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The sound their iron door made; interrupted the conversation they were having with Majida under the illumination of the orange light of their candle. Fadwa flashed Majida a knowing look with a glint of fear, and Majida shrugged her shoulders in an attempt to make it look less frightening than it seems to all of them.

They all knew that Baffah wouldn't be back until after midnight, and having their door being creaked open at exact 9:09 pm is something they found disturbing. Ammi looked at them and made a zipper on her mouth, and they gulped back their words-waiting for the intruder.

"Assalamu Alaikum," they heard a familiar voice, as the person lifted their curtain. They all heaved a sigh out of relief a slow smile graced Fadwa's lips, still doubting why in the world Nadia would come to their house at this time of the night.

Nadia walked into the room and they saw someone tailing behind her. Before they all ask, her mother's face appeared under the illumination of their dying candle. All their faces smiled, and Ammi stood up to welcome her well.

"Umman Nadia, you're highly welcome, please. Have a seat please," she said, offering her the place she just stood up from.

Umma smiled and held Ammi's hands and they sat down together. Nadia walked up to where Fadwa was seated legs crossed and Majida was writing something on her books, very close to the candle so she could see whatever it is she's writing.

"We came here to talk!" Nadia hushed to Fadwa's earshot, in a thrilled tone that it made Fadwa faced her completely.

"About what? Haris is finally sending his parents to your house?" Fadwa asked, with the same tone laced with enthusiasm. Nadia had a boyfriend they met last year when she went to Bauchi to visit her father's sister. She had been hell-bent in love and has only one thing to talk about; Haris.

Blocking out the greeting voices of their mothers, Nadia smacked Fadwa's head softly and grinned. "No! Haris would soon send his parents tho, but that's not what I'm excited about. Just wait and hear what Umma would say to Ammi, I pray she agrees though."

Fadwa pouted her lips and looked at their mothers, the room was so small that even a single word couldn't be left out to Fadwa ears when spoken between them. Nadia opened her mouth to talk when she placed her index finger on Nadia's lips and pouted again.

Nadia smacked away her finger and hushed, "You always pout like a baby, it's no more cute to me."

Fadwa rolled her eyes and replied, using the same hushed tone, "You know that's my nature and I'm not doing it for someone to find it cute. So shoo.."

"Urgh! She did it again!" Nadia whined. Fadwa chuckled and her heart almost lost a beat at what Umma said to Ammi.

"Amin Fadwa, Abban Nadia sent me here to talk to you about something. He met us talking with Nadia about Fadwa dropping out of school and offered something we're not sure whether you would agree to. That's why he urged me to come in this night and ask you," she informed, looking at her with an expression that reads there is an intense need for her consideration.

Ammi smiled fleetingly and looked at Nadia. "Never would she let this slide. What is it, Umman Nadia? Insha Allah, I'd agree as per as it's not against our Islamic teachings." She smiled, seeing the begging look Nadia was flashing her even before she was being told what the request was.

"You know he works for a security agency right? So he was taken to a newly bought apartment in Mafia quarters. And the house owners needed a maid that would clean the house and cook for them, he had no idea whom he would assign as the maid; and then we were talking about Fadwa dropping out of school because of registration fees. We don't know if you would let her do the work?" She was hesitant at first but seeing the smile playing on Ammi's lips eased her mind, but she knew this isn't the end.

"Alhamdulillah! Fadwa you see? When you always say we should trust you that Allah knows, he listens Fadwa. And now he gave us a way out, Alhamdulillah. I've accepted Umman Nadia, when is she starting?" She was happy that she couldn't even see the stilled expression on Fadwa's face and the frown plastered on Majida's face.

"But there is one problem, Ammin Fadwa." She had a tight-lipped smile and waited for a response.

"What is it? I don't think there would be any problem from us; Umman Nadia. This is what I've been thinking all day, to find a solution for Fadwa."

"The owner of the house is a guy, and he lives alone. Do you think that would be possible Ammin Fadwa?" Umma asked, looking at how Ammi stilled and had her forehead creased, deep in thoughts.

"Umman Nadia..." Ammi let her words trailed off. Who would let his 19 years old daughter work in a guy's house? This era we're in? She's suddenly afraid, and numerous what-ifs were flooding in her brain. She knows and trusts Fadwa, but she's afraid- who's the guy? How was he brought up? What's his behaviour?

"I know this might be a tough decision to make, but consider Fadwa's future that is put at stake. If you're not peace about the work, then she can work for at least five months and we shall see how it goes."

"I know..." Ammi slurred and she was still cut off by Nadia's words that were beseeching and she could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Ammi, please and please I beg of you; please accept this offer. This is the only way Fadwa could get to finish her studies, and you know how it means to her. Please, Ammi."

She looked between Nadia and Fadwa, and her eyes fixed themselves on Fadwa-she doesn't budge or shows any sign that she wants the work or she doesn't. She was just...neutral.

"Ammin Fadwa, you don't need to worry that much, it's like she has a guardian there because Abban Nadia works there from 6 am to 6 pm every day. So there is nothing to worry about, and nothing would happen Insha Allah." Umma placed her hands on Ammi's laps and tapped them lightly. She looked into her eye and nodded assuringly.

"Alhamdulillah. If he accepts, then she would start working tomorrow, she should come early so they leave together with Abban Nadia. The salary is 50k, it would be given to her tomorrow because Abban Nadia told the boy's mother that she needs the money urgently. Please put this into consideration."

"Insha Allah I will. Thank you so much, Umman Nadia. Jazakumullahu bil Khair." She thanked them and they stood up to leave. Nadia hushed some words to Fadwa's ears before they left the room and Majida patiently waited until she heard their front door being creaked close.

"Ammi there is no way Addah Fadwa would go and serve someone! Ammi I'm totally against this wallahi. She can be treated badly, she would be looked down onto. This maid thing should not be considered, Ammi. Fadwa deserves a very good life, not to serve as a maid!" She was fuming sincerely, looking between Ammi and Fadwa that still wasn't showing any emotion on her face.

"If you all don't like it then I'll go on her behalf, to work even for a month so she could pay for her exams fees." They all jerked up at Ammi's words, looking at her as if she had grown horns on her head.

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