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Chapter 12

"What the hell is this? You don't expect me to eat this gross, do you?" he clamoured, and Fadwa felt her whole body shuddering in fear.

The tears she had been suppressing for all the hours she spent in the house cascaded down her cheeks, and she couldn't hold them anymore. "Will you answer me or not?" It came again, and she had to muster the strength not to fall on the ground. He's freaking her out.

"I' said I should cook whatever I think of," She stuttered in between her tears, her body silently shaking.

He lifted the plate she put the indomie in. looking between her and the plate, he spoke "This...this is called breakfast in your wrecked home? Have you ever tasted it before to know whether it could be eaten for breakfast or not?"

Is it a fault to be poor and have a father that knew nothing but to gamble and come back drunk after midnight? He made it sound as if she was the one that chose to be poor. As if she was the one that chose destiny to design her life and painted Baffah as her father. He made it sound as if it was all her fault.

She shook her head, her tears intensifying with each thought crossing her mind. "I'm sorry, but I thought the privileged people will find it amusing and would love to have it for breakfast. I didn't know cooking this would make you angry, I wouldn't have, trust me." Her voice was as slow as a whisper of a glumly night, and it came out slow; like a wind having to beg the trees to blow it away into the world, she was still in tears.

She felt as the sizzling specks of the indomie were painfully dripping on her hijab, and she looked at him; unshaken as he furiously emptied the plate on her and spat out the word she would never want to remember.

"I'm sorry, that's the only phrase the poor people know how to pronounce perfectly without difficulties. Whatever it is your name, take your sorry back as it might be of use when your poor excuse of a family gets into loan trouble. But I, Maheer Aliyu Shagari, would never take it as an apology because it came from someone poor, wrecked, that has nothing to do but be a maid. My maid. Get this place cleared off and go away!"

Before slumping completely onto the lush carpet that id nothing in placating Fadwa's burning heart. The last sound she heard was that of Maheer banging the living room close and she heard the roaring sound of his car's engine.

She can't do this. How is she expected to live with this man for a whole month? His words were so heavy, had he ever thought of their fierceness before he uttered them? Or he said them knowing so well they will break her down and she had nothing to do but cry and plaster a smile on her lips before going back home? Because she can't risk putting her family into a loan problem and she'll get stocked with him as a maid? His maid.

She cleared the place off and walked out of the living room, she needed to get her mindset, on how to avoid getting his way and how she would need endurance for the whole month she's to work for him. Fadwa didn't know where to move to, and she stood on the stairs leading to the main door staring at the plants adorning the sides of the house. It was beautiful.

"Fadwa, I hope everything is fine?" She heard a voice beside her, she turned and her eyes fell on Abban Nadia's worried face, she smiled. He had always been the fatherly figure they needed in their lives, he was the one that got them enrolled in their school when all Baffah did was beating Ammi whenever she spoke about taking the girls to school.

"I'm fine, Abban Nadia. Just needed some fresh air, everything feels new and weird."

He scrutinized her face and whole body before he spoke again.

"Your eyes look like you cried, and you have stained all over your hijab. Tell me, Fadwa, is everything alright?"

She was about to answer him when they heard a loud honk coming from the closed gate, they all knew who it is. She gulped down her fear and smiled at Abban Nadia when he motioned for her he'll leave before she walked back into the house.

The kitchen had already become her sanctuary, she ran there and herself from the man with the monstrous words. Oh, she could remember him calling himself as Maheer Aliyu Shagari, it sounded luxurious. He looked luxurious himself. Maheer, how the name fitted him so well, she groaned.

She heard his footsteps when he dashed into the corridors leading to the rooms. She came out of the kitchen and walked out. She went to Abban Nadia and asked him for a tap so she could perform her ablution, it was already Zuhr time, and she couldn't leave until 6 pm. More hours left, Fadwa.

She performed her ablution and went to the kitchen again. It's spacious for her to sleep and do all she needed, but she couldn't pray on the bear tiles of the kitchen.

After so much contemplation, Fadwa hesitated before she walked towards the corridor, heading to the room she left her black veil in.

Her head was hung down and her eyes fixed on her toes, all she wanted was for her to reach the room, take her veil and decamp from there without him seeing her, but luck wasn't on her side.

She was about to turn the doorknob of the room when Maheer turned his doorknob and came out, coming face to face with her, her golden eyes bulged like saucers; filled with fear. While his pale blue orbs were a slit of anger, disgust and hatred.

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