Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4 (part one)

All day long he has been sitting at the desk, paper work piling higher and higher but he never cared because he had nothing exciting to do after work. He sipped his cup of coffee and flipped the page over before signing.

He heard a soft knock from the door before it squeaked open. He raised his head to see who dared to enter his office without permission. He sighed closing his eyes and opening it. “Isn't your manager supposed to be the one doing all this paperwork?” He asked looking at the pile of papers in front of muhsin before he settled down on the visitor’s chair. “I know, but what would I do if I give it all to him? I don’t have anything to do besides work,” he responded while he continued with his work. “Well how about you go home and talk things through with your wife?” He suggested. Muhsin threw his head back laughing and looked at his friend who is also his cousin.

“Talk? Talk things through? Like what exactly are you talking about, Doctor Yusuf?” He spoke nonchalantly. He never takes things seriously when it comes to Amira now. “You should sit her down and speak to her calmly. Yelling at her all the time will not solve anything, muhsin. It will just worsen things.”

Muhsin hissed softly and dropped the pen together with the file he was holding. He rests his back on his office chair and sighed. “Look, Yusuf, I have tried every possible thing to make her change but it is not working. What do you want me to do? I don’t love her anyways...”

Yusuf shook his head in disbelief. “Please you should stop saying that. I understand she isn't willing to change but saying you don’t love her with so much confidence isn't just right, especially to her.” Muhsin continued his work and shrugged off his shoulder.

“When did you even come back from Yola? How’s yapendo?” Muhsin changed the topic because he knew how Yusuf would keep on insisting. “She’s fine Alhamdulillah. They're also coming back to Abuja soon I think after Hadiza’s wedding.”

They chit chatted more till muhsin was done with his work and they left the building together. “We should go to your house. I’m sure a delicious meal is waiting for you at home.”

“A delicious meal you say? You're joking right?” He laughed heartily. Yusuf slightly punched his shoulder, “stop joking around Muhsin. I know something delightful is already waiting for you at home.”

“I will not say anything because you'd think I’m accusing her but, let’s get going then. You’ll see everything with your own eyes.” Muhsin hopped into his car as Yusuf also did the same.

They both met at Muhsin’s house. “I will show you the reason why I never invite anyone, I mean anyone to my house,” he says as they walked towards the entrance. He opened the door and they walked into the grubby living room. Boxes of pizza and disposable cups lain around the living room. Pillows scattered everywhere. Her shoes, and scarfs careless scattered everywhere. What irritated him more was how the living room smelt and she didn't care.

She raised her head up and looked at them. “Oh, Yusuf, you're welcome.” She stood up from the couch while fixing her veil. For some reason she felt a bit awkward when she observed how he was looki around the living room in awe.

“What is all this Amira? I don’t even know if I’m married or I’m baby sitting. Just last night I cleaned everywhere in this living room but look at the filthy thing you did? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” He was enraged. Not that he couldn’t control himself but there were times that he gets fed up by her filthy behaviors. Yusuf didn't even get the chance to reply her greetings when muhsin started yelling at her.

“Oh ya Rabbi, there he goes again. I’m sick and tired of this bullshit of yours, Muhsin. What the hell? Why do you keep bringing this up when this is all your fault? You refused to let me hire a made but you keep ranting about the house being dirty, am I some kind of your slave? Now it has reached to the extent that you will embarrass me in front of your cousin?” Words flew from her mouth that she never cared to even think if they were right to be uttered or not. The argument grew from nowhere into a tornado. He looked at Yusuf and pointed at him to his wife, “you see? Total bull crap. I can't... I can't deal with this anymore....”

Yusuf attempt to drag him out of the room but he wouldn't bulge. Muhsin was stronger than him even though Yusuf was the oldest. He was too infuriated to let things go like that. “Listen to me carefully, you think all you do or say to me I can't do anything to you right? Are you even okay, Amira? Talking to your husband like I’m some sort of your play mate. I did not marry you to turn you into a maid but you are meant to cook and clean my house whether you like it or I have the right to add another wife in this house that will do all I want and make things right for me if you refuse to. You’re not the only woman in this world, you should not forget that.” His fuse simmered and fizzed like a firework in a chill autumn breeze, then he exploded with unrestrained fury. She remained as still as a cadaver and just as pallid, unblinking against his onslaught. Then, he stormed out of the house.

He knew if he stayed longer, things would worsen. Yusuf briskly apologized to her before he followed his cousin outside to the parking lot. Muhsin was already in his car seated, head against the steering wheel. Yusuf entered the passengers seat and looked at him for brief seconds. “You shouldn't have said that to her Muhsin. It was too harsh...”

“What was too harsh in my words? Her words weren't anything right? I am always the bad person right? Besides, I only stated a fact. By Allah If she does not change her ways I don’t see any reason why I won't add a second wife within few months, just watch me.”

Yusuf was loss at words. He couldn't argue anymore. Muhsin was right and whenever he declares something, it stays that way.


She paced around the room panicky, thinking of a way to tackle the problems she was facing. Her phone vibrated from the side drawer, jolting her out of her reverie. She hissed loudly and walked over to the phone. “Oh, Karima, I’m so sorry you haven't seen me. I will be on my way soon,” she uttered and ended the call.

She sighed and kept the phone back on the side drawer. She picked it up again and called the one person she knew that would help her. “Mommy, good morning. Mommy, I don’t know what to do. I want to go out but muhsin is really mad at me and he said if I don’t start taking care of the house he would add another wife and I know he's very serious about it.”

Her mother was silent for bit before she hissed. “What have you done again, Amira? I know how rude you are and you must have said something to infuriate him.” Amira burst into desolate tears, “mommy what should I do?”

“What should you do? What sort of question is that? You should clean your house and cook if you don’t want a co wife, that’s it! The choice is upto you.” Mommy stated. She increased the volume of her wails when her mother uttered the word ‘co wife’.

“Wait this girl, Dalia is even around and she isn't doing much in the house, I will send her now to help you clean up the house.” Amira instantly nodded as if she was in front of her. “Yes mommy please send someone now. I am heading out in an hour. You should send her before I leave.” She didn't even wait to hear what her mother would say again when she ended the call.

She sauntered into the bathroom and had her bath before getting ready for the day. She was about to leave her room when she heard the door bell. She smiled and stepped out of the room. She walked down the stairs, passed the living room to the door.

Dalia raised her head up when Amira opened the door. “You must be the girl to clean my house right?” She asked. Dalia nodded before she greeted her. “Come let me show you what to do,” she said instead of answering her greetings. Dalia gently walked into the house and followed Amira to the living room. She looked around the dirty place but never changed her facial expression.

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