Chapter Fourteen: Discovery and Revelations
Lucian’s POV
After an indescribable night with Karina, my instincts were validated. Karina is the most pure soul I have met, and she has lived a totally different life than I would expect from someone like her. However, how she managed the feat is extraordinary. We had the spark, and the anguish of possibly not seeing her again was unbearable, but I trusted fate to bring us together.
When we finally connected, all I wanted to do was inhale her sweet smell and juices. She gave herself to me, and I knew she trusted me. Our age left us with such a seasoned, sensual experience that allowed us to get what we wanted. She left herself exposed to me, and I knew I couldn’t break her trust.
I needed to show her she could continue to rely on me. Karina wasn’t used to allowing her husband to do things for her, and although she was dominant, she allowed herself to be vulnerable.
I could tell she knew very little about herself and her family, and it was both disappointing and refreshing because I could help her understand. I was also growing very protective and controlling as a natural response, and I feared it would make her run from me. She was the most beautiful soul, and she had no clue.
I ordered her breakfast and wrote her a note as I arranged for the boys to take the haul to its destination in the morning. They were recovering from a long night searching for the guy in the beater truck. I contacted our tech guys back home and traced him down to a small area. Needless to say, they found him, and he was a shady character.
He lived in an area a few towns away, and the boys discovered him in a house that appeared abandoned. As soon as they arrived, they scouted the house and sniffed out the scent of a female and blood. The boys wasted no time beating down the door and discovered her locked in a crawl space, beaten but still alive. They interrogated the guy and found out he was a lone wolf not belonging to any clan. They freed the woman, and the guy turned on them. The boys took care of him, and they found out the woman was from a clan in Effingham.
I directed them to take her home and watch their backs, as sometimes clans can misinterpret help as a threat. I’m sure the word would get out quickly of her rescue, but you won’t see that on the news; what is important is he was not a threat any longer. The thought of him even driving by her made me beyond angry.
When we were leaving the hotel, there on the news was the report of a man found murdered in Effingham. Normally, the stress of taking care of such business would not bother me, especially when it saved another life, but I was nervous. I think I found my soul mate, and this could blow it. Karina is so intelligent; what if Karina connects it all and thinks I’m a psycho?
Karina didn’t act like she believed me when I dismissed the breaking news report, but she didn’t question it any further. I knew she was meeting up with Codger, and I’m familiar with him from a few dealings with our family. He was an honest guy but very untrusting. I know his family has to have bear or some kind of wolf hybrid; he is a massive being. His son Christopher is known to like the ladies and runs around with all the wrong daughters. He got into some trouble a few years ago and broke the law. He is not as massive or as honorable as his father but very cunning and fights dirty.
When Karina went to Codger's shop, I couldn’t resist checking on her to make sure she got there ok. I was a mile away, and the old man still sensed me. I’m sure my smell was reeking off her, and although this pleased me, I was concerned about how he would react. It didn’t seem to faze him, but he continued to look my way until I left. I left hoping he would understand I was being protective of her. I sense Codger is related to Karina somehow, so it leaves me feeling a bit better that he would not harm her because of me.
I was worried about alerting my clan of Karina’s existence. Although my grandson and his friend would keep it a secret, I knew the news of me finding a mate would travel quickly. Once I get close to any members of my clan, they will know instantly I found my mate. Karina is nowhere near ready for that yet.
I directed my grandson to research the cemetery. There was not much information on it and its location as it was hidden from humans and nonhumans, but her family has rare blood, and it was one that we thought had died out. It's interesting it was so protected all this time. I began to understand why all the secrecy. It was all to keep Karina and her children safe. Charise is another story; she lives among everyone and everything, but I suspect she is protected as well by Codger.
As I finished my research, I couldn’t help but watch the clock as I couldn’t wait to see her again. My father's voice echoed in my head; he always yells, “There is wisdom in refrain!” and I felt those words. When I pulled up to the cemetery, I could see the small rolling hills and an old farm on the hill. The steeple peaked out above the tree line, and I could sense her and her sister. I tried to refrain from driving faster as it was a gravel road, and I didn’t want to barrel in there to seem too eager.
When I arrived, I could tell she was anxious to see me as well. She met me with delight when I walked up to her. She was dirty, sweaty, and beautiful. I could tell she had been crying as her tears had dried through the dust on her face. It made me ache for her. I met her sister Charise, who mentioned knowing of my brother, which made me grimace. I liked her, and I sensed a mutual feeling toward me. I didn’t use my charm on Charise, and I know she knew it.
I made sure to respect their father’s grave in traditional appreciation of his legacy. The stone read, Castiel Gideon Adalwolf 1900-2015, Our Everything, Beloved Husband, and Father. The years listed on these stones varied; some were human years, and some were accurate. With wolves, it is very hard to discern how old one is as we don't age fast. I guessed Karina thought the dates were a mistake this whole time.
The shield on Castiel's gravestone confirmed my research; it was a marking not seen in at least 100 years. I couldn’t find anything on her mother, but then I saw the name on Castiel's stone, Ayah Leilani Adalwolf 1945-1980, Beloved Soul Mate and Mother. I sensed she was not there, but I knew this name. Ayah was part of a legend, and her family's origin is of celestial descent. I look toward the church and asked Charise if I may see inside it. The well-preserved church appeared like any old German church in the area, but the windows were boarded up. I knew I would find more information in it. I felt very much at home in the cemetery. I'm not sure if I was getting an impression from Karina and Charise or if it was my genuine feelings of nostalgia and respect. I can't wait to discover more.