Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8

Leah looked at the gentlemen and said in a soft voice, “Mr though I may not be qualified, I’m very much capable. Give me the chance please.” She said batting her eye lashes.

Leah is a very beautiful girl, milky white skin, curvaceous body and long waist length jet black hair. She had naturally sea green eyes but she decided to be dramatic and always used golden contact lenses. Mr PA was drawn towards this girl’s looks and wished she could work here and he would get to know her better. She seemed like fun. He smile and looked at Eve begging her to just finish the procedure since Leah was already here. Hearing this, Leah chuckled and got excited. When she got up to leave after the interview, she glanced at the guy and winked then huffed at her sister as she closed the door behind her.

As soon as she was out Eve looked at Jack and said “you know we aren’t hiring her right? We aren’t even putting her in any recommendation list” “Is she someone you personally know 'coz I think she would make an interesting secretary but it’s up to you who you choose anyways. I’ll go over those that we’ve already interviewed and give you my recommendations then you can choose from there” said Mr PA as Eve has been calling him. “I thought you saw her surname that it is the same as mine? That’s my crazy baby sister. She is still at the University, there’s no way she can work full time and study full time” responded Eve.

“Oh my, I’m sorry I didn’t realize. I just concentrated on the interview not names” cried Mr. PA. Eve glanced at him and chuckled. ‘Yeah yeah yeah, concentrated on the interview my foot. You were ogling all over her with your lustful eyes punk, I saw through you' said Eve internally.

The best candidate was chosen and called to be informed to come and do some formalities and start the following day. It was someone who already worked for the company and who wouldn’t need any orientation or to be workshoped on work ethics first.

On getting home from work, Leah was ready to pounce on her big sister for making her miss an opportunity to work in such a big company and gain experience. “Is that your place of work or did they call you to come and interview for them to scare away the weak because you are like the Pharoah of design world?” Leah asked almost rolling her eyes.

“First of all, yes that’s where I work, secondly the interview was for my personal secretary, and thirdly what stunt were you pulling? You are still a student, a freshman for God’s sake, finish your studies first Leah Betty Scott” Evette responded softly. She was exhausted and just wanted to take a shower, eat and sleep, not argue with this chatter box.

“Why aren’t you helping Aunty in the kitchen and where’s B?”asked Eve. Aunty is their housekeeper who is more like a family member and has been in the family since Evette was born. She is more like their mother and they treat her so. They have never made her or her children feel any different from them whenever they visited their mother. “Aunty said she didn’t need any help, Bianca is studying in her room. That one is always burried behind her books sometimes it’s boring!” exclaimed Leah.

“Maybe you can learn a thing or two from her Li. Do something valuable than gossiping and looking for jobs while you are still studying full-time, will ya?” growled Eve as she left her standing there and went to her room.

Dinner was served, Bianca finally appeared and they chit chatted along with their Aunty who normally sat with them at the table. They never ate silently like some rich people around. God knows even if they had such a rule, Leah would most definitely be the first to break it and throw it inside a bin. Eve politely asked about the girls' tuition and the welfare of each of them, Aunty included. She wanted nothing but the best for the people she loved.

They have a huge cottage at the back of their big land which can accommodate a big family and Evette felt that it’s high time Aunty moved there and brought her family along to avoid only seeing them in installments.

She made it clear that they would live independently from them as if they are tenants, have their own meals and other provisions there on their own but would only have to take care of the house as if it’s their own.

Aunty was so touched with such compassion from the young miss. She had served this family for so many years and has only spend a little time with her children and now she felt that God had sent an angel into her life in the form of Ms Evette.

With tears streaming down her face, Aunty, whose real name is Anita Baloney said, “I don’t know how to thank this family for the kindness you have given me for so many years. May God bless you more my child. My children are going to be so excited by these news” she said standing up from her chair and wanted to kneel down as a way to say thank you but Eve abruptly stood up to stop her. “Aunty please don’t embarrass me, I’m like your child” said Eve hugging her instead. “Besides, with your sons here, we will feel more secure. They can get also better jobs in Balridge than in the village and support the family.” Smiled Eve. Aunty was so excited and left to call and break the news to her family. A family of seven.

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