Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3 (part one)

The day she had been dreading was finally here. All the zeal and happiness of going back to school disappeared when she realized she was really leaving her mother behind. She had tried every possible way to get out of it but Amina was serious about her decision.

She stood there by the wall in her room, staring at her mother packing her clothes as she shedded tears. "I don't know what has gotten into you this morning that you're behaving this way. I thought we've talked about it, what's with the tears now?" Amina asked as she continued arranging Dalia's belongings in her suitcase. "Mama, I don't want to leave you here alone. I know how you over think and what if I leave? What will happen?" She lamented. Amina raised her head and looked at her daughter.

She slightly smiled and shook her head. "Didn't I tell you your cousin will move here? I have already spoken with your uncle and he agreed, she's coming here tomorrow in sha Allah. Don't worry, I promise you I'll take good care of myself as long as you do the same for me, okay?" Dalia slowly nodded while wiping her tears. Amina smiled and continued packing her stuff till she was done. She pushed her to eat her breakfast as they waited for the driver to come pick her up.

Meanwhile, in Alhaji's house, Amira and her mother kept insisting that they were traveling to kaduna for a naming ceremony with daddy's driver. "Hajiya I thought I told you that I was going to send him to Kuje to go pick up Dalia this morning," he spoke a little bit infuriated.

"I know alhaji but you can postpone it till tomorrow since we're coming back today and you're not going to work tomorrow, right?" Amira's mom suggested. He looked at her in disbelief. One thing she's good is arguing with him and not obeying what he wants whenever she doesn't feel like.

"Yes daddy he can go pick her up tomorrow. Daddy you know the woman that gave birth is my closest friend and her mother is mommy's friend too. Please daddy, just this time." Amira pleaded. He sighed and shook his head. He gave them the car keys and they gladly took it and left.

He stared at them and sighed. After they left, he picked up his phone and summoned Muhsin to come meet him at home. Immediately he came, daddy ushered him in. Muhsin settled down on the soft carpet as he waited to hear what his in law has to say.

"Again, I'm so sorry I called you just like that it's an emergency. You remember Dalia right? The girl that her father died a month ago." Muhsin hesitated before replying, he had totally forgotten about the girl. "Yes daddy, remember her. The one in Kuje." Daddy nodded smiling.

"I want you to go there and pick her up. Amira and her mother has traveled to kaduna with the driver and I have somewhere to be right now. I hope that will not be a problem." Muhsin looked up quickly in shock as he heard what daddy said. She was going to kaduna without his permission. What does amira takes him as? He swiftly ducked his head back to avoid daddy from suspecting anything unusual.

Muhsin smiled a little and shook his head, "not at all daddy, it won't be a problem. I will be on my way now," he spoke gently, his head ducked. Daddy smiled and nodded. "I hope you still remember their house." Muhsin nodded gently. "Good, you should be on your way now then. We will talk when you’re on your way there or when you’re coming back.”

He stood up, headed out to his car and set the road to Kuje local government. After thirty minutes, he was in front of Dalia's house waiting for the boy he sent in to announce his arrival to come out. The boy came back and told him Amina's message that he was asked to come in.

He entered the house and met her mother outside, a weaved mat spread for him already. He greeted her before he settled down on the weaved mat. "Please you should eat before you guys leave," she offered but Muhsin rejected politely. He had to take water before amina finally allowed them to leave. They branched at her uncle’s house to bid them farewell before the left Kuje.

They were half way through the journey when he stopped at the gas station to top up his fuel. She grimaced and looked at him but he never noticed it. He excused himself without glancing her way and stepped out of the car to top up his fuel. She covered her nose with her hijab as the smell of the petrol filled her nostrils even though she covered up her nose and the windows were closed. One thing she hated was the smell of petrol, it always made her dizzy and throw up.

He came back shortly and they continued their journey. Her stomach lurched again as she covered her mouth. She was paler than a sheet of paper and lathered in sweat. "Please could you park by the roadside, I'm about to...." Chunks of digested rice spewed put of her coughing, choking mouth. Her stomach was contracting violently and forcing everything up and out.

"Subahanallah," he muttered as he parked by the road side. He came down the car and walked over to her side and opened the door for her. "I'm so so sorry I spoilt your car, I couldn't hold it, the smell of the petrol irritates me and makes me to throw up whenever I smell it...."

"Are you okay? Let me get some water," he cuts her off and opened his car trunk and brought out three bottles of water. He handed her one to gulp it down her clean her hijab while he used the other two to clean up where she threw up.

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