Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"Do you know why you're here?" He asked, his eyes still on me.

I swallowed hard, I have to answer. Why am I here? I'm here because I want a job and you're making me feel like I should work out that door right now.

"Yes sir, to meet my employee." I answered still looking down.

"No." He said, making me look up at him in surprise, if it's a not to meet my employee then what.

He should just fire me and let me walk out of here, I know I can't even be a cleaner here, me at this huge building, I closed my eyes gently waiting for his blow.

"You are here to work as a personal maid to my son." He said and I opened my eyes imediately.

My mind process it fast, is he giving me the job, have I failed the job since I don't know the reason I'm here, I don't understand what he really mean.

I looked at him and said softly. "I'm I already hired?"

"Else you don't want the job." He looked at me, his eyes on my face without expression.

"I want it." I blurt out immediately. Jezz, this was so easy, I'm accepted just like this, my inner goodness made a joyful backflip, I smiled.

He looked up at me with that expressionless face and I stopped smiling. "You think it's easy?" He asked, as if reading my thoughts.

My inner goddess stops her backflip and stands with a paused lips. "The procedures. Yes." I paused and watch him.

He stands up, expression still unreadable. "Send me your account details. I will send you your starting salary. Just in case you don't last."

I stopped and looked at him, what does that mean? If I don't last?

I blink, why won't I last, is only to babysit a child, I've done that countless times and sure enough my kid sister was one hell to deal with. I can do this. I will last.

He looked at me. "Your account details." He demanded.

I quickly sent it and he looked at me. "Transferred."

My phone beam and I look at my balance and freeze. I was too shock at the amount and I just stared down at my phone, it was the first time I've ever received such huge amount of money.

I haven't even started working and here I am, receiving an acceptance salary and it's this huge. Jezz, I'm keeping this job.

I have a lot of bills to pay and Kim to take care of, and this money, is far enough to settle Kim's school bill. I'm never going to leave this job. Never!

"If you succeed, then you will earn that much every month." Grey Robinson said making me look up at him blankly.

I can make this much monthly, I can earn this huge sum monthly, my inner goddess smiled and does three backflip. I must succeed!

"Accommodation is free, and going out is not restricted, just do your job." He voiced out again making my inner goddess smile again.

No problem. I'm in for it!

"The whole of the second floor it his place and your working area." I looked up and it felt like another world is up there.

He continue. "You are only allowed down here whenever you're called by me. Attend to all his every needs." He looked at me. "Good luck." He said finally and walked out.

I remembered all his word and sure enough I can work with that.

I smiled, this place is going to be fun, accommodation is free, only attend to his every need.

What will a kid needs be, food, water, bath, maybe help him with his homework. I giggle.

I looked around the place I was standing and I noticed that it was a real paradise. I smiled.

I've got the job, and it was so easy. Now the saying I heard was true, that ninety-five percent of what makes us worry is our imaginations.

I smiled satisfied, satisfied and I breath a sigh of relief and take in a large amount of air. This place smells nice and it is really amazing.

Mr Grey Robinson, jezz, he was really scary, thinking back at his expressionless face, I shake the thought away.

I didn't ask him about the name of his son, well, I can ask when I get upstair, we can get to know each other very well. I smiled.

I looked upstairs and blinks, all that just for a kid, I can't even imagine staying alone up there. I looked down at the phone again and smiled at the money. Well earning this much every month just by taking care of a kid isn't so bad.

Maybe I was being rewarded for taking care of Kim at her tender age. I didn't want to drift into any sad thought now.

Right now I think I have walked into an open paradise. I smiled, everything rushing in my mind. Quick acceptance, I'm going to be fucking rich before I know it.

When I get home, I will calculate my pay for a whole year. Just then an unsettling thought came across my mind.

Kim have blurt out recently that I never last in a job. I frowned and shaked that thought away, my kid sister always have a negative idea about my job, I won't blame her, I have given her a better idea. But right now, I will make it clear. I will keep this job.

I set to go upstairs with a gentle smile plastered on my face. I walked into another paradise entirely, this place wasn't panted all white even if their were few white.

There were artistic drawings hung in the walls and each drawing has a different feeling. Some looked sad, some lonely, some what she doesn't understand.

The place looks totally awesome, i smiled. I looked up from the walls and saw a young man standing by a French window with awesome view.

He was young and stunning, standing right there with his hands in the pocket of his blue tight jean, he was wearing a white t-shirt with the two front button undone, his hair was dark brown and just like the one of her favorite Korean actor.

I ogled at him, he was too handsome and looked couldn't take my eyes off him, i couldn't move just watching this beautiful young mand here.

He turned his eyes at my direction as if knowing someone was watching him. "Who are you and why are you up here?!" He asked, more like scolding.

His voice pulled me from my thoughts and brought me to reality, that was right I remember that i was here to see here to see Mr Grey Robinson's son.

Perhaps this young handsome man works here. I smiled and walked up to him. "Do you work here too?"

I saw him scoffed, he looked offended. "Work here?" His eyes turned cold. "I am asking you what the fuck are you doing up here at my space!" He shouts and I flinched.

I saw how furious he was, why he was furious I don't know, but just now he called it his space, I was too frightened to speak.

I stood mute for a while and stammered. "Well.... I'm..I.." I was finding words, I was to scared to speak.

"Just get lost imediately!" He glare hard at me. "Before I lose my temper." He snapped.

This was not right my inner goddess screamed and I got my senses back, I wasn't trespassing, I should be the one asking who he is, the owner of the house Mr Grey Robinson just told me I have the right to be here attending to a kid and not this person from nowhere.

"I am a personal maid to the kid of Mr Grey Robinson. I was hired today and he said I will find the kid I will babysit up here." I said softly.

"What! Babysit!" He snapped, this seems to make him, more furious and deep down I wonder what is eating him up.

Few moments ago he was standing quite at the French window looking handsome and just now he's here growling at me. "Yes." I told him matter-of-factly.

I saw him walk close to me and I involuntarily stepped backwards. "Do I look like a kid to you?" He raised his brow at me with his eyes burning in anger.

"No." I said and paused as my eyes shone, I blinks and them with fright I asked. "Are you perhaps the son of who employed me?" I asked. "Are you the one I am asked to be a personal maid to?" I prayed in my heart that the answers to my questions should be 'no'.

But my head prickled. Oh no! This can't be. I thought he was a kid, I'm to be a personal maid to this man, to his handsome young man. Oh! I have really provoked him, now I'm going to lose my job.


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