The Escape
The days passed, quickly turning into weeks and then months. During each of my cycles, the Alpha King would come to my chamber and spend the night with me, only to leave before the sun rose. I made several attempts to talk to Logan about the connection I felt between us, but he would simply ignore me and reaffirm that I was just his concubine. I continued to hold onto hope that he would notice on his own that Luna had united us, and he would look at me differently. I knew it was foolish of me to believe in such a thing, but my youth and immaturity allowed me to cling to hope.
On a particularly hot night, Logan came to my chamber in his Lycan form and sat in one of the chairs, one hand covering his eyes as he breathed heavily. He seemed to be trying to calm himself down, which made me uneasy. I approached him cautiously and knelt before him, but he ignored me. I gently touched his knee, and he looked down at me from above with all his superiority. However, I didn't feel intimidated or afraid anymore. I guess I had grown accustomed to receiving such looks from them. Despite the pain they caused me, at least he was giving me some attention.
"My lord, you don't seem well," my voice was low, not wanting him to interpret what I was doing in the wrong way. I just wanted to help him in some way. "Is there something I can do for you, my lord?" Logan sighed and threw his head back, laughing. It was the first time I heard his laughter, and I could never have imagined that something like that would attract me even more.
"Honestly," Logan placed his large hand on my head and gently stroked my hair. It was the first time since I arrived at the castle that he showed affection toward me outside of our bed. He stepped back and observed me. "Is there something you like, any particular food?" I was very confused by his question but also thrilled. This night was proving to be a pleasant surprise, filled with wonderful things. Logan coughed, returning to his cold demeanor, and walked towards the bathroom.
I placed my hands on the spot where he had touched, my heart pounding, my inner wolf fighting to break free, such was my excitement in that moment. When Logan emerged from the bathroom, he was already in his human form. He helped me up from the floor, and we made our way to the bed.
"Meat," I replied, trying to conceal my growing joy. "I like meat." Logan simply smiled and continued guiding me toward the bed without saying a word.
That night, Logan was kinder and more talkative than usual. He caressed my face, kissed my forehead, intertwined our fingers, and even kissed a strand of my hair. But when I woke up the following day, he had already left, just like every other time.
Another month passed, and my cycle still hadn't arrived, which both excited and worried me. Logan was becoming more affectionate and talkative each time he came to my room. He even asked me about simple things like my favorite color, and that filled me with new hopes. However, fear and doubts still lingered within me. If I were to give him a child, would he finally accept me as his mate, or would he cast me aside because we could no longer have relations until the birth of the pup? Would he allow me to give birth in my wolf form, as nature intended, or would I be forced to endure it in this fragile human form?
Someone knocked on the door, and then a soldier entered the room. I hadn't seen any of them up close yet, as Logan had forbidden them from wandering around the castle since my arrival, so I was quite shocked by their sudden visit.
"Madam," the man said, bowing his head slightly. "My lord, the Alpha King, requests your presence."
I jumped out of the chair at his words. Logan had never requested to see me outside of my room. As he had commanded on my first night with him, I kept myself away from his sight, wandering around at times when he wouldn't be in the castle, or avoiding his path when I ventured to the gardens. So when that guard said Logan was summoning me, I believed it would be a sign from the Goddess that everything would turn out well. I placed my hand on my belly and followed the soldier through the empty corridors of the castle. We entered a room, but Logan was not there. As I turned to question the man, he gestured for me to remain silent and handed me a paper. The paper stated that I was being used by the Alpha King, that I was nothing more than a tool for his plans.
"Which means..." I begin to say, but the man covers my mouth, then opens the door and steps outside, gesturing for me to follow him.
I was terrified. It was becoming increasingly clear that the man in front of me was not a soldier of the Alpha King, perhaps not even a member of the wolf pack. But what did he gain from telling me such information? What did he want me to do with that knowledge? We continued walking down another corridor, and then the powerful voice of Logan echoed through the halls, drawing me towards him. I was led to him, but I never expected my heart to be shattered once again in such a cruel manner.
The papers were piling up, stupid bureaucracies that I was forced to deal with day after day. All of it only showed me that I had done well in killing that useless one; he had made the wolf packs under his domain weak, begging for the mighty alpha king to solve their trivial problems instead of fighting and conquering what they desired. Lian stood by my side, spewing his nonsense and political advice as if I cared about what other alphas thought and did. Let them try to challenge me; I would tear off their limbs before ripping off their heads and exposing their lifeless bodies on the walls.
"My lord, several months have passed, and the young lady has not shown any signs of being pregnant. Was she truly worth the high price paid?" Unlike the first time, Lian made this comment, I became irritated, but I held back. At that moment, hearing him speak of her enraged me beyond imagination.
The table flew across the room, smashing into the opposite wall and shattering into multiple pieces. Papers were scattered in every direction, and Lian was just a second away from being sent to the deepest depths of hell for his arrogance in thinking he could speak to me in such a manner.
"How many times must I repeat myself not to question my decisions, Beta?" I threw his body in the same direction as the table, but he was agile enough to dodge the debris and avoid getting hurt. "She will bear a child because that's why I bought her, to have the rightful alpha heir. And when that child is born, the curse will be broken, and I can rid myself of the burden of having her in my castle, forever." As I uttered those words, I felt something strange, like an open wound from battle. The pain was eerily familiar.
As I turned around, I caught a whiff of a sweet fragrance, like white flowers in the field, wafting into the room from the door. It was her scent, but she shouldn't have been there. In a few steps, I reached the door, opening it fully and scanning the long corridor, but there was no one there. I thought I was going insane, spending so much futile time with that woman, engaging in conversation and even asking questions I didn't care about the answers to. Yet, I needed to hear that damned soft, gentle voice that escaped her lips. It didn't matter. The plan was for her to bear my child and then depart. What became of her afterward shouldn't concern me. I would find a worthy companion to stand by my side, someone who could raise this rightful alpha and bring honor to Lunarhaven.