Chapter 17
Arjun wasn't aware of Urvashi's thought. He only saw Urvashi stupidity. Trying to use her hands, to throw something invisible and regretting.
Urvashi didn't give up. She did the whole process again. And failed again.
"Can you stop doing these childish things? Now listen me carefully, I haven’t locked you to do something wrong with you. I just don't want to create a seen in public. That's why I brought you here. Just tell me where is Shivam. I will be the first one who leave this room." Arjun had never explained this much to anyone in his entire life. His cold and loud voice was ecoing throughout the room.
Before Urvashi could say anythin, Arjun's cellphone rang. He picked it immediately.
"Mr. Arjun, Shivam has already reached in the mension."
Arjun cut the phone. Before he could say anything, he saw Urvashi running towards the door , opened it and fled away.
A pair of eyes were watching everything, Arjun forcing a girl to the VIP room.... After sometime, the girl came up hurriedly....
"There is something fishy between the two." Thinking of this, the man smiled.
Next afternoon.
X Groups company.
"Sir, today our contract is expired with Yago company, now it's the time to renew the contract."
"Hmm. Make an appointment with Mr. Yago."
"Okey sir, today's appointment with Mr. Hexo is cancelled. His secretary informed us that yesterday night, Mr. Hexo met an accident."
"What? In which hospital? Send his location to driver right now." Arjun ordered.
"Sir, don't worry. He just got a plaste in his right hand. He is taking home rest."
"Sir...." Rahul asked this in hesitation.
Arjun's expression and attitude were really serious, which made Rahul chills down his spines. But he got his guts, gulped a mouthful saliva and continued,
"Mr. Sharma, should I arrange new girlfriends for you?" Rahul was shivering.
Although Rahul was the best friend of Arjun, but when in terms of work-related matter, they both had always behaved as Boss and employee.
At that time, Arjun was signing some official works. His pen stopped, raised his head and looked towards Rahul with his cold eyes.
"No need, just make an appointment with Dr. Chunchun."
"Okey." After bowing down, Rahul left hurriedly.
After closing Arjun's office door, Rahul wiped his sweat of his forehead. He was worrying that his question may make Arjun angry and then he will have to bear theconsequences. But the reality was different, although Arjun's expressions were cold, he replied patiently, which made Rahul thinking that he had thought too much.
"I hate humans, why I trusted them? One took my brooch, another took Pinu. Pinu was my only friend. Why I trusted them? Why?" Roaming on a random steet, Urvashi was crying loudly, gaining attentions of passers-by.
"Sometimes, I think I should return to Fairyland right now! But if I return now, I could never get a chance to come here again. Then what about my brooch?"
Thinking of this, Urvashi was crying more loudly, ignoring the world around her.
"I think it's me who is reponsible. If I wouldn't be greedy enough for a tasty meal, Pinu would be with me."
Thinking about Pinu, Urvashi felt guilty. After crying for more than an hour, she wiped her tears and straighted her back. Having determination in her eyes, she promised herself, " I will take my brooch back! I will bring back Pinu! I am the princess of Fairyland. Yes, I can do this!"
Clenching her fist, Urvashi walked forward. She tried to search those two humans in various streets, bus stands, markets, but all her hardwork gone in vain.
Tired and hungry, she sat down on a nearby bench. After taking rest, she saw a big mall. Her eyes lightened. She saw her clothes, that yellow frock that she was wearing . She realised she really need to change. She happily entered the mall. If she want to look like humans, she have to wear clothes like humans.
Although, she was the princess of Fairyland,
she was definitely picky. She choosed some high quality standard clothes for herself. After that she decided to leave.
After judging her beautiful yellow frock, instead of shouting, the employee of that mall asked patiently, "Miss, you forgot to pay! Hehe."
He smiled awkwardly. Urvashi didn't understand what he said. She resumed her walking.
"Miss, do you brought a card or will you pay with cash?" This time, the employee voice was loud.
"I don't have card or cash." Urvashi said casually.
"Then miss, leave these clothes right here" Employee screamed loudly, gaining the attractions of passers-by.
"Why? I like it, I won't give you." Urvashi was also irritated by constant nagging.
"Oh! Stop her."
"She is steeling our clothes."
"Security, Stop her!"
After hearing what Urvashi said, all the employees near her started targeting her.
Seeing the danger, Urvashi started running.