Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

Why is my instinct telling me that his boss was the guy last night?- no. That's impossible, stop talking nonsense Luna, there's just no way that his people is pointing at you right now.


I looked down below and noticed that my shirt was screaming blue- and that was the time i knew i fucked up. Everyone i mean EVERYSINGLE ONE OF THEM TURNED THEIR HEADS TOWARDS ME. The girls was cursing at me with those eyes! I turned a heel and ran away as fast as i could.



That's right, the girls was chasing me! Including my friends! Fuck! Thankfully my sneakers was helping me survive all this time. All of them was screaming towards me, they were all comments of insults and the name of Marcus Tideous popping up now and then.

My eyes widened when the helicopter followed my tracks and lowered a rope ladder, i don't know why i held onto it, but my instinct got the best of me telling me that i would die right now if i didn't hold onto it. I grabbed it tightly and the helicopter started to ascend, making the other girls unable to reach me any further.

Damn that was so close- but.



"I CAN'T'!! We're hundreds above feet!! I'm going to die!!"

"Okay just hold on! We'll arrive shortly ma'm!"

"Do i even have a choice?!" I cried helplessly. I never imagined a moment where i would be gripping on a rope so hard from a helicopter. It was hilariously sickening to the stomach. I wanted to puke but chose not to, i mean imagine a puke from the skies.

People would make conspiracies about alien puke- okay that doesn't make any sense.

Suddenly the helicopter stops midair, making me look up from any news why we stopped when we even haven't arrived and i was still hundreds above feet.

My eyes widened when the guy from the one night stand smirked at me from above, i was confused at to why he was holding a huge scissors in his hands. He held onto the speaker and said.

"Luna, Marry me."

"WHAT?!" I said shocked, i was thinking that he must be insane making a proposal while i was hanging onto my death! "YOU COULD NOT JUST DO THIS IN LAND?! AND I DON'T WANT TO! YOU'RE INSANE!"

He frowns, he held the scissors and directed it towards the rope I'm holding into.


"Then marry me." He smiles.

"NO FUCK YOU!" i said, having the confidence that he wouldn't cut the rope.

But unfortunately, i was too naive when i thought of that, he really did cut the first handle of the rope, making the rope loose, i almost fell when that happened, thankfully i was gripping the rope so tight- even jesus was supporting me.

"FINE YOU INSANE PERSON! Just get me out of here!!" I cried, i felt the tears falling from fear. I was developing a phobia from heights because of this.

"You promise?"

"I do!!!! I DOO!! "i said as if we are already at the altar.

i cursed under my breath when we started to move again, feeling how pathetic looking i was below him, my make up was all smudge up from crying and my hair was a mess because of the wind.

He'll pay for this!


After being dragged by the helicopter, we finally reached our destination and we landed. I don't know why but my instinct got the best of me and i started to run away from the guy who proposed to me, i mean who wouldn't? I'm in the middle of nowhere with this guy! "There's no way i'm staying here!"

Unfortunately, i was not even close to the exit when the guards caught me, i squirmed and tried to shake them off but to my dismay i couldn't do it, so i just gave up and let them drag me in a room upstairs.

"Ow!" I yelled as they threw me on the bed before they leave.

I held my head in frustration, what the hell is happening?

I grabbed my phone and noticed that there was no signal in this place, i looked at the window and noticed large tress- probably we're in a forest right now. "I need to get out of here."

I stood up and headed towards the window, the doorknob suddenly turns, and the sound alerted me. I was frozen facing the window, scared to face the guy who just entered. His steps slow as he walks towards me. I flinched when i felt his arms wrapping my waist, and his one hand reaching onto my neck. His face close to my ears, he whispered. "Beautiful."

I felt disgusted and pushed him off me, but i didn't realised that doing so would make me fall from the window, i reached my hand out as my eyes glued to the man smirking at me, i felt a chill on my spine before i finally fell and everything went black.


Who was that? Why did he smile like that?

My eyes slightly opens, and once again i was in the room where i was brought to earlier. I looked beside me where a mirror was placed and noticed a bandage on my head and on my right leg. I flinched from the pain and stared at the door once again.

It turns and the man that i feared entered.

He noticed my conscious state and smirked. "You're finally awake."

I glared at him. "Get away from me!"

He ignores my warning and sat on the chair beside me, my hand shook from fear and i avoided his eyes. I don't know why but i really feel bad - like something was up. And his fake smile makes me puke.

He stands and pick strands of my hair, he kisses it softly, making me looked at him shocked. But my fear grew when i noticed his eyes shifted into- menance.

"Long time no see Luna."

My eyebrow rose. "Do i know you? If it's about that nigh-"

He shuts me up using his finger. "Shh it's fine if you don't remember." He smirks. "I just want you to know that i'm someone that..." he caress my face, and i turned my head in disgust.

".. hates you very much."

My eyes widened. "What?"

I turned to face him and noticed his dead stare, he lets go of my hair and grips my chin hard, pulling me close to him and forcing me to kiss him, i tried to fight back, but was unable to because of my injured body. Tears started to fall from my eyes as the kiss went on, his tongue messing with my own, he bites my lower lip, making me flinch in pain.

Blood comes out from it.

He pulls away, and i breathed hard again, regaining oxygen from kissing him too long. Can i even say he kissed me? No it was utter nightmare!

I glared at him. "You're Marcus Tideous right? Why are you doing this to me?!"

"You don't even remember me, why should i tell you? Figure it out on your own. Honey." He smiles, suddenly slapping the papers from his hand in my face. As i looked into it, my eyes widened in horror.

Marriage Certificate?!

"No! i rather die than marry a psychopath like you!" I yelled.

"Then let's fire your mom huh?" He said.


"You see.. she works in my company, she's been working in my company for last 15 years? Should i just fire her?"

Mom works in his company? No. Shit why does it have to be a coincidence! Mom has worked in that company from the longest time, and we've been living good because of the high wages, i haven't even graduated- there's no way i could support both of us if she gets fired because of me. And the thought that she love her job makes it even harder for me to imagine my situation right now.

I gulped hard, my hatred growing by second as i tried to swallow my pride. I stuttered, "Don't.. pls don't fire my mom."

Who the hell is this guy? I thought he was just a one night stand, guess there was more to it.

He eyes me with a blank stare. "Good, after you recover we can start."

"Start what?"

"Oh you'll know." He smiles.

After having no choice to sign the papers, he left me once again. I couldn't take what was happening that i swear that tears just coming out from no reason. I know that there was no one who can save me from that guy, but i still hoped for someone. I gritted my teeth and swallowed everything- there must be something missing maybe that's why i don't remember him.

I tried remembering but there was nothing. "Damn what the hell is he talking about? How could i remember something about him?" I cursed under my breath.

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