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A Murderous Request

"What's going on?" Bianca whispered to Carmen. "Who is this man?"

Carmen shrugged. "I don't know," she said. "But I don't like the way he's looking at us."

"Do you think he's in on this?" Bianca asked. "Do you think he's working with Vida?" She asked as she glared at Sean scornful.

Carmen shook her head. "I don't know," she said. "But I don't trust him."

As they watched, Sean turned to Vida.

"Are they ready?" he asked, his voice low and conspiratorial. They could have recognized him at first glance but Sean out on a mask to avoid recognition, to also avoid Kyle's wrath.

"But I promise you that everything will become clear in time," he said. "For now, I need you to trust me. And I need you to do what I ask." Sean whispered trying to get them on a positive side.

"We're not sure we can do that," Carmen said. "We don't even know who you are." Carmen replied while Bianca kept shut trying to figure out whom he was.

"I'm someone who can help you," Sean said. "I'm someone who can make all of this go away." He said, his words was now changing their heart slowly and he himself noticed it, Vida smirked and thought they were fools.

Bianca and Carmen looked at each other, uncertain. Could they trust this man? They didn't know anything about him. But they had to admit that he seemed sincere.

"Look," Sean said, "I know this is difficult. But you're in a difficult situation, and I'm the only one who can help you. I understand that you're scared, but please, just hear me out." His words kept penetrating into their heart making them believe.

Bianca and Carmen looked at each other, then back at Sean. "Okay," Bianca said. "We're listening."

"Good," Sean said. "Now, the first thing you need to understand is that I'm not your enemy. I'm here to help you."

"I know that might be hard to believe," Sean continued, "but it's the truth. I'm not like the people who took you. I'm not a criminal. I'm here to set things right."

Bianca and Carmen looked at each other, unsure of what to believe. On the one hand, Sean seemed sincere. But on the other hand, they had no idea who he was or what he wanted.

"What do you want from us?" Carmen asked, her voice shaking.

Sean took a deep breath. "I need you to help me find something," he said.

"There's a very important item that belongs to Mr.Kyle," Sean said trying to be formal. "And I need your help to find it. It's hidden somewhere in his building, and I believe that you're the only ones who can find it."

"Why us?" Bianca asked. "Why are we the only ones who can find it?" She asked looking confused, because despite bet closeness to Kyle. She had never been told that Kyle had a hidden item.

"Because you're the only ones who know Kyle well enough to know where he might have hidden it," Sean said. "And I need that item in order to fix this situation. I need your help and you also need my help." He stated.

Bianca and Carmen exchanged another look.

"I know this is a lot to take in," Sean said. "But please, just hear me out. If you help me, I can help you. I can make sure you're safe and you can go home."

Bianca and Carmen were silent, considering what Sean had said. On the one hand, they didn't want to get involved in anything dangerous. On the other hand, they were desperate to get out of this situation.

"What if we say no?" Carmen asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sean looked at them both, his expression serious.

Kyle and Lincoln got into the car and drove to the kidnappers' location. As they approached the address, their hearts were pounding. They pulled up to the house and got out of the car, taking deep breaths to calm their nerves. They walked to the front door and rang the bell.

A man answered the door, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Kyle and Lincoln. "What do you want?" he asked.

The man at the door gave a small smirk. "Oh, so you have a contact?" he said. "And they told you I wouldn't reply? Interesting." Kyle and Lincoln were both confused on what he was talking about.

Kyle's heart was pounding. This was not going the way he had expected. The man was clearly not going to cooperate. "Please," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "We just want to talk."

The man looked Kyle up and down, considering his options. Finally, he stepped back and opened the door wider. "Fine," he said. "Come in and talk."

As Kyle and Lincoln stepped into the house, they felt a wave of unease. The house was dark and musty, and it looked like it hadn't been lived in for a while. But the man who had let them in acted like it was perfectly normal. He led them into the living room and gestured for them to sit down.

"Now," he said. "What's this all about?"

Kyle took a deep breath and began to explain the situation. He told the man about the captives, and how they were trying to get them back. The man listened intently, his face expressionless.

