Chapter Eighteen: Oh Brother

Lucian said "We will run into town and get some food. I will have to make a call and may have to leave for a bit but I will be back." I asked "Can I go with you?" Lucian looked at me and said "I would rather not. If you were my mate I would but I don't want to risk anything since you are not." I said "What do you mean 'risk anything'?" Lucian gave me a reassuring look and said "I just mean if you don't chose me it would complicate things with my family and I don't want to put you through that unneccessarily. I want you to chose me because you truly choose me, not because you are obligated. My brother is an asshole and can be very difficult to handle." At that moment, I sensed words in the air and knew Lucian wished I would choose him. I could not hear or sync with him but I could faintly sense residual words around me. It made me feel guilty and a little pissed off at myself remembering Marcross and his request. I decided I do want to claim Lucian but it hasn't happened yet. I instinctually nuzzled Lucian's neck. He pressed my head against him and held me tight. When I raised my head he looked me in the eyes and I knew he was going to ask it "Karina, do you love me?" I didn't feel like I would cry, I felt calm and reassuring and I said "Yes, I have no doubt, I love you." My eyes felt like they were burning and he said "You mean it!" I said "Yes, I mean what I say!" and Lucian said "I don't doubt that." He kissed me on my forehead just like his father.

Lucian said "Well its against my better judgement but if you can tolerate my brother and his tricks I will take you with me, but I have to warn you he is beyond controlling and you have to stay guarded or he will make you do what he wants." I said "Well, that is my biggest pet peeve so he definitely won't make a good first impression if he tries to control me!"

I freshened up before we left so I could look presentable. Our bedrooms still had all of our stuff from when we were teenagers. We rode into town and met his brother at the hotel where I first got to know Lucian. We went straight in and into a private suite that had a private bar and dining room with full staff. A few guys were standing around but stepped aside when we walked in. I noticed they would not look Lucian in the eye and looked at the floor. I spotted his brother right away. He was not as tall as Lucian but stocky like he was. He was very dark as well with dark skin and short hair cut. Lucian held my hand when I came in and I felt my mark aching. I knew it must be because it was Lucian's clan for some reason. His brother stared at me as I walked in and I stared right back. Before he could say anything I reached over to shake his hand and said "Hello my name is Karina Adalwolf" he quickly shook my hand without taking his eyes off of me and said "And I am Qujun Ambrose, I'm Lucian's older brother." Lucian said "By one minute. We are twins." Qujun waved his hand at me and told me to sit down and I didn't. He looked puzzled and I said "No thank you we won't be long." Lucian, looked over at his brother and said "Stop with her, what do you need?" Qujun raised his eyebrows and said "Quite interesting, anyway I need a shipment sent to the Southern border today and your mistress is not answering her phone or email to arrange it." Lucian grunted and I felt my neck getting red, one thing I have always struggled with was jealousy. Lucian squeezed my hand and said "Charmane is off today for her brothers funeral and will be back tomorrow, but I will be glad to arrange it for you today. Just then Lucian's phone beeped and he checked and looked up and said, "Nevermind, she already took care of it and its on its way. Is there anything else, Q?" Squinting at Lucian, he said "I guess not, that is all for now. Won't you two stay for lunch?" I said, "No thank you, we are visiting my family." Qujun looked over at Lucian as he nodded his head in confirmation. "Interesting, you must visit with me to tell me all about it." He then waved over a waitress to bring over drinks and she gave one to me. I reached to grab it and Qujun waved his hand and as I dropped the drink with one hand I caught it with my other hand. I said said, "Oh I'm a clutz, so glad I caught that with my other hand!" Both Lucian and Qujun looked at me with disbelief. I then waved to Qujun and said "You need to sit down!" and he sat straight down in the chair behind him. Lucian said, "Well Q, we will catch up some other time, I don't want to keep her family waiting. Let me know if you need anything." As they walked out, I looked behind and and winked at Qujun and said it was nice to meet you!" As they walked out to our bike, Lucian said "I can't believe that just happened!" I said "What?" He said "Do you not know what just happened?" I said "What, him trying to manipulate me?" Lucian stopped and looked at me. He said, "You know about that?" I said, "Yes I do. Have you ever tried that on me?" Lucian chuckled and said "Only when we are getting it on and only then, because its an accident. I can't control my desires sometimes." That made me laugh, I did feel at times he made me do things I didn't do on my own but it only made the experience more erotic. Lucian said "Well my brother will definitely be thinking all of this through, he likes to manipulate people constantly." I didn't want to ask but I was too curious. I said "What about Charmane?" Lucian looked at his feet and said, she is one of my assistants and handles everything when I am gone. He looked at me and I could tell there was more. He said, "Yes we used to do stuff together but we haven't in a long time. She is loyal but we have nothing romantic and she has other partners now." I said "Other partners?" Lucian said, "Yes she liked guys and gals, if you know what I mean. We used to do a few threesomes but she started adding guys and I'm not into that." I said "You had two at once?" He said, "Yes we did sometimes, it is somewhat a wolf thing and some mates have more than one sex partner. My wife enjoyed her sometimes before she died." I was amazed and couldn't imagine this scenario where this is ok. I can't imagine two guys for myself. I don't know maybe I can! I found myself getting angry and my neck was getting red. There is so much to understand. My brain keeps over analyzing everything. We stopped to get food and drinks and headed back to the farm house. Lucian was very quiet until we got to the house. We pulled up and sat on the front porch to eat lunch. Lucian remained quiet while we ate so I did too. After we finished eating, I assumed the rest of the night was going to be a bust and I started to have doubts. Lucian grabbed my hand and kissed it. He spun me around, kissing my neck, pulled down my shirt and kissed his mark. It ached but made me tingle all over when he touched it. He then lifted my chin up and said "The only other person I marked was my wife." He said "Now, how did you know what my brother was doing to you?" I looked at him and said "I can't tell you but I will tell you at the right time and right now its not the right time but you were totally right about him, he gives me the creeps." Lucian said, "I have not met anyone, that could handle him like that other than my father. You're amazing!"

I said "I do have a question for you." Lucian said "Anything!" I asked "How old are you? I have realized the dates are not incorrect but they are all accurate in the cemetary so all of my relatives lived to be very old. I want to know how old you are?" Lucian said "I am only a few years older than you and I know this because my father has pictures of you as a toddler. You and your mother's glowing white hair and fair skin is easy to spot! Your parents knew my parents."

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