Dance with me
After getting dressed, I whipped open the door and found Oliver leaning up against the wall on his phone. He looked up and saw me, shoving his phone in his pocket.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
Nodding, we headed way from the studio's shower rooms and straight for the parking lot. But as Oliver drove us downtown, I couldn't stop my thoughts from going back to her. Apart of me felt like a complete dick for not showing up tonight, but I just couldn't. If she thought I was an asshole before, she was really going to think so now. Oh, well, perhaps it will make for some great angry sex when she finally decides to let me in.
"But, did I want that?", I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, staring out at the ocean drive.
"Dude, what's your deal lately?
You've been more quiet than normal," Oliver pointed out.
Groaning, I looked over at him. "It's nothing. Just drive."
I didn't need him to know what was going on in my mind because he'd give me so much shit for it. He knew as much as i did that our profession didn't leave the room for a romantic interest. But what he didn't know was that I craved one. Call me crazy, but fucking a different woman on camera several times a week wasn't my idea of love. Sure, some guys would love to be in my shoes , but what they didn't know was that I envied those who had one woman to share their bed with every night.
"We're here so cheer up, brother." Oliver pulled into the black parking lot before we got out and made our way into the club.
We were VIPs around here and had no problem getting in without hesitation. Walking up to the bar, Oliver ordered us a round of drinks before we headed over to a table with our Co workers. Monique was among them and even though she was professional today during our shoot, she was throwing me daggers now. Yep , she was still pissed about last night. I refused to fuck her.
Several drinks in and i was finally loosening up. A sexy as hell blonde had joined our party, eyeing me like I was a piece of candy and just the distraction I needed.
Walking up to her, I gave her my sky grin, eyeing her up myself. She was all giggles as we introduced ourselves.
"I'm Hudson," I breathed into her ear, feeling her shiver underneath me.
Yeah, I was used to women reacting like this. I told her my name was Hudson because Drake was a different person completely. I saved Drake for people I didn't plan on using and dumping . Holy shit, yes I was an asshole.
"Bethany," the blonde replied sweetly, looking up into my eyes. "You're super hot, Hudson. I'd love you to buy me a drink."
"Your wish is my command, beautiful." I leaned in and lightly nibbled her neck, making her moan into my ear.
Laughing, I leaned back and stared down at her. "This was going to be incredibly easy", I thought to myself.
But then something or rather, someone, caught my eye just behind the blonde. And when I saw that it was my sexy neighbor and the woman I couldn't stop thinking about, I grinned. My gears were turning and I desperately wanted to go talk to her. Thankfully I had a few drinks in by now so the courage was there.
"Well, I'll be damned," I stated, walking over to her and her friend. She turned to look at me, a completely shocked expression on her face. Like she didn't see me when she came in. "Are you following me?" I teased, looking between the two of them, wondering if they were really a thing or not.
"Guilty as charged," Her friend giggled out and that told me exactly what I needed to know. She was free for the taking. Well, you know what I mean.
"You would love that, wouldn't you?" She snarled and I couldn't stop the grin on my face from widening. I love how she seemed to be annoyed by my presence but her nipples through that blouse were telling me an entirely different story.
"I think I might." I said my eyes over her.
Scoffing, she shook her head. "You must think every woman worships at your feet, don't you?"
I internally hid a laugh as I thought about her words. Women did in fact throw themselves at me on a daily basis, but I wouldn't say they had, I wouldn't be this miserably lonely.
"Dance with me," I demanded, needing to change this subject back to her and me.
She guffawed, throwing her head back. "No, thanks, pal."
Turning, she tried to walk away but I wasn't quite finished. I ran through the crowd to cut her off.
"Awe, come on. We're at the club.
Dance with me. I can see it in your eyes that you want to." And that wasn't a lie. The moment I told her to dance with me, I could see in her face that she totally wanted to, so why the hesitation?
Her eyes traveled between me and her friend before she scoffed. "You really don't take no for an answer do you? Listen....." I shook my head as she held her hand up, "I'm not interested in this...." She waved her hand over my body and I cocked an eyebrow at her, knowing that was complete bull shit. She knew it and I knew it.
"I am," her friend stated as he eyed me up and down.
The laugh that erupted from my chest was undeniable. I just couldn't help myself. Her friend was probably a gay. "If I dance with you, do you think you could get your little girlfriend here to join us?" I stared at Lynn, challenging her. There was no way she couldn't feel this electrifying chemistry between us right now. It was palpable.
I wanted her to have just a night with me then show her what she has been missing. She wasn't easy though but I knew it that she will be moaning my name at the end.