Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Knowing I've done a grave mistake, I keep moving backwards. "Do I look like a child to you?" He snapped.

My heart was pounding and I think I was suffocating, just now I wish I was invisible. "No. I'm sorry. My mistake, I don't know." I sputter.

"Does it look like I need babysitting?" He looked very angry now. Jezz, I really need saving now and my inner goddess seems to be asleep.

"No." I shake my head. "I was wrong." I said softly. My back finally touched the wall and I feel trapped, when did this big place become this small.

"Do you think I need a personal maid?!" He shouts.

I shudder and swallowed hard. "That, I don't know but he said_"

I was about to say something but he cuts me off, hitting his hands on the wall close to my shoulder and I looked up at him in fright.

He was close to me, this was what a boy who loves a girl does, but right now, in this awesome paradise, there was chills and here I am with my legs shaking, scared with fright.

"I will say this once. GET LOST! And never return before I come back you disgusting BITCH!" He shouts again and walked out into the elevator I just noticed now, in anger.

Breath hard, trying to catch my breath, I bent down, trying to find my bearings, what just happened, did I just entered my grave yard.

I swallowed hard, I wasn't expecting this, the young handsome man I just saw now is like a real monster.

I took a Sharp breath and stands up, first I have to survive, and to do that I need to leave this suffocating building.

I picked up my bag and in a hurry I left the second floor and out of the house and then out of the big gate, all the excitement of this place forgotten.

I stopped a taxi and head home, relax in the back seat, I closed my eyes, remembering the few last words of that young man whose name I wasn't aware of. Jezz, the kid I should be attending to is actually a young adult with the worst attitude i ever know.

Now i realize what Mr Grey Robinson meant when he said he hope she last long.

I got home and saw my roommate, Sophie, going through her phone, I dropped my bag and sat on the chair to get my equilibrium back.

Sophie saw my state and stopped pressing her phone. "Hey Katelyn are you alright?" she asked.

I just look at her and couldn't respond, I don't know if I'm alright or if I'm not, everything about today had made me weak, all that was going through my mind now was, can I make it through a month with that young handsome man who look so angry.

Jezz! I ruined everything, I thought of him as a kid, I just imagined things.

"Did you not make it?" Sophie asked me, sitting close to me.

I looked at her and I believe my face looks pale. "I did Sophie. I got the job." I told her but my voice came out low.

Sophie raised her brow, I'm sure my reaction was obvious, this was unlike me, whenever I get a job, I become the happiest person, but today was different.

"Then what's wrong? Why the expression?" She asked again.

I closed my eyes, thinking of what to tell her, I took a Sharp breath, remembering everything. "It was a paradise, no stress. I was employed imediately and my salary was even transferred into my account that moment." I muttered.

Sophie gasped. "How much is it?" She asked, I could answer, I just hand my phone to her and she saw it, covering her mouth in suprise.

Well this was how I felt when it was sent to me, I couldn't blame her for being so suprise, I have never gotten such amount of money in my account all through my life.

"Gosh! Katelyn, you're going to be rich." Sophie gave me a happy smile and I wish I could also be happy like her, after knowing who I have to be a personal maid to, I doubt I will be happy.

Sophie looked at me, she noticed my sad face. "Why the expression?" She asked for the second time.

"I can't do this job." I mutter and a little tears for it's way in my eyes.

Sophie looked surprised. "Why not? Is it not just to babysit a little child?" She frowned, looking at me.

I wish it was as she said, we both have thought wrong. I covered my face with my hands.

"Sophie, it's not a child, it's a rude, rich jerk." I told her, defining that handsome young man in few words.

Sophie looked at me skeptically. She had told me it was a kid, a rich man kid, now I was saying otherwise.

I opened my eyes to look at her. "He even called me a," thinking at the word he called me, I paused and swallowed, it was too humiliating. "He called me a disgusting bitch." I sob.

I saw Sophie mouth an "oh." She looked at me and her face changed to an amused expression. "So I was not the only one who noticed." She said.

Sophie can actually be annoying at times, and just this moment,I regret telling her about it. "You're supposed to comfort me, not movk me." I blurt out and tears started falling from my eyes.

Sophie exhaled sharply and pat my back gently. "Well Katelyn, since you have been paid already, you should just quit."

I looked at Sophie and my expression change to an offended one. What happened to the Sophie who told me not to quit this time.

I remembered the time I lost my job, when she gave me the contact of Mr Grey Robinson, she had told me never to quit this time Elsa she would throw me out of the house.

Now that same Sophie was saying otherwise. I looked at her and listen to the thing she have to say now.

"Well it will be bad if you do that." She said and I breathe a sigh of relief. "Katelyn you have got the job and an obstacle on the way. How about you show him you're not a quiter huh!"

I knew I'm not a quiter, I was grateful she reminded me. Actually I would have gone for her first opinion of quitting, but thanks for her reminder.

"For Kim, this is a great fortune." Sophie said and this is another reason why I should not quit. "She won't have to live like you at least."

This made me sigh, Sophie knows how to comfort someone but she also ends it with an offending words.

"No offense." She voiced out, happy for my reaction. She stands up. "Remember, you're not going to stop now. Not early at least."

Her words made me smile a little. Now this is the Sophie I know, the one who told me not to quit. "I won't!" I blurt out with nerlw determination.

Sophie smiled. "How does he look?" She asked me.

I know we're at this again, Sophie like asking me about any man I work with, or work for, and I know she was asking me how that rich, rude man look like.

"His looks? I don't know." I told her, I didn't get a better look of him, he was really scary, I shudder. "He was scary at best." I told her.

Sophie sighed, she looked at me and I know she was not pleased with my response. "Where is the fearless Katelyn?" She asked.

I don't even know the response to her question, I knew I was never scared of anything or anyone, but ever since I walked into that opened paradise, I became scared, especially when I encounter that rude man.

I stand up in anger, I had really been scared for nothing, I can do this, I'm not a quitter. "I'm going back" I said with a thick voice.

"Now that's the spirit!" Sophie cheered me on. I knew I have recovered my equilibrium and I was determined now.

"Thanks Sophie." I hugged her and picked my back, before leaving the house. I knew I have to face this obstacle, for Kim.

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