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Chapter two (part three)

Two weeks passed by in a blur and ja’afaar’s family still mourned about his death, most especially his wife and daughter. Things haven't even gone far but they were already seeing lots of changes from his family. After the seventh day, none of his relatives came to visit them again nor ask if they needed help.

The only person they could show the world they appreciate was daddy and Ja’afaar’s younger brother who has been with them all through.

Daddy visited everyday, made sure they lacked nothing. He was responsible for all the food given out to people that came to offer their condolence to them.

On the 15th day of his demise, daddy visited them after jumma’at prayer together with his driver. He met Amina together with her daughter still as down casted as they have ever been.

“I hope I’ve met you in good health.” Amina smiled and responded. He cleared his throat after they have finished exchanging pleasantries. “Dalia,” he called her name, smiling. She answered as looked up. “Could you please give us a minute, I need to speak with your mother,” he spoke politely. She smiled a little and nodded. She respected him more than words could tell. She gently rise to her feet and entered her room.

He turned his gaze to Amina who had her head ducked the whole time. You could tell she was going through lots of pain but rather not speak of it. She heaved a sigh as she placed her hand on her cheek while placing her elbow on her lap. “Amina, I have been wanting to speak with Dalia’s father about something but Allah had better plans for us. I know what I’m about to say might sound selfish to you and unfair but what I intended to do is for the sake of Allah, and I know it will be best for all of us. Please if you don’t mind, I would like to take Dalia with me, I think that is the least I could do for my friend, ja’afaar.”

She gawked at him for brief seconds and took her eyes off him. What does he mean by take her daughter with him? How would she cope if he takes the only person she had remaining in her life? “Alhaji you have done a lot for us that saying a single thank you will never be enough and we could never repay you for what you have done. And I don’t think we would’ve done anything without your support. Thank you for your effort and time but I can't give you my child, she's the only one I look at and feel relieved.”

He knew it wouldn't be easy to convince Amina about that matter but Dalia deserve a better life. She deserve to continue with her education. She deserve every love, care and support she’d get. “I know Amina, I know it will not be easy but I want to help you, for the sake of Allah and make her life a better one. Dalia deserves to continue with her studies also don’t you think?”

Then she remembered, she always wanted her daughter to go further with her education, become a doctor or a nurse or even an engineer, anything Dalia wanted to be. But her father’s family wouldn't let her daughter be at ease. If not because ja’afaar was being tough, they would've married her daughter off to whomever they wanted long time ago. Maybe this was a great opportunity for her daughter to fulfil her dreams. And she knew if she leaves Dalia with her, they will definitely marry her off.

She peered at daddy who was looking helpless. She smiled a little and nodded. “You're right and I agree with you but, you should go speak with her father’s brother first. If he agrees, I give Dalia till she’s ready for marriage.” He smiled and nodded. “Where exactly is his house? I will go speak with him right away,” he stated.

Dalia took him to the house as her mother asked and she went back home immediately. Ja’afaar’s younger brother Jibril, came out immediately he heard it was daddy. They settled down on the weaved mat and exchanged pleasantries before daddy told him what brought him to his house. Jibril was silent for a moment before he nodded. “This is something to be happy about. Someone willing to help you no matter how little, you should always appreciate it. I would be more than happy if Dalia moved to abuja and continued with her studies. As long as her mother agrees, I have no problem with it.”

Daddy smiled brightly and thanked him unceasingly. He couldn't stop the guilt of not helping ja’afaar before he died. He thought; this might be the way he could help his friend even though he was no more.

He went back to their house afterwards and told Amina everything they have spoken about. He left with the promise he’d come pick her up after 40 days of Ja’afaar’s demise.

Later that night, Amina summoned Dalia to her room. She didn't even know how she’d start telling her daughter about it. She knew how Dalia was stubborn and it would be hard to convince her. “My Dalia, do you want to continue with your studies and become the surgeon you always wanted to be?” Amina asked and she slowly nodded as she smiled. Amina could see how her eyes sparkled as she mentioned education.

“You want to have better life, grow up and help me right?” She asked another question again and Dalia nodded again. “Mama, am I going back to school? You know my waec result was excellent and I would want to write jamb in the next few months.” She muttered, excitedly. “Yes but only if you do what I ask you to do,” she spoke and Dalia quickly nodded her head. “I will do it mama, what is it?” She inquired. “You can clearly remember Alhaji Mubarak since you were eleven right? When we used to live in abuja and how close your father was with him. You remember when we always took you to his house for holidays and how he treats you as his own daughter, right?” Dalia smiled again and nodded. “Mama how could I ever forget what he has done for us? He’s a very good man.”

“You're right, Dalia,” Amina said as she nodded in agreement. “When he came here earlier, he asked me if he could take you with him to his house so you could continue your education and I agreed.”

Dalia looked at her mother, perplexed. She did what? How? Why would she do that. “Are you going with me?” Dalia asked but her mother shook her head. “I will be here praying for your success my dear, it’s nothing to stress yourself about, okay?” She soothed but Dalia shook her head in disagreement. “If it means I have to leave you here all alone then I am not going and I give up on all my dreams as long as I will be with you, I don’t care.”

Amina smiled and pinched her nose, “why are you so stubborn. Zan kwade miki kai fa.(I will hit your head)” Dalia pouted and looked away. “This is for your own good Dalia, and this is a great opportunity and it only comes once, don’t forget. You will have a better life there and you can always come here to visit, it’s just a 20 minutes drive and I know he’ll always bring you here whenever you want to see me.”

Dalia was mute for a bit. She wanted to argue again but her mother cuts her off. “I want you to have a better life, Dalia.” She looked into her mother’s her eyes. She wanted to have that life too. She heaved a sigh and ducked her head. She was afraid to leave her mother all alone. “I promise, I will be fine here and I will always pray for you and besides, I will ask your cousin Amrah to move here, I know her father wouldn't say no.” Amina tried to reason with her daughter. Dalia hesitated before nodding. “I pray this is the beginning of our happiness,” Dalia prayed. Her mother smiled and enfold her in a hug. She would really miss her stubborn daughter being around.

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