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Chapter 3 (part two)

She knelt down there after taking the water and cleaning where she threw up on her hijab. He heard her low wails as he finished cleaning up the mess. He turned to see her hugging her knees, head in buried in her knees as she slowly shook her head and cried. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Do you still feel nausea? Or you feel pain?” He asked as he knelt down before her.

She raised her head a little and shook her head. "I just miss my father...." When the words stopped coming out, the tears did. She was beyond agitated and now she was separated from her only happiness, her mother, things got more worse than it was.

He scratched the back of his head thinking of every soothing words that would make her feel better. Her wails has really touched him. He couldn't even imagine the pain she was going through.

"Dalia, right?" He asked because her name was difficult to remember but he still managed to. "I can't even imagine the pain you're going through right now but I know it sometimes feels unbearable because losing someone that close to you at the time you least expected it is so hard. Your prayers is all he needs now and in sha Allah he's in a better place. You should stop the tears, okay? You might get a headache."

She nodded gently and wiped the unstopping tears. She stood up and entered the car as he asked her to and they continued their journey to Abuja. He looked at her from time to time to make sure she wasn't crying anymore.

It was past 2pm when they finally arrived in Abuja. He stopped by a restaurant for them to eat lunch. "Come down let's head in and eat lunch, I know alhaji's wife isn't back yet," he spoke as he opened the door to step out. "But my hijab isn't dry yet and I'm not even hungry," she protested. He smiled and shook his head, "it is and you look okay. I know you are because you threw up few moments ago, so stop arguing, Dalia." He didn't wait for her reply and stepped out of the car. She hesitated before she also came down.

They entered the restaurant together and settled down. He urged her to order anything she'd be comfortable to eat but she refused. He ordered something he knew she would be okay with. He looked at her a chuckled softly. "You should feel free please, I will take you home the moment we finish eating," he told her. She raised her head a bit for brief second and ducked her head again.

After the waiter brought their food, he dug into his food while she stared at him wondering how he was comfortable with eating in public. She looked around and sighed. All the wanted to do was lay down and rest. He was half way through his meal when he noticed she hasn’t even touched hers. "Why aren't you eating?" He asked, dropping his spoon and focused on her face. "I told you I wasn't hungry," she murmured but he heard her.

He sighed, massaging the back of his head. After he finished eating, he asked the waiter to package her food before he paid the bill and they left.

On his way to Alhaji's house, he received a call from him. "Oh you're already in abuja with her?" Daddy asked and muhsin responded with the right answer. "Please you should take her to your parents house because I'm not home now and amira and her mother won't be back till later in the evening."

After they were done with the phone call, he did as daddy told him to. He took her to his parents house. He only met his mother in the house. He led the way to his mother's living room. "Salamu alaikum, en nyali jam aunty (good afternoon)." He settled down beside his mother on the sofa. "Muhsin, toi a ifti? A wari be kodo,(where are you coming from? You came with a visitor,)" aunty said as she looked at Dalia with a smile.

Dalia ducked her head wondering what they were saying. She squatted and greeted muhsin's mother. "How are you my dear? Please come sit," she offered. Dalia walked over to the sofa aunty pointed at and settled down. "Muhsin, Hanko on esirawo am kesum man na? (is she my new in law?)" Aunty asked teasingly as she picked up the intercom.

Muhsin scratched the back of his head smiling. "Bingel sobajo daddy on hanko on hosi alkawar jugogu mo. (She is daddy's daughter's friend. She lost her father and daddy decided to take responsibilities of her,)" he explained. Aunty shook her head in pity. "What is your name dear?" Aunty asked her. She raised her head a little. "My name is Dalia," she responded sheepishly. Aunty smiled at her again, "nice to meet you Dalia. How are you doing? Ya karin hakuri? May Allah grant him the highest rank in Jannah," aunty prayed. Whenever someone prays for her daughter, it always made her to cry. She missed him so bad. "Alhamdulillah. Ameen ameen, Thank you so much."

The maid came in with refreshments and kept it in front of Dalia like aunty asked her to. "Please feel free and eat, okay?" Aunty soothed. Dalia smiled a little and nodded. Her head was ducked all the while. She took the water bottle and opened it before she poured it in a glass cup. She took few sips and kept the cup. She peered her eyes on the TV as she listened to them talking even though she doesn't understand anything they were saying but she knew it was Fulfulde and she admired the language and she always wanted to learn.

Aunty glanced at dalia and smiled. "Bengel mai fitting am, mi do Lara o wade hakilo (I'm really impressed by her behaviour, she’s definitely humble.)"

Muhsin shrugged his shoulders and continued to try calling Amira but she never picked any of the calls. He hissed slightly and excused himself. Aunty turned her head to Dalia and tried to conversed with her but she was too shy and uncomfortable to speak much.

After few hours, he took her home when daddy called him to. He dropped her home and left to his own house while he waited for the return of his nonchalant queen.

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