Chapter Nineteen: Getting to Know You
I grabbed Lucian's hand and asked if he would like to go for a walk. My grandparents farm was vast and had a few small rolling hills with a lot of woods behind the house. As we walked I asked Lucian about where he lived. He said " We have a lot of property in our Northern territory and about six hours from here we have territory where our clan lives. He said "I have a house in the woods secluded from everyone else. I like my privacy. My brother lives in the main house and likes people in and out constantly. He is in everyone's business and although sometimes it is beneficial, it is hard to keep any secret around him." I said, "You said you had two boys and you are a grandpa?" Lucian chuckled and said, "Oh yes and you met one of my grandsons in the truck the other day! There is something you should know. We don't have a lot of women around the place and so we tend to be a bit wild." I wanted to ask about Charmane but I didn't know how to bring her up.
I talked about my two kids Shayla and Xavier, how they are indendent as well. I talked about my husband Grant and told him about his watch he gave me. I noticed when I wore it Lucian would gently twirl it around my wrist. It dawned on me I didn't feel the need to wear my necklace with Grant's ashes. I no longer felt insecure without it.
We sat down on a small hillside that overlooked a creek. The sun was starting to go down a little bit and Lucian laid back and asked "What shall we do this evening?" I laid back to and said "I have to tell you I transitioned last night in the river with my sister and Chris." Lucian raised his head and said "How did it go?" I replied "Good, the water helped the pain and I barely felt it but I ran and ran and realized I was so far away that I didn't know where I was really and I howled!" He said, "You howled?" and then chuckled. I said yes and I don't know what that means but my sister came running. He said, "That is exactly what it is for. He sat on his side and twirled my hair. He asked "Do you know what Codger and his son are?" I said "Yes, I think a bear? They said they were in my clan as distant cousins but I don't know how that works when they are bears." Lucian said, "From what I have gathered you have more than just bears and wolves in your clan." He ran his fingers down my arm and made my hair stand up. I could tell Lucian was aroused but I didn't recipricate. I wanted more answers.
I was a little shocked because I don't know anyone alive in my family other than my children. I asked "What do we have other than bears and wolves, there are no others alive?" Lucian said "You have dragons." For some reason I wasn't totally shocked. I said "Do we have a leader, an Alpha? Charise said we don't because we don't have mates. I assume my human husband didn't count." Lucian furrowed his brow and said "That is right, pure human's can't be Alpha's and they have to come from a clan, but we mix with them all the time. Its the traits they have that count. Lucian said "You have ones who have stepped up to fill in, but you don't have an Alpha. My father is still the Alpha but he wants my brother and I to take over. As an Alpha, my father always knows things ahead of everyone else, its like he can see glimpses of the future. I can't stand my brother but at one time we were close, beause of my wife. From what I understand, at one time my father was going to step in for your father, as an Alpha, but your father told him not to. I don't know what happened with that but my father talks very fondly of your family, like he loves them."
I asked "Does your clan have other 'beings' or are you just wolves." Lucian started laughing and a growl came out "Just wolves, huh?" He said "Yes, just wolves and an angel or two and he tapped my chest." I reached over and bit his lip and he flipped me onto the grass. He stared into my eyes and I could feel my eyes start to fire up. He smiled and and helped me up. He said, "Tonight we go hunting together."
I was excited with anticipation and had no clue how we were going to do this. I was envisioning getting naked and transforming but then doubt started creeping in. I wondered sometimes if I was crazy and if this was all real or not.
Lucian asked "Do you know your way around the property and will we run into anyone who lives close by?" I said "Just Codger lives down the road a few miles but he doesn't normally come onto or property, he is very respectful and I suspect he knows where I am." Lucian replied "Indeed." I continued, "I'm positive he sent me back home last night when I ran off too far from home." Lucian said, "Let's go back to the house and get some drinks and I can explain what will happen, if that's ok with you?" I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist, he made me feel like a teen again. He laughed and said " Well if you keep that up Darlin' we won't be going anywhere." I looked up at him and said "I'm really nervous about how this is going to happen and how our families will blend if we continue. I said " I know my wolf needs to decide" as I put my forehead up against his and I tapped his heart and then tapped his head and said "and not think with this." Lucian set me on the ground and looked at me funny. I then jumped up and kissed his forehead realizing that was exactly what his father said to me and Lucian recognized it. I thought of Marcross often, I almost had an infactuation with him and I'm positive it was because he was an Alpha and that he connected with me. I somehow felt he could sense my thoughts at times even though he wasn't here, but it was more I was allowing him in. I think Marcross connected with my wolf somehow. I can't explain it.
We got back to the house and got some drinks and changed clothes. We took the cooler to the backyard and sat on the ground. A huge burr oak tree stood in the backyard, I used to swing under this tree as a child. Lucian gave me a drink and started to explain how we would transition once it was dark. Lucian said, "I know you transitioned in water and if you noticed at the lake house you jumped into the water as well, that's because that element calms us down and speaks to us. That's what you call a 'Native thing'. I want you to lay on the ground and look at the stars with me and we will focus on the sky and like in the water the sky will be your pool. All I want you to focus on his your wolf, don't transition piece by piece, focus on all of you. I looked over at him and asked "You will transtion in an instant? He said "I can but I want you to see me transition as I will see you. This is important." My tummy started growling and Lucian said "We will eat tonight!" I drank three drinks down quickly. I was trying to calm my nervousness. The sun was completely down and the stars were clear with the full moon in the sky like a bright lamp in the sky. I laid down onto the grass as I have done several times before and breathed in the night air, I could hear Lucian breathing deeply and I concentrated on that. It was very calming. I focused on my thoughts changing in the river and its caress as if to help me. I thought of my wolf jumping out of the water and I could feel my neck bristling. I sat up and could feel my eyes flaring. Lucian positioned himself in front of me and his eyes glowed yellow. I could feel my back and face change as Lucian watched me with his eyes wide. I concentrated on running by the river and I craved to do so. I felt fully transitioned as I stretched my neck toward the sky. Lucian changed quickly and although he still towered over me I matched his size well. I looked at him and his fur was a brilliant, shiny black, and he snapped his teeth as he stretched out his neck toward the sky. I looked down at my feet and my white fur was glowing in the moonlight. I thrust toward Lucian and as I ran by him I rammed my body against his rubbing the whole length of my body along his. He reached to bite my tail as I ran by but I was too fast. I was running and excilerated. I felt so alive and myself and for the first time I was confident. I could hear Lucian growl as he caught up with me and I slowed down. Lucian stopped and looked at me in my eyes and nuzzled my neck. I could hear his thoughts around me but they were still distant. I then heard something running and he perked up his ears. I looked at him as I didn't know what to do and I knew I should follow him.