Chapter Thirty

My mother appeared to me and she grabbed my hands. We were in a dream state together and she just smiled at me. I could feel my glow from my body transfer to hers. She lowered her head and when she lifted it back up she stared at me with the most brilliant crystal blue eyes. I linked with her and we communicated our love for each other. I expressed to her I didn’t want her to die that I would give her a piece of myself to save her. She smiled at me but I could sense a sadness, she longed for my father. She was so weak. We didn't know she was still alive! As a mother myself I knew she would not accept a piece of her child to save her but the stubborn girl she raised gave it to her anyway. I forced it in her. We rose up to the sky and twirled in a whirlwind. I felt like my life was leaving the same way it did during the ritual, but this time I had no pain.

We were above the cabin and it appeared to be daylight until I realized the light was from my mother and I lighting up the sky. I could see her transition into a glorious dragon with white wings. Once I witnessed her fully transition I started falling backward and everything was black.

The next thing I remember is hovering in the bathroom over my body in the bathtub. Charmane knocked on the door to check on me and screamed. I heard furniture slamming aside and crashing as Marcross burst into the doorway breaking the doorframe and wall.

He reached into the tub pulling my body out of the water. My body was lifeless and unlike the ritual no one could see me. I found myself in front of the cabin where a series of cars were arriving. Codger stepped out of a van and was holding my mother like a baby. She looked peaceful but I didn’t sense she was dead. I saw a car driving erratically down the driveway, it was Lucian. He jumped out of the car and ran into the house.

I felt like I was watching a movie and I was somewhat indifferent. I went up to my mother to look at her face. Codger looked around. He didn’t see me but he somehow sensed something and said “She is still alive.” I touched his face and he shuddered as he continued to look around.

I was resolving that I was no longer alive and that I may die. I experienced no pain or intense feelings. I was just watching everything happen. I could feel Marcross try to pull me back and I could sense his intense pain. I went back to my body and Lucian was on his knees. Marcross had me and was rushing to take me outside to the rock and I followed. He laid me on the very rock I had bled to death on. As soon as my body touched the cold stone, I saw Marcross look up right at me through his fierce glowing eyes in my ghost form. He could see me! He screamed “Don’t you leave me!” Lucian yelled "Karina, please!"

Codger made his way outside. He didn’t say a word and laid my mother beside me. I suddenly could feel the heaviness and sadness Marcross and Lucian felt. It was almost a panic.

Marcross reached over and kissed my mother. I could see he loved her. Codger was right. I started feeling something, a pull back to my body. My mother reached over and touched my hand and glowing scales started to appear on my hand and spread through my arms as they did her. I transitioned and opened my eyes rising up to see my mother fully transitioned as well into a beautiful white dragon. We both were alive and stronger together! I stood up. I had a long white tail with black stripes. I turned in circles in happiness and let out a curdling banshee scream.

My mother cooed and nuzzled my belly. I nuzzled her hair and wrapped myself around her. Codger yelled “Whoo-hoo! She’s pregnant!” The man had an uncanny ability to know what was happening before anyone else, even Marcross. Lucian jumped onto the rock and grabbed my mother and I hugging us both. Marcross stood back taking everything in and my mother reached for him and he grabbed her hand and hugged all of us. Lucian said jokingly to Codger “Can you just give us a minute before blurting out everything!” Codger said “Ha! Then you must know its twins!”

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