Chapter Two
“He still isn’t answering. Would you like for me to check his apartment?”
My secretary hangs up the receiver to the connected landline in my office. He stands there perfectly tailored and groomed in the expensive suit that was ordered for him. Slightly slouching in my chair, I stared out of the pane glass window that covered my entire wall. The skyrise building showcased the gorgeous city of New York. The sun lowered onto the horizon as the day was ending.
Rubbing my temple, I try not to lose my cool. It wasn’t the fact that I was the sole owner of Giordano finest Winery or the fact that I owned over a thousand acres of land in the state of California, owned five thousand acres in Washington, another two thousand acres in Colorado and all for the sake of making wine that was causing me great lengths to a migraine.
No, it was the fact that my idiot cousin, Domenico, had to go radio silence on me for the last forty-eight hours. After the last conversation we had a few nights ago, I figured he was joking. Considering what the conversation had been about, there was no possible way he had followed through with it.
But then again, he was a complete and total dumbass of the family.
I had hoped his fixated fascination would have subsided a while ago. Apparently not if he was still going on and on about Ivy Russo. The fact he couldn’t see past her pretty face was so like him. He never thinks these things through and he sure as hell never gets past thinking beyond his puny ass dick either.
But that wasn’t what really concerned me. It was the fact that she was a Russo. The enemy family of our ancient rivalry dating back from the twenties. Doesn’t matter if the girl wasn’t a Russo by blood. She was still the daughter of the Mafia lord Russo. The head of the clan.
And while my father had tried to enforce that title upon me for the last three years, I didn’t want anything to do with a gang war that had pass its prime long ago. Did the old geezers even know what they were fighting about at this point? I doubt either of them knew what started the feud in the first place.
My place was the wine that had been created and passed down through our bloodline for generations. It was the pride and joy of the Giordano’s. But while that was still my father’s livelihood, he still couldn’t get past the grudge that had been inherited in the family against the Russo’s. I just wanted to live peacefully and quietly.
If only Domenico would allow that to me. But I took him under my wing when we were just teenagers, right after he had lost both parents from a freak accident that was no one’s fault. He needed looking after and guidance. Especially since I didn’t want him to turn out like the rest of the family and get dragged down in their drama.
But my father started influencing him whenever he got the chance. And Uncle Big Tone didn’t help one bit in that regard. They dove right in when I went off to college to get my master’s degree in business. It was like they were waiting for me to leave. Because they knew I would have done whatever it took to keep their grubby hands off him.
But he had been persuaded and seduced to their gains and luxuries. While I was too busy studying, they were busy filling his head with the pleasures that money and fame could buy. By the time I got back it was too late to conform him back to what he had once been.
But a part of me still couldn’t let him go. He was like a little brother to me, and I would do anything to protect him, regardless of the shit he always puts me through. Now, I was afraid he went off and did something really stupid that was going to get him killed.
“Bring the car to the front. I’ll be going to his place.” I grouched as I pick myself out of the chair with a scowl.
“What about the Messing’s meeting? It starts in just fifteen minutes.” Charlie’s voice was full of concern.
I sigh deeply. This was an important meeting in bringing my wine and their supply of cork stoppers together. The value of their material was highly sought after and very competitive. I couldn’t afford to lose this deal with them.
But my cousin came first.
“Are they here already?” I ask, readjusting my suit jacket as I start heading out of my office.
“They just arrived.” He starts following me, typing away on the ever-present tablet that never left his hands.
“Bring the car still, I’ll have a quick word with them and pray to God they’re understanding of the situation.”
“And if they won’t reschedule?”
“Then I don’t want their business.” I say coldly.
“Understood, sir. The car will be waiting for you.” With that we go our separate ways in the halls.
I march with a purpose as I reach the glass box room that showed a long black table in the center with black plush chairs. There was three men already sitting in the room waiting for my arrival. I quickly stepped through the door, and they all turned to look at me.
I could tell they were father and sons. There was no mistaking the resemblance of the three. As soon as I approached, they all stood to shake my hand.
“I do apologize gentlemen. I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone this meeting. A family crisis just came up and it needs my immediate attention.” I start out.
The old man, who looked to be in his late sixties, frowns still holing onto my hand. “Sounds serious. I hope everything is alright.”
“To be honest sir, I’m not sure. My cousin has been missing the last two days and no one’s heard from him. He’s like a brother to me. I completely understand if you wish to have another buyer since I wasn’t able to fulfill this-”
He raises his hand to stop me. “That won’t be necessary. Truthfully, this meeting was just a waste of time anyways. We’ve already discussed it and we decided to accept your offer.”
Shock was putting it mildly. I was flabbergasted.
At the surprised look on my face, he chuckles. “I’m a family man, Mr. Giordano. I already know of your high reputation, but this solidifies my conviction on signing a contract with you. You’re respected in many communities and trustworthy as well. How about we set up a time and day for the signing, hm?”
I couldn’t help the relief overflowing my bloodstream. “Thank you, sir. I would be more than happy to do just that.”
“Wonderful! Now you get going, we’ll be fine setting it up with your secretary.”
“Again, thank you, sir.” I shake their hands once more before I was out the door and speeding my way to Domenico’s place.
I pound on the door of an apartment that was the entirety of the sixth floor of his building. Why he needed so much space I would never understand. When no one answers I take out the spare key that I had Charlie make for me for his own good. Like right now.
Unlocking the door, I slowly open it to find the place in darkness. Was he really not home right now? I move away carefully, scooping the place out for any foul play. But nothing seemed to be amiss. In fact, the place seemed to be abandoned for quite some time. Light dust was starting to cover some of the furniture.
Hasn’t he hired a maid to clean his home while he was away at least? Apparently not. Did I have to do everything for his ass? Irritation swims through me at the laziness he has acquired over time. The more money my father and uncle threw at him, the more he became nondependent on himself.
They were really trying to get him to convert to their side by making him completely rely on them solely. Ridiculous. Looks like I’ll have to have another talk with my father about this. I quickly dial Charlie.
“Yes, sir?”
“No one’s here. And from the looks of it, no one has been here for a while. Find out if Domenico has another place.”
“On it, call you back in ten.”
The line goes dead, and I continue to look around to find any clues on his whereabouts. Going into his room, I sigh. It was a pigsty. For a twenty-four-year-old you would think he would take a little better care of himself. The guy was never going to learn.
I take care not to step on anything that was splayed about on the floor. I didn’t even want to know half of the things that were lying there. I checked anywhere I could just to come empty handed. Until I get to the closet.
Which was locked.
I frown with suspicion. Who the hell locks their closet unless they had something to hide.
“What the hell did you get yourself into, Dom.” I mumble as I rattle the handle to see if it would come unhinged.
Of course, it doesn’t. So, I lift my foot and start kicking until the door finally burst through the lock. It bangs back towards me, and I quickly catch it to make it stop. Slowly opening it I see nothing but darkness until I find the light switch. But once I turn it on…
“Fucking hell, Dom. What the fuck is this shit.”
My phone starts ringing before I could fully comprehend what I was seeing right now. Seeing Charlie’s name displayed on the screen I quickly answer.
“Please tell me you found a location.” I practically beg.
“Well, that depends.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean.” I huff, my irritation is starting to grow bigger.
“By any chance have you purchased a new home in New Jersey?” he asks calmly.
Confusion spears through me, then it hits me. He fucking didn’t. “No, of course not.”
“Then I found a location…and it’s in your name.”