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Chapter 15

A beautiful couple, holding each other hands, entered in that hotel. Suddenly, everyone gaze fell on them. They were stunned for a moment after seeing those two entering hotel. The man had strong build and walked with discreet air of elegance with a beautiful girl on his left.

Shivam was delighted. Now there was no need for him to hide from his uncles and aunts. From today, they won't disturb him again and again by bringing new girls for him, while Urvashi beautiful were eyes were blinking in search of food center.

The hotel was big, but Urvashi's nose was more sharp. Just after sniffing two - three times, she immediately guessed where the food center was. She immediately ran towards the food center, leaving Shivam behind.

Seeing her gesture, Shivam wanted to laugh, but he could only do was staring her back.

She must be very hungry!


After roaming here and there, greeting old friends, finally Shivam met his Uncle. He bowed towards them and did Namaste.

"Namaste Uncle."

"Stay blessed, my son! Where is you mom and dad?" Uncle eyes were brightened, after seeing his best friend's son.

Instead of replying him, Shivam turned towards beautiful Aunt and said,

"Aunty, first of all, Congratulations to you and your handsome husband for twenty- sixth marriage anniversary. Just like last year, you celebrated your Silver Jubilee, I wish that a time will come when you both will celebrate you Golden Jubilee happily."

Then he turned and looked towards his Uncle and explained, "Sorry uncle, right now dad, mom, my uncle and my sister are not in town. So I came to wish both of you on their behalf."

"Huh! Tell your dad that when he will celebrate his Anniversary, I am not going attend." Uncle was annoyed.

Suddenly, aunty poked uncle from her elbow and asked politely, "My son, Don't listen him. Okey?... First of all, tell me about that girl you bring in this party. What is her name? Who is her father? Where is she right now? Why she is not with you? I really want A TALK with her."

Shivam was stunned for a moment. He knew what A talk means. All the women will gather and ask difficult questions, if girl will reply all the answers, they will give her a tagline of =The Talkative Girl=, if girl won't reply, they will give her a tag line of =Dumbo=.

Shivam was already aware of her behavior, but he could not help but tried to reply her. "Aunty, she is my friend."

After saying this, he hurriedly ran towards the washroom, trying to give excuse to his aunt.

"Sometimes, these aunts are really nosy." He murmured. But later he laughed because his mom also falls in this group.


Urvashi was eating those delicious food hurriedly. If people would have seen her in that condition, they would believe that she had not eaten food from past one year. But somehow, there were no one in the food center except Urvashi and waiters. Waiters have seen many people like Urvashi, gulping their food like this, so it doesn't bother them. It was their daily routine.

Suddenly, in the main entrance, a tall man in navy- blue suit, walked elegantly towards the lobby, surrounded by several man in black suit. He had a pair of thick, sword shaped eyebrows, crystal eyes and a beautiful face. He was so eye catching that others could spot him immediately from crowd. Just from his eyes, he gave hint to his bodyguards and all the bodyguards stopped right there.

When he entered, all the beautiful, young , unmarried women started adjusting their clothes. Many women ran hurriedly to washroom to check whether their makeup is correct or not.

He put an aloof face, made everyone in the hotel to hold their breaths all of a sudden. Making people difficult to approach him.

He scanned throughout the hotel and directly strode towards the main characters of this party.

"Namaste Aunty, Namaste Uncle, Congratulations for your twenty-sixth marriage anniversary. I hope both of you to live a long beautiful life." Arjun's voice was very polite, but his strong and sturdy voice made goosebumps to females who were near by him.

"Thank You my dear, I thought you won't come. Now, you made me happy. I wish next year you come with a beautiful girl just like your brother."

Beautiful girl?..

Is Shivam here?....

He also brought a woman?....

Thinking of this, Arjun's eyes narrowed.

Why this brat is here?...

Is he asking for death?...

Arjun face turned cold. He greeted again and started to search Shivam. Suddenly a beautiful feamle voice came from behind, "Mr. Arjun!"

Although Arjun wasn't interested in talking any one right now, but this voice was familiar. He turned around.

"Hello, Miss Deepika. Nice to meet you." Arjun voice was still cold, just putting formalities.

Deepika smiled bitterly. After judging Arjun's face, she understood that Arjun wasn't in good mood. So, she explained her existence, "Mr. Arjun, nice to meet you too. Actually I haven’t any intention to disturb you. But..... ummm ... actually.... my father wants to meet you." Deepika replied nervously.

Arjun changed his expression slightly, but his cold aura was still written on his face. He replied, "Okey! It will be nice to meet Mr. Trivedi."

After replying, Arjun followed Deepika.

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