. I trust too little that's why my friends list doesn't go any higher than a high 5. And also, my nasty attitude is also one of the things you should watch out for. Yeah you could call me an anti social.
She gasps.
"OHhhh! You got some temper there." He smirks at me.
"Next time watch were you're going, not everyone is nice." I said before i left them. The guy was seriously getting on my nerves, he stood taller than me, his messy caramel hair telling me that he just woke up.
Well he looked good- damn what am i even thinking? Ugh.
Speaking of looking good, after being betrayed by my boyfriend, i stopped using cosmetics and wearing tight clothing. I don't want to meet jerks like him again, that's why i've decided that when school starts, i will be invisible!
Yeah it's a perfect plan to avoid relationships, i thought as i laughed evilly to myself.
"Oi." A voice behind me says.
I turned towards it and raised an eyebrow, it was the guy who i scolded earlier. "Oi?"
"This makes me sad cousin, you don't even recognise me anymore."
"Cousin? I don't remember a guy cousin like you." I said. But as i tried to inspect his face, a glimpse of memory flashes and i was shocked to actually see Fat Tommy in this guy.
My eyes widened in shock, my jaw literally dropping as i tried to match that fat kid to this hot guy. "No there's no way."
"Uh huh there's actually a way." He says imitating my voice. "It's me Tom!"
And everything crumbles when he said that, i blinked a few times as i held his face quickly in between my palms. "You're that fat kid that i always bullied in the past?!"
I mean he's way taller than me now!
I tiptoed a little and grabbed his neck by my arm, locking my other arm firmly to hold him to bend down. "You when did you have that kind of personality? I always remembered the shy fat kid tho."
He uses his strength and quickly reversed the situation, he smirks. "Well of course every guy goes through puberty and shit."
I gave him a little bit of my menacing look when he said that, i never would've thought that kid would curse at me so boldly like this. I facepalmed my face, what did i expect? I mean everybody changes.
"It gives me creeps that you turned into this kind of guy, and who's the girl with you? Your girlfriend?" I asked.
"Yeah, she's my sister." He smiles.
"Oh reall- WHAT?! She's your girlfriend but your sister?!" I smacked him in the head. "You incest!"
"Damn! I was just kidding!" He held the back of his head in pain. "You know what i mean. She's jodie, my side chick."
I rolled my eyes. "Still in that kind of generation huh? How immature."
"How bout you? I would be surprised that anyone would date such a manly girl like you." He said laughing, i smacked his head again. This time harder.
"Damn what do you eat everyday?! Metal?" He hisses at the pain.
"That's what you get for talking back at me." I stuck my tongue out.
"Seriously tho, are you dating?"
I suddenly felt hurt remembering Christian and that image in my head. "A bastard like him wouldn't count."
"So its a failed relationship huh."
"Yeah, coz he cheated on me. So you better not show me your dirty deeds i might just cut your dick off." I smiled at him.
He grips his balls and looked at me with fear. "My balls?!"
"That's what will happen to fuckboys who mess with me, got it?"
He nodded.
I chuckled at his expression before leaving him standing there like a frozen mammoth.