Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5 (part two)

Every weekend, Dalia comes to their house and did the whole house chores. Most of the times, amira wasn't around. Sometimes she doesn't even get to see amira. And sometimes Muhsin was the one that returned her home when the driver doesn't show up. Mommy kept a close eyes on them as she warned amira about it but amira being the nonchalantly type, she ignored her mother's warnings.

One day when he was on his way to return her home, he parked the car by the roadside and looked at her. She raised her head up in awe knowing there weren't at the house yet. She slowly turned her head to look at him. "What's wrong? Did the car breakdown?" She asked softly. He smiled as he shook his head? "Can I ask you something please?" He asked. She hesitated before she slowly nodded even though she wasn't comfortable with the conversation.

"I can't help but wonder; is this how wives are supposed to treat their husbands? I mean you have seen how my wife is." He questioned. He had been wanting to ask her that question because she was different, he observed. Whatever she did was alluring.

She slowly shook her head. “No, I don't think so. I mean that is not how I saw my mother treating my father. Maybe she doesn't know how to handle things as a wife because... I have kind of noticed that's how her mother is, being uncaring but not that I’m eavesdropping on them or anything."

He looked at the road and had a thought about what she said. He returned his gaze to Dalia. "Even if she was not taught, she should know how to at least clean, do some things..."

"Well, you're right. But have tried talking to her about it before?" She asked. He threw his head back laughing a bit. "I have lost count of how many times I have spoken to her about it. She is so entitled and stubborn. I just... don't know how to handle her anymore." His sigh was of a soft deflating; it was as if a tension was lifted yet left him with a melancholy instead of relief.

"Oh please don't give up on her that easily. I am sure you talk to her in a polite way maybe she will consider that and change, just as long as she truly loves, she will definitely change for you. You have to also be patient with her. When she's fire be water, not be fire at the same time, you'll always end up fighting and things would get worse. And don't just let her do all the work alone, sometimes help her. Cook and clean together. Make it fun for her not difficult or boring." She advised. He looked at the girl for brief seconds. He wondered; how could someone that young be so intelligent and wise?

He knew how Amira could be so difficult sometimes and he knew Dalia's advised might not work but that was the best suggestion he has ever gotten from anyone. "You're actually right, Dalia. I really appreciate this great advise, thank you." Her smile widened as she nodded.

She advised him more on their way till they finally arrived at the house. He thanked her again before she dropped out of the car. He watched her retreating back till she disappeared. He rested his head back on his chair, suppressing a smile. If only he married someone that actually respects him and understand that he is the man of the house, he wouldn't be there frustrating himself about anything.

After isha prayer, he went back home. He met Amira pacing around the living room like she was about to strangle him. He closed the door and stepped into the living room. "Muhsin where have you been? You left with that girl since after Asr but you're just coming back? Wait who even asked you to take her home when you know that daddy's driver was coming to pick her?"

He chuckled softly and shook his head. The audacity she has to question him about his whereabouts. "Look amira, I'm really not in the mood for any of this tonight. I am begging you to leave me alone if you do want to have a peaceful sleep tonight." He finished talking and started walking towards the dining room to eat dinner. She blocked his path as she placed her hands on her waists. "What do you want please?" He asked tiredly. "Is it because I’m the one in love with you that’s why you’re treating me like garbage in front of that girl? You are always yelling at me or saying hurtful words at me all in front of that village girl."

He smiled a little while he brought his hands from his pocket. "Okay come," he muttered as he widened his arms for her. She glared at him and looked away. He moved closer to her and enfold her in his arms. "You’re right and I am so sorry about that. I shouldn't be yelling at you that way in front of her. I am sorry."

She looked at his smiling face, he was apologizing to her. Something he had never done before. She exhaled and placed her head on his chest. "But you have to stop being rude to me too and start taking responsibilities of the house. Don't you feel ashamed that mommy had to send that girl to come clean your own house?"

She hissed and pushed him away, "there you go again. Why do you enjoy doing this to me muhsin?" He raised his hands up and shrugged. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. Now, I have been wanting to ask you, when are going to stop taking those pills? It's been almost a year now, I want to see my own child." He held her closer and wrapped his arms around her.

"But, babe we've talked about this before and we agreed after two years of before that," she murmured as she placed her head on his chest and slipped her arms around his torso. "If that's what you want, then I am willing to wait," he whispered back, though he really didn't mean that. It would only cause another commotion between them if he tried to argue. And Dalia was right, whenever she was fire he had to learn to be water.

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