Chapter Twenty: A Hunting We Will Go
Lucian stopped and looked at me in my eyes and nuzzled my neck. I could hear his thoughts around me but they were still distant. I then heard something running and he perked up his ears. I looked at him as I didn't know what to do and I knew I should follow him. We ran hard then suddenly stopped to listen, I could hear a turkey nestled behind some bushes on the other side of a creek. Lucian ran further up to cross the creek and when he looked back I had already disappeared going the other way around. Lucian crouched behind some bushes and I was already there ready to pounce. I then heard it, "Creep up to it and don't let it know you are there." I did exactly as the voice stated and as Lucian jumped forward I grabbed the turkey's neck with my mouth and whipped it back and forth, killing it instantly. As I had the turkey in my mouth I was losing my ability to think, I just started pulling feathers. Lucian laid down on his front paws and watched me. As he crept closer to me I growled and he growled back. I realized it wasn't me but my wolf tearing the turkey apart. Lucian continued to come toward me and I instinctually snapped at him. He pounced on me and grabbed my neck and threw me on the ground and took the turkey. I ran off toward the creek to get a drink and sat there watching him eat the turkey. I quickly realized I would get what was left of the turkey and I left him there. I ran and ran until I felt I was by myself. I heard another sound of little feet hitting the dirt and saw in the dark a rabbit hiding behind a tree. I went to chase after the rabbit and there was a coyote with the same intentions. The rabbit ran off as we growled at each other. The coyote circled me and I held my ground. He howled and yelled and I could hear others coming close and soon I had three circling me. I was huge in comparison to them but they were growing in numbers.
One started attempting to grab my back foot as the others attacked me in jabs. I decided to grab the one behind me and flung him in the air. I then attacked a second one as the other one grabbed by neck. I broke his neck and proceeded to chase after the third one. When I heard the loudest howl. It was Lucian, I could hear his feet on the ground and he ran past me taking the coyote and broke his back in mid air. Lucian came back to me and licked my face and the blood on my neck. I laid down and looked up at him and with my thoughts I said "I'm hungry and tired". Lucian transitioned half way into human form to stand straight up and picked me up. I had already transitioned half way as well and didn't realize it. The coyote got a good bite in and my neck was bleeding down his chest and he held me tight. I must of passed out and when I woke up I was in my grandparents house. I heard Lucian say "You are safe, I'm taking care of you." Lucian washed my neck and I was fully human again. The moon was coming in through the windows and I could feel my eyes glow. Lucian just stared at me as I sat up in the moonlight. He said "Karina, I am so sorry! This is not how I wanted the night to go." I walked over to him and grabbed his face and said "Lucian, I am hungry" and then laughed hysterically. Lucian looked at me like I hurt his feelings then started chuckling as well. He said, "You never cease to amaze me. Let me go take care of that, can we try this again?" I looked at him and transitioned as he watched me intently. It was harder this time as I was exhausted, but I did it while I thought of my wolf the whole time. Lucian literally rubbed down my fur and I licked his chest. He walked to the back door, opened it, jumping into the air transitioning in an instant and ran toward the woods. I went outside and followed him part of the way and waited for him in the moonlight. I heard in my head, "Good girl, he is hunting for you." I recognized it as Marcross. I looked around and couldn't see anything but I was instantly aroused and couldn't help it. If he was there I literally would want to fuck his father in that moment. I can't explain it!
Lucian came quickly with a small deer and sat it at my feet and I started ripping it apart. I don't remember much after that until I was full. It truly is an instinctual behavior to allow your wolf to take over. Once I was satisfied, Lucian came over to me half transitioned and he crouched down with me sitting in front of him. He started licking my neck where my injury was and nuzzled my ears. I slowly transitioned half way as well. Half human, half wolf. I could sense Lucian's ugency, he couldn't control himself in this form as well. He turned me around and started humping me, I met him with excitement and backed into him. He stuck his cock into me and thrust hard and fast as he pulled my shoulders toward him. It made me scream and growl. I could hear his breathing and his claws scraped my sides slightly. He reached over during his climax and bit me on my previous mark. It made me howl but in ectasy. He laid me on the ground and continued to pulse inside me and I didn't pass out this time. In fact, I was ready to go again and couldn't wait for more. I remembered last time when I held him so he couldn't move he started again so I did the same thing. I flipped him over and as I looked him over, I realized his cock was even bigger in this form. It is unbelievable. I spread my legs to straddle him, the veins in his black cock looked like they were about to burst and I couldn't wait to feel them inside me. I slid myself over his ripples and he stared at me as I took control. He put his claws on my waist and slid me up and down softly then harder and harder. I reached down to kiss his neck to slow it down and he growled, really loud. I knew he couldn't stand it. I felt myself letting go and so I asked my wolf to take over and she did. She howled and bit him hard on the top of his shoulder. She bit deep and hard as we continued to rock harder and harder on his cock. I could taste his blood, it tasted like he smelled, woodsy yet sweet. I couldn't help but drink his blood until he stopped bleeding. I licked it until it wasn't bleeding any longer. I laid my head on top of his chest and went to sleep listening to his heart beat. I could feel a change within me. My eyes were huge and felt like I wanted to crawl inside his body, like I couldn't get close enough.
"Karina...Karina, Darlin'" I opened my eyes in the morning. Lucian had taken me inside the house sometime in the early morning and I woke up in my grandparents bedroom. They had a huge king bed but I had never slept in it as my father would use that bedroom when we stayed there. I replied "Lucian?" He replied "I'm getting us some breakfast and I'm almost there." I realized he was communicating with me telepathically somehow. I kicked my feet in excitement! How is this possible, for real! We had synced last night. My wolf claimed him! That was the most amazing sex of my life! I got out of bed and my neck was healed with a small scar, I thought what a piece of shit coyote, he got the best of me. I reached back to feel my mark and it was healed as well but tender to the touch. When I touched my mark I got aroused! I went into my bedroom and started laughing because I could see why he put me in my grandparents room, we had broke the bed the other night! I took a shower and got dressed in a little tank top and cut off shorts and went outside, I could not find my bra but didn't think Lucian would mind. I ran out the back door to look at the yard and there was no evidence of anything outside, no deer, blood or anything, no sign we were even there.