Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 10

The big boss was stunned, though earlier on he was furious and felt disrespected, all that seemed to have quietened down after seeing her angry but maintaining her respect for him as her employer. He wondered what make this woman was. He seemed to have been really touched by her words. He went through the report and noted some things he needed some clarity on. His ego stood on the way between his hand and the phone receiver.

After a long contemplation, he finally masked the courage to make a call. The door flipped open. “Yes sir, you called?” asked Ms Scott. “Yes, please have a seat. I’ve gone through the report and have highlighted some things I didn’t quite understand and I needed clarity of. If you have your copy in your office, may I request your secretary to bring it over so that we can both look at it?” the boss asked but this time around there was something different about the tone of his voice which Eve couldn’t yet put a finger on it. “I don’t mind if you call her, just don’t get used to calling my secretary, she’s mine” Eve said with a chuckle indicating that she is just teasing him.

This time he didn’t get worked up because he thought he already understood what kind of a person Ms Scott was. She was such a tease. They went through the report and Mr big boss was so impressed with so much intelligent this woman exudes. She surely knows her stuff. They went back to other duties after Eve requested a bigger conference room for all the designs she approved of to be displayed there and the people working on them to use to improve their concepts better rather than being in different small offices.

Eve saw to it that the conference room is furnished in a more comfortable way for the designers to do their best. Even though she was hopeful that the final work that’s gonna be presented to the big boss was going to be excellent, she still wanted to motivate and cheer up her stuff. They really have been doing their best. She thought long and hard about what to do to motivate them.

Eve got an idea on what she could do. She picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Hello! Mr Viaz?” querried Eve. “Life and direct” bellowed a deep voice on the other side.

Just as she was about wrapping up her conversation with Michael Viaz, one of the designers knocked on her already ajar door. She raised her hand indicating for him to come in. “Yes Michael, I would be honored. You know you still owe me a big favor, and those were your words not mine. So I’ll be looking forward to you honoring your word Mr Viaz” said Eve as she said her goodbyes over the phone and stared at Jamie who had entered her office.

However, his face lit up the moment he heard her mention both Michael and Viaz in the same sentence in her phone conversation.

With wide eyes he asked, “was that really THEE MICHAEL Viaz the top Interior designer in the whole Island? My role model? You know him personally? Michael the Angel?” he shrieked like girls when they see their favorite guy celebrity. His shriek was too loud she put her fingers in her ears to stop them from bursting. She decided to tease him. “No, it was rather Gabriel the Angel. I called heaven and God decided to pass the phone to Angel Gabriel who happened to talk to me about Angel Michael, do you want Angel Michael's help or something? You shouldn’t eavesdrop on people’s conversations you know. ” she said that in a very serious tone his heart almost skipped a beat.

His face turned pale. She burst out laughing. “Yes silly, I’m pulling your leg. It was your Angel Michael. Now did you come here to talk about Angels or work matters?” Eve joked. He burst out laughing too and was relieved. “N-no no bosslady, I came to ask if we could break for lunch or do we take it as overtime and continue working.” He responded.

“Firstly, please don’t call me bosslady and tell them I command them not to call me that. Call me Evette or Eve, okay! And secondly, no supervisee of mine will work on an empty stomach, please take a break, eat something, stretch a bit or take a quick nap if you don’t eat at lunch. Whatever you to, relax your mind to allow for more creativity. Be back in an hour” she instructed.

Jamie took off too excited to go and announce the mercy and grace of her majesty the Queen of the house! They were really enjoying working under this woman’s supervision. They could anticipate that working here is really going to be fun. All the other department members whose designs didn’t get picked were not left out, the department had literally moved from their offices to the big conference room and they all worked together to incorporate different ideas and concepts.

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