"You have to understand," the man said, when Kyle had finished speaking. "I can't just give up these people. I have a lot riding on this. There are powerful people involved. I wish I can show you how many people wants them." He whispered as he licked his fingers. He was acting irritatingly.

"Please," Kyle said, desperation in his voice. "These are innocent people. They don't deserve this." He pleaded trying not to reveal his angry mode.

The man stared at Kyle, considering his words. Finally, he spoke. "I'll make you a deal," he said. "If you can do something for me, I'll give you the captives back."

"What do you want?" Kyle asked but the man didn't reply, Kyle looked around the untidy room though it was well furnished and that would be recently maybe to receive guests.

Back at the man's house, Kyle and Lincoln were led into a large, ornate living room. The room was filled with antiques and paintings, and a fire was burning in the fireplace.

The man gestured for them to sit down, and they did, still feeling uncertain and confused.

"Now, gentlemen," the man said, his voice deep and commanding. "I'm sure you're wondering what's going on. Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Mr. Gold."

"What's going on?" Kyle asked, trying to sound brave.

Mr. Gold smiled, but there was no warmth in his eyes. "I'll get straight to the point," he said. "I'm the head of a powerful organization, and I've taken a special interest in you two. I have plans for you, plans that will change your lives forever," He continued.

"I know you're Mafia, the strongest mafia in the whole of New York City, but I am Mr.Gold from Germany, I'm stronger than you can ever imagine but I need you in my business to become more successful, that's why I'm bringing you here today, I would like to apologize for kidnapping your loved ones. Our discussion and agreement right here would determine if they would be released or Now." He spoke audibly, with confidence appearing in each word he spoke.

Lincoln and Kyle looked at each other, fear starting to creep in. They had no idea what Mr. Gold meant, but they didn't like the sound of it.

"What kind of plans?" Kyle asked, his voice shaking.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that just yet," Mr. Gold said. "You'll just have to trust me for now. What I can tell you is that your lives are about to become much more interesting."

A chill ran down Kyle's spine. He didn't like the sound of that at all. Lincoln was silent, his expression unreadable.

"What do you mean by that?" Kyle asked, his voice rising in pitch.

Mr. Gold just smiled. "All in good time," he said. "Now, I have a proposition for you."

"I need you to do a job for me," Mr. Gold said. "A job that requires skill, discretion, and a certain degree of... ruthlessness."

Lincoln shifted in his seat, his eyes narrowing. "What kind of job?" he asked.

"A job that will require you to get your hands dirty," Mr. Gold said. "A job that will require you to leave your scruples at the door. Can you do that?" He asked hoping for a positive answer.

Neither Kyle nor Lincoln answered right away. They were both too shocked to speak.

Finally, Kyle found his voice. "We're not criminals," he said. "We're not killers. We can't do what you're asking. I might be dreadful, fearful, dangerous and merciless but I don't kill without a specific and originated reason."

Mr. Gold's smile turned into a smirk.

"You don't have to be a killer to do this job," he said. "You just have to be willing to get your hands dirty. If you're not willing to do that, then perhaps this isn't the right opportunity for you."

"But what if we refuse?" Kyle asked.

"Then I will make sure that your lives are very, very difficult," Mr. Gold said.

"If you're not willing to work for me," Mr. Gold said, "then I'm afraid I'll have to make an example of your loved ones. I'll make sure that they suffer. And it will be all your fault which you would live to regret forever." He spoke as he sipped his coffee a little.

"You wouldn't," Kyle said, his voice trembling. "You wouldn't hurt them."

"Wouldn't I?" Mr. Gold said. "You don't know what I'm capable of. But if you refuse to do as I ask, you'll find out."

Kyle felt his blood run cold. He couldn't let anything happen to Bianca or Carmen.

Kyle looked at Lincoln, and he saw the same fear in his eyes. They were in an impossible situation. But they couldn't let anything happen to the people they loved.

"We'll do it," Kyle said, his voice shaking. "We'll do what you want." He said once again after making up his mind within the short moment given.

Mr. Gold smiled, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. "I knew you'd see reason," he said. "Now, let's get down to business."

What did Mr. Gold want them to do? And what would happen if they couldn't do it?

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