Chapter 3
Days has passed and since i moved into a new town in a middle of the year, it just means that i transferred from my old school to a new one- meaning NEW FRIENDS and NEW ME. Well being in a relationship for 6 years with Christian had me no time to making friends, he was literally the center of my world but what did he do?
He fucked my best-friend.
So yeah, getting slapped by superman is way better than seeing your bestfriend and boyfriend fucking while you delivered EGG PIES FULL OF WORRY AND LOVE!
I was eating at the cafeteria when i didn't notice that my fork was now stuck in the wooden table because of me. "Oh shit." I blinked a few times before i tried to pull it out, thankfully it did.
"Um excuse me?" A finger tapped my shoulder. "Can we sit here?"
I looked around me and saw that it was pretty crowded and there was no seat available anymore other than mine so i nodded. "Sure."
"Thanks." She said and they all sat down, she was with 2 other girls. "So you're new here?"
I munched my cookie and nodded, thinking that they probably wanted to make friends with me since they started a conversation or maybe it's because i let them sit here?
"That's a stupid question Keshia." The other girl laughed.
"Shut up i was just nervous because she looked scary." She replied.
I raised an eyebrow. "Me? Scary?"
"Well.." Keisha trailed off. "Many people saw you sticking that fork in the table pretty hard. Only us had the guts to sit with you."
"Yeah girl, you looked like you had someone you killed with your wild imaginations." The blonde girl laughs. "By the way i'm Christa, this is Keisha and the quiet one over there is Belle."
I looked at each one of them, i quickly noticed that Keisha and Belle looked somewhat familiar. "Well i really did wanna kill someone earlier but never mind that.. are you two siblings?" I said pointing at the both of them.
They laughed. "No she's my cousin." Keisha said.
"We always get comments like that." Belle smiles.
I still couldn't believe it. I never thought people would actually approach me like this i mean it was pretty new to me since Christian wouldn't let me hang out with other people but him and i often get stabbed behind my back because i'm in a relationship with one of the hottest guy at school before.
I guess breaking up with him isn't such a bad idea after all.
"Hello? Still there?" Keisha waves her hand side by side in front of my face.
"Yea? Oh sorry i just thought of something in the past."
"Ohhh ex boyfriend?" Christa asks.
I nodded. "He cheated on me."
The three of them gasped in horror. Leaning in closer to me as if we were handling some kind of a mystery case. My eyes furrowed. "Calm down he did it with my bestfriend-"
"WHAT THE FUCK." Christa curses, silencing the whole cafeteria in seconds. "GIRL YOU SAID WHAT!"
"Shhh! Christa! Lower voice." Belle nudges her.
"Oh sorry." She said, finally noticing the people that was looking at us. "What ya'll looking at?! Can't a woman shout!"
And people was back on their own businesses.
Well that escalated quickly, i coughed. "I'm fine don't worry about it."
"Fine? Are you sure? How long have you been dating that guy?"
I was a bit hesitant to tell them since i already expected their reactions, still i told them. "6."
"Weeks?" Christa.
"Months?" Keisha.
"Don't tell me you've been with him for 6 years." Belle's jaw dropped instantly.
I nodded at Belle.
"Oh my God that's horrible." Keisha said angrily. "What a douchebag!"
"I don't get it why would he throw such a fine sexy gal like you." Christa rolls her eyes. "I mean the moment you stepped here you already got heads spinning at 360 degrees girl- unless your bestfriend looks like Kylie jenner."
Does she? I thought. "I'm not sure but she does look like Caitlyn Jenner."
They stared at me with blank expressions, their faces waiting for me to say otherwise or i was just kidding but unfortunately i was serious. She DOES resemble Caitlyn in a lot of points, i mean that's a bit good right? He did gave birth to Kylie and Kendall so that's considered beautiful .. right?
"I'm serious i'm not kidding." I said.
"Whaaat?? How can he even replace you?? There's something not right girl." Christa's eyebrow furrows. "Well nevermind that since you've left that shitty situation you should just start new and live freely."
I smiled. "That sounds pretty good."
"You know what i already like you." Christa said and points at Belle and Keisha for the same agreement, they nodded. "I thought you'll be a bitch and give us some attitude but i guess not."
"Yeah actually Christa already figured you weren't a bitch the moment you stabbed the table." Keisha laughs.
"Hush! Don't spill my secrets."
Even for me, i already liked them. They were so easy going and felt that i already had a connection with them, making it easier for me to adapt to this new place. They told me a lot about this university and how lucky i was to be attending here, they also shared a lot of things about them like Christa has a boyfriend 5 years older than her and Belle and Keisha still single like i am right now.
"Ugh stop we're tired of hearing love stories Christa! We've heard it a million times already." Keisha rolls her eyes.
"Shut up. Baron is such a nice guy, i mean he's such a gentleman and do you know Luna that he's the assistant of the famous Marcus Tideous!" Christa shrieks.
"You don't know him? Where have you been all this time?" Keisha's jaw drops. "He's the most youngest and handsome CEO in our country! Oh don't forget he's the richest! Just imagine all those luxury cars, and mansions all over the world. Damn if i could just get to sleep with him once JUST ONCE." She closes her eyes trying to imagine her fantasies.
But i don't get it. "I don't know him. Guess you could call me the girl who never touches social media."
Christa sighs. "Girl you gotta step up! You need to change ways, then you'll be able to forget that douchebag."
"Change? How? I mean i thought i looked good now?" I said confused, is this some kind of makeover.
"What she mean was you need to use that face of yours before it expires." Belle laughs.
"Yeah! That's just what you need." Christa nods to herself. "You're gonna come with us tonight!"
Keisha and Belle squeals at excitement. "I thought you'll never brought that up." Keisha sighed in relief.
"What's the occasion?" I said confused, is it something like initiation?
Christa smirks. "NCVIP club."
"We're gonna party tonight! We're gonna have so much fun. It will be full with famous people and bachelors!" Keisha squeals with excitement. "It's all thanks to Christa's boyfriend who invited us."
My eyes furrowed. "Am i allowed? I mean you can just invite anyone?"
"Oh come on you're not just anyone, we're friends." Christa winks at me.
At the exact time, the bell rings. We got up and exchanged numbers before they left. They also told me to meet after school that way we could get ready altogether in Christa's room. I was bit hesitant to go since i haven't gone to a party since forever, am i gonna be alright? I'm really weak at alcohol. Since i just made new friends i think that i should really listen to them.
Forgetting Christian is really a long road ahead, i sighed.
I entered the room and found a seat, placing my bag beside me as i sat. I noticed that people really was looking at me like i'm some piece of meat. It's uncomfortable though, guess this is what happens when you're a new face around town. Before the class started, a guy sat next to me his hoodie covering his hair, he faced away from me as he slept onto his table.
Man seeing other people sleep makes me sleepy too. I yawned.
Our professor starts. I took down some notes and listened though the lecture. I noticed the professor looking a few times at our direction, meaning he was looking the only guy sleeping at his class AKA the guy beside me. Ugh, should i wake him up before he gets scolded?
Nah, i should just mind my own business.
Fortunately, the guy was not scolded and the class went by without any trouble but the professor did looked irked before leaving with one last look with the guy beside me. I took the initiative to leave first since i was pretty close to the door, moving on to our next class. After going through several classes with people just merely staring at me with curiosity, the bell rang and we were dismissed. I hurried a bit since our last professor extended a bit after the bell rung, going to the location that Keisha sent me.
I finally arrived and saw the three of them.
"Told you she'll show up." Christa smirks.