Chapter 5
I felt my head stung like hell as i woke up in a unfamiliar place, stretching both of my hands. i blinked a few before realising that i was not in my own room. It looked like i was staying at a penthouse, the view astonished me, the sun rising before my eyes. In a second, i snapped into reality.
"What the hell.." i murmured silently. "Where am i?"
I was about to yawn if it wasn't for me seeing my full naked body covered in a thick blanket. "HOLY SHIT!" I screamed, quickly covering myself. Not believing the thoughts and ideas that was coming to my mind, my whole body was freaking sore and i swear it was hard to even move my thighs.
What the hell happened?! Why am i here?!
Wait a minute.
Unfamiliar place? Check.
No clothes? Check?
A man-
My head spun at the direction when i just noticed the shower running towards the door infront of me, my heart raced faster knowing that i really had sex, that explains why i'm naked and i'm in this insane rich penthouse.
No ! NO! Don't tell me i had sex with a rich old gigolo?!
Cursing at myself repeatedly but silently, i carefully stood up and picked my clothes, wearing them like i'm flash. I searched for my bag and thankfully i wasn't stupid enough to not bring my things with me. While i tried to search for my things, i catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. i gasped when i realized the marks that he left all over my body.
i covered my mouth in shock, shit it's all over me!
The bathroom door opens.
My adrenaline starts up and i ran to the door without any hesitation, I didn't get to see the man, and there's no way i'm planning to. he probably didn't see me since i was close to the door already. I didn't look back and ran as fast as i can to leave at that place.
I also realized that that room was the only room in this floor.
Damn rich man
I felt disgusted at myself as i left the building, covering myself up. I tried to recollect the memories that happened last night but all i could remember was being embrace by a man with darkness that surrounded us- meaning that all the lights were turned off. i covered my face in shame when i remembered his handsome face, his soft wet lips that travelled around my body all night.
Damn it.
Even though it’s a shame, there's no way in hell we're meeting again!
"Girl you what?!" Christa said in disbelief as Keshia and Belle had their jaws dropping after i told them what happened last night. We're currently at Starbucks near the campus since our classes just ended,
"Let me get this straight! You passed out with one fucking glass?" Christa almost shouts. "And you woke up next to man?!"
Belle shakes her head.
I couldn't bring it up earlier when school started that's why i just told them after school, even though i knew what their reactions would be i still told them about it. "It's because of some asshole who insulted me! I completely forgot about my one glass alcohol tolerance." I said trying to excuse my self.
"You left so early that we thought you ditched us." Keshia said in honesty. "I'm sorry if you had to experienced that- wait. Did he use a condom?"
My eyes widened as i tried to remember the scenes in my head. . .
"Of course he would! He's not stupid to get a woman pregnant from a one night stand!" Christa exclaimed.
"Umm excuse me? Anyone can forget putting condoms on their dicks when they're too focused on a girl's body- i mean look at her! She's fine!" Keshia argues with her.
They all looked at me, i gulped.
"What? What's wrong?" Belle asks worried.
"What if he knows me?" I asked worried.
"How can he? You left really early right? You only fucked, there's no way he'll know who you are so don't be so nervous." Christa said. "You saw his face right?"
I nodded, i was slowly recalling everything that happened which made my ear go red, i covered my face from shame- i was actually being turned on from my memories!! THE GUY THAT I FUCKED WAS HOT.
"Well?!???? Is he a 10?!" Keshia.
I looked at them and nodded.
"Everything's a 10?!" Christa. "Even .. down below?"
I nodded and quickly buried my face into the table, i was blushing red when i was trying to push away all the memories that were popping into my head. THIS IS NOT YOU LUNA.
"Girl, that is one lucky one night stand, i want him too." Keshia daydreams as she leans on the table. "But why did you say you think he knows you?"
I scratched my head. "Well.. um. I think i dropped my id in his room."
But come to think of it, it's not like he's gonna contact me right? I nodded to myself. I was feeling relieved after realising that it was impossible to encounter him ever again. I mean there's a lot of girls that has got to be fucking with him- so thank god that's over.
"ohHhH!! I hope he contacts you!" Keshia squealed in excitement.
I raised an eyebrow. "He won't."
"No. I think he'll come right at your doorstep begging for more!" Christa rolls her eyes at Keshia.
I shook my head and sipped my mocha latte, i closed my eyes for a second before we heard a loud noise coming from the outside, the sound of a helicopter that was going towards the campus. For some reason, i felt nervous. Belle smirks at all of us and laughs. "You know what? I think your man is at that helicopter"
We all laughed.
"Can we all just stop talking about this? Gosh it's just a one night stand it's not like he's gonna contact me again." I sighed. We took our last sips and left the building, since our cars were parked near the campus, we headed towards there.
"But girl, can't you just you know.. describe his looks?! I mean how hot he must be." Keshia daydreams once again while we walked.
"Well.." i trailed off, but i was cut off when we saw a large crowd heading towards the football stadium, most of them were girls. They were running towards the stadium as if their lives were at stake. Christa being the gossip girl she was, she stops one girl and asked. "What the hell is going on?"
"You don't know?! MARCUS TIDEOUS IS THERE! I don't know why but he's there!" She screams excitedly and ran.
"WHAT?!" The three of them shouts at the same time. Not even a second has passed when they grabbed my hand and ran with the crowd, i was really confused why i was being pulled to the crowd but curiosity got me walking fast too.
"MARCUS I'M COMING!" Keshia overreacts as she ran with all her might with 3inches heels. Thankfully i was wearing sneakers. They all looked like the birds in nemo though- okay i'll just keep that to myself.
When we arrived to the stadium, i was surprised to see hundreds of people around a single helicopter. The helicopter was yet to land since a lot of students were below it, it looked like there's no way they'll leave in any second. I almost laughed when i looked at all the squirming girls screaming his name.
Who the hell is this guy? I mean i know he's rich and all that shit- but how famous is he that all the girls would be dying to meet him? There was alot of pushing and pulling that i got swept away from my friends, annoyed that they wouldn't stop. I got out the crowd and sighed.
The hell, i'm just gonna die if i stay here any longer that i already have. I nodded to the thought and was about to make a step forward if the guy in the helicopter made an announcement using a speaker.
All the girls screamed.
"Boss Tideous is looking for a girl named LUNA. I repeat LUNA, if you're here the- OH! I see her boss!"
Everyone turned silent when he mentioned that name.
I gulped. Oh shit.