Chapter Twenty-Two: Uninvited Guest
We pulled into my driveway in town around 11 PM. No lights were on and I felt relieved the kids listened to me and went to the lake house. Lucian and Grady scanned the perimeter. Grady whispered to me "Your house is so nice and clean!" I chuckled and said "My kids do a great job but don't go into their rooms, you will take that right back." He looked at me funny and asked "Does your daughter smell as good as you as he sniffed the air?" I no longer thought it was odd with my experience of the last few weeks and I knew he could smell her already and replied "Why yes she does, I think better, she smells like springtime, but she has a boyfriend." Grady smirked and said "But does she really like him?"
On the way there Lucian planned how we were going to tell the kids and options we could give them to make sure they were ok with my new relationship and frankly whole new life. There are whole education systems and training centers available to them and I had no idea! On the way I received a notice in a text from my employer that they were bought out by "Ambrose Pharmaceuticals". All employees were given a month with pay to restart with the new company. I looked at Lucian and said "Is this you?" I wasn't for sure if I should be mad or happy, but I felt relieved. It was a concern in my mind of what I was going to do with all of my research and what direction is was going to take. Lucian read the message and said "My father and brother!" I said "Qujun, really?" Lucian said "Darlin' my father can handle him and you are ours now." His comment sounded so possesive and normally it would make me angry but I no longer feared it. I liked belonging to a family in such a deep way and didn't sense anything wrong with it.
Lucian went outside and scanned the houses, they were all dark but one. I pointed to the house that had been up for sale and we saw a figure look behind the curtain and quickly close it. I asked Lucian "Do you think he is a human?" Lucian frowned and said "No" he continued "Are you sure you don't have any other relation or people close to your, maybe your husband's family?" I said no, "My husband's mother died soon after he did from an illness and he had no other family. He had a small family, it was just us." Lucian softened his brow and kissed me on my forehead. One thing I loved about him is how freely we can talk about our spouses, like they are still here. Its not awkward and its just natural.
Lucian asked me to throughly go through the house and check all the windows and doors. He said "You don't have protection on this house?" Meaning like the protection of my families farm and Codgers place. I said "No, I bought this after my father died, I didn't know. I couldn't stay in the house Grant and I built after he died." Lucian asked Grady to check out the perimeter of the suspect's house and Lucian had me wait by the street. Lucian went up to his door. Before he could knock the door opened slowly. It was a tall, slender man with high eyebrows and slanted eyes and eyebrows. The man said "I was waiting for you to come home." Lucian put his hand on the door to keep it open and the man said "No need for aggression, I am a watcher." Lucian motioned me to come in with him and sent a link to Grady to stay on guard close by outside.
I peeked from behind Lucian and pushed past him and said "I don't care who you are why are you stalking my children?" I could tell Lucian was agiitated that I didn't stay behind him but I didn't care. The man said "I introduced myself to your daughter but I think my appearance made her uneasy'. His pupils then clicked closed while his eyes were open. He said "I am an assistant to a family from the Southeast, of which you are a distant relative. We have traced you here but found you were already gone... with this." He motioned up and down referring to Lucian like he was disgusting. I replied "I have no relatives from the Southeast! What do you really want?"
He said "I am a watcher and my name is She'. I don't normally intervene. I was just asking your daughter where you were because I was concerned something happened to you. But look at you! You have to be careful as some people would love to have your bones!" This guy creeped me out and I remembered that statement about my mothers bones. I asked "What is so special about my bones?" He smiled and sat down on his couch, crossing his legs. He said "Honey, your bones have power. Hasn't this 'person' told you anything?" Lucian said "That is none of your business, she is just learning about everything." I said "Why are you watching us? I never noticed you before." He said "Oh we have watched you your whole life but its finally getting exciting! The family I represent is indeed related to you. Lucian's mother in fact is a link!" I looked at Lucian and he looked down at the floor. I said "Teela" Lucian looked at me so surpised. She' said "You have dragon in your bones!" I looked at Lucian and said "So you do too?" He looked at me and said "Yes but we don't know to what extent, we don't have those traits." She' replied "Oh yes you do! You want Karina for that reason!" I became uneasy, I looked at Lucian and said "Do you? Do you want me for my bones? Is that why Marcross came to see me? I thought it was because he cared for you!"
Lucian's braids were in his face and he flipped them back agitated. He said "When did you talk to my father!" She' bounded his crossed leg up and down and said "Oh looky here! Our first argument!" Lucian pointed his finger at him and growled "Shut it! Snake!" I looked at She' and calmly asked "Do you mean my family any harm? Are you protective or looking for my family for 'our bones?" She' stood up and said "We mean you no harm, but we would rather kill you than your bones get into the wrong hands. I was instructed to watch you and your children and report if there was any activity." This statement made me ill. That means my children were in danger because I was their mother. I missed my mother so much. I don't have the answers.
Lucian said "I am only going to ask you once, what have you reported?" She' said "Well honey, if you know anything about us, you can't tell when we are lying. I have not reported, 'yet' but my brother is on standby if something happens to me. You handle your mate appropriately and your 'clan' won't have any problems. Lucian pointed at She' and said "Karina and her family are under Alpha Marcross, she will be protected." She' retorted "What about the ritual, to welcome Karina to the big family?" She' was so snarky, he was getting on my nerves. I could feel my neck bristle and doubt creeping in. I looked at Lucian and asked "What ritual?" He said "Karina, I was gong to let my father explain it to you. Yes there is a ritual but its not why I mated with you. It has nothing to do with that. Its a ritual to welcome you to the clan and it cleanses you under the full moon. Do you remember the windows in the church? The angel in the sky and the wolves?" I looked at She' because I realized I didn't want him listening to us any longer. I said, "I'm moving my family away from here, try to watch us! If I have distant family who is so concerned about me, they can come meet me themselves. You are not stalking my children." She' said "Oh honey, your children are figuring things out, I have my ways and we will know!" I could feel Lucian getting angry and I grabbed his arm to pulling him to leave. I said "Let's go." I said "Thank you She', but I hope I don't have to meet you again." She' laughed and said "My pleasure sweetie!" He snaked to the door and opened it. He was indeed in his true form. It made me cringe, the world I once new no longer exists. Humans go about their lives unknowlingly. I can see how my daughter sensed he was off.