Chapter One: New Era
I started a journey of self-discovery as I recovered from the loss of my husband Grant, the reflection was profound and a transformative period in my life. The 21 years of marriage we spent together seems like a different lifetime. We were in the middle of raising two children with our oldest who finished college early and the other still at home when Grant died of a massive heart attack while at work. I feel strongly he knew he didn’t have long with us. He was only 52 years old. Grant had been dead for over a year, and I decided during that time to get healthy, physically, spiritually, and mentally, so I could take care of our family. I had an overwhelming fear I would leave my children as well. Grant's untimely death, coupled with responsibilites of parenting , prompted me to embark on a path of healing and self-care.
I had let myself go, devoting myself to my family. Grant and I were two years a apart in age and we both didn’t mind getting older. Grant and I are over six feet tall at six foot three inches each and part of our attraction was literally seeing eye to eye. Our physical symmetry deepened our connection and our unique differences added a layer of attraction that strengthend our bond. Grant was very tan with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, and I looked very different with what I call “fish belly white” skin, white hair, and light blue eyes. I looked like an albino in comparison to the rest of my family but my mother; I was her twin. This glimpse into the intricacies of our relationship and individuality adds depth to my narrative of self-discovery and resilience in the face of loss.
I was always self-conscious as I was considered “fluffy but farm strong” even my physician made a comment that I was it was normal to be "Fat, fluffy, and forty" my friends joked I was the "Amazon". I was a lot larger women than most and growing up it really bothered me as a young girl but once I went on to college I enjoyed being taller than most girls and guys. Even though I had a medium, feminine frame I didn’t want to appear even bigger or muscular. This idea of being afraid to look “manly” changed when my husband died. I experiences a profound shift in priorities. The desire for strength and the determination to live for my children became a driving force for change. I changed from a "fluffy, overweight mom of two", to a "fit, svelte, yet muscular woman". It wasn't just a physical metamorphosis but also a mental and emotional one.
I recently took a two-week break from my role as a biochemist at a pharmaceutical company to visit my sister and pay respects at my father's grave in Illinois. Living in Southern Missouri, I left my oldest daughter in charge of her younger brother, ensuring he wouldn't miss school or sports functions. Luckily, my 20-year-old daughter, who has just finished college and passed the bar exam, lives nearby and was a tremendous help with my youngest. She finished high school early and is exceptional in every way. My 17-year-old son is in his final year of high school, and with both of them being quite self-sufficient, I felt confident in their ability to manage during my absence. It's a delicate balance, but their independence allows me to navigate both my personal and professional responsibilities.
Meeting up with my sister to clean our family's old cemetery turned out to be the starting point of a journey that would soon take an unexpected and supernatural turn. I hit the road in the early afternoon, aiming to get to the hotel before dark for the 5-hour drive. About an hour into the journey on the main interstate, I encountered a long line of traffic, trailing behind a fancy white race car carrier semi-truck. As traffic slowed and then picked up, I noticed an older truck behind me, weaving recklessly on the shoulder to overtake vehicles. Being accustomed to dealing with less-than-stellar drivers during my daily hour-long commute, I seized an opportunity to pass the semi. However, the old truck persisted, bumping against my bumper. To my surprise, the semi driver acknowledged the situation, waving me ahead as traffic slowed once again. Little did I know, this seemingly ordinary encounter on the road was just the beginning of a series of supernatural events that would significantly alter the course of my life.
Encountering the incredibly attractive driver in the expensive white semi was an unexpected twist on my journey. With his dark skin, chiseled chin, and a shadow of white whiskers, he exuded a captivating presence. I couldn't discern the color of his eyes, but they were dark and piercing, twinkling at me in that fleeting moment. Hastily moving ahead of him, the old truck on my tail bumped my bumper again, causing a brief weave. The semi behind me blared its horn, and the old truck spun out in front, taking the shoulder to zoom past the traffic.
Relieved that the frantic old truck had found its way, I continued through another hour of slow traffic until it came to an abrupt stop. Waiting for about 20 minutes, I noticed people getting out of their vehicles to stretch. Deciding to make the most of the situation, I turned off my vehicle and went to check the back of my new Jeep, which was loaded with tools for cleaning the cemetery and a cooler of snacks and beverages for my sister Charise and me. Despite the unexpected delay, the familiar comfort of my Jeep made the situation more bearable. Little did I know, this momentary pause would mark the beginning of a series of peculiar events on my journey.
As I stepped out of my vehicle, I noticed the tall figure of the semi driver already checking his rig. He towered over me by several inches, with long braids of thick black hair, featuring striking white and silver streaks, pulled back. His muscular physique was impressive, though I couldn't quite discern if it was the result of workouts or simply natural strength. Regardless, his confident demeanor suggested an innate strength rather than a gym-honed one. His strong jawline framed a face that exuded cleanliness and careful grooming, and a hint of black and white chest hair peeked out from his collared shirt.
Approaching me, he expressed relief, saying, "I'm glad you're safe; that guy was an asshole."
Feeling the allure of the attractive man, I couldn't help but let my mind wander into a brief daydream. Visions of him pushing me against the Jeep, his hands exploring, flashed through my thoughts. It was a startling contrast, considering I hadn't been with anyone since Grant, and my body seemed almost desperate for connection. Quickly regaining my composure and swallowing hard, I responded, "Yeah, me too. Thank you for letting me in; I thought I was going to crash for a second." The unexpected encounter with this intriguing man added yet another layer of intrigue to the already peculiar events unfolding on my journey.