The last Sunday.
I had been working for over an hour now, busying myself as I impatiently and nervously waited for the crime bosses to come strolling into the restaurant. I was away cleaning empty tables when I got word that the crime bosses were waiting for me at the back. Like any smart criminal of any status they may be, they'd use the back doors of places if they weren't planning on disgusting themselves. These were a few of the smart ones. I gave a quick nod to the waitress who came to fetch me before I dusted off my hands and then stashed away my napkin into the purse of my skirt. Finally, I quickly made my way to the back of the dinner-like restaurant where I gave a courteous smile to the crime lords, their bodyguards and what seemed to be a few of their sons that I'd never seen a company them before during any meeting. "Right this way please," I urged for the men to follow, scoring myself a few whistles from the younger men, and fresh sweet respectable compliments from the older gentlemen.
I lead them to the back room and pushed open the red door after twisting at the knob. "Thanks, baby girl," One of the sons said in his Italian accent. I simply gave him a quick small smile. Once all of the men were inside, I followed them in. "May I take your drink orders very quickly before I get out of your guys' hair?" The older men chuckled kindheartedly before giving me their orders. The majority of the older men ordered water, and the rest ordered watered-down liquor so they could avoid getting too drunk, but still have a kicking drink during their meeting.
All of the younger men, the sons I mean ordered whiskey and rum. I assumed they were all older than myself at least since they were ordering such drinks, but they were the sons of mafia bosses and crime lords so I doubted that was the case for some. Though of course I didn't question it, I simply smiled and took their orders. "Alrighty then, I'll be right back with each of your drinks," I pranced out of the back room closing the door behind me about to make my way into the kitchen when I hear a heavy knock on the back door. I'd thought that all the crime bosses were already here so I wasn't suspecting there to be anyone else coming late.
As im opening the door, I'm met with a very familiar face. Their head was slightly tilted to the side as a smirk came into view on their lips as if they were pleased with whom stood before them. "Princess," they spoke in that hot raspy voice of theirs. "Scar," I replied before turning on my heel and leading them to the back room and opening the door for them. Gray easily followed behind me taking long slow strides. Before I knew it they were already in the back room with their bodyguards. This time it was 4 of them, two followed Gray inside and the other two stayed behind to guard the door from the outside. I left the room once again without sparing a second glance at Gray, whose glare I thought I could feel piercing through my skin and bones.
Soon I had finally gotten everyone's drink orders to them which I'm sure they were waiting for impatiently. I'd never taken long to prepare drinks up until this night. While I was out and preparing drinks I took a quick second to check on Kyle. I noted he was occupied with the cute groupies that adored him. The sight honestly made me giggle even though the girls were giving me I hate you kinds of glares. It wasn't appetizing in the least, but it's what you get when you work with a guy that girls adore. Back in the back room, I was standing next to one of the guards near the door, my head was down to avoid appealing nosy, but also because I was nervous.
Doing this every last Sunday had its perks though. I got all the latest tea on the neighborhood's crime, and I was paid in great tips which I'm sure are a way of telling me to keep my mouth shut but you know, a win is a win in my book. Soon the night was coming to a close, the men and one woman had been there for at least almost 4 hours. The young men were drunk off their asses, luckily for me I hadn't been called to the table for anything besides drink refills. They wouldn't even allow me to take the empty cups.
"I bet you won't call her over here to get the cups and then give her ass a nice hard slap. But you have to pull her skirt up before you do it." One of the boys whispered to the other boy with an Italian accent. He just smirked and wiped under his nose before gesturing me over and pointing at the cups. I hadn't heard the dare myself, and neither had anyone else. I went over to the table, a nervous smile on my face as I lean over next to the Italian boy. As I'm bent over grabbing for as many cups as I possibly could, I felt my skirt be forced up and a heavy hand make contact with my bare ass. My green thong revealed to the world behind me. I jumped, dropping a few of the cups and grabbing my ass cheek that had been slapped red. This caused me to run out of the back room, cheeks red out of embarrassment.
I don't know why, but my eyes had been so drawn to the waitress, Angel all night. I had barely been paying any attention to the meeting the entirety of the night. To be honest with you, this whole monthly meeting was pointless in my opinion which is why I rarely show up. But I got word that I'd been missing out on a very pretty waitress girl so of course I decided to come this night. She was so beautiful and innocent looking. She even gave off I'm a virgin without screaming it if you know what I mean. Then, she was called up to the table from her spot by the door by one of the kids who were in assuming near my age. I'm 21, but these men well boys still acted the age of kids.
It was a disgrace that they'd be the next bosses of their families' legacies. I felt my jaw clench, I brought my fist up to my chin as I watched the interaction. Suddenly, there was a loud slap sound as if skin made contact, and it did. That damned Italian boy slapped her ass as she was doing her job. My eyes quickly landed on the boy as Angel ran out of the room, embarrassed as all hell. "The fuck do you think you are doing?" I growled out, my anger obvious. I don't know why I jumped at her defense, but I did.
"Ma'am calm your tits, It was just a joke," The Italian boy laughed. Just then I gestured toward one of my guards, in an instant he had his gun to the back of the Italian boy's head. His smirk quickly faded and fear engulfed his blue irises. This made me smirk a little, seeing the fear in a little boy who's too caught up in his daddy's power, it was a sight. "What if I called this a joke? Daddy can't save you unless he wants to die too. Hell, I could end your whole life right now, and not just physically." I leaned my head back slightly as my eyes intensely stared down at the boy.
He tried to make himself appear brave by letting out a little laugh, "Come on man, it was just a joke. I swear." I chuckled under my breath a bit. "Touch another woman like that again without their permission in my presence. That'll be the end of you." I leaned forward, my hands draping over my inner thighs as I brought my other hand up and wiped at my lip, my eyes leaving him only for a second. Then I waved off my guard before getting up from my chair and leaving the backroom. "Clean that shit up yourselves, this meeting is over," I ordered out slamming the door behind me.
I had run outside instead of into the kitchen, attempting to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes. I felt so violated and belittled. I'd never been touched like that by anyone. As I paced outside behind the restaurant, I could no longer hold back my tears. I fell to my knees, my legs had given out on me as I cried to myself.
My arms wrapped around me instinctively and protectively. Then I heard the door open, "Angel?" I heard Gray's voice call out. They'd spotted me and ran over to my aid, their hands making contact with my shoulders through my work uniform as they pulled me up to my feet. I know they are a woman, but I just couldn't help but be a little frightened, I'd just been disrespectfully violated by a man so I didn't want to be touched right now. I kept shaking my head and trying to back away as I cried, but they just pulled me in closer with gentle force. I leaned into them, my face buried into their chest. "It's ok princess you are safe I promise," Gray reassured.
They'd begun to rub my back as I cried into them. Moments later my crying had calmed and I lifted my head to look up at them, "Thank you gray," I stammered quietly wiping away my tears with my wrist. "It's ok now beautiful, you didn't deserve that." Their voice was genuine and sweet, if it were possible I'd listen to them all day and every day. "I won't let that prick ever touch you again, you have my word. He won't." Gray's strong hand came up to my face and cupped my cheeks sweetly. They peered into my eyes with their own, genuine promise filled them.
I felt so safe in an instant, forgetting that I wanted no one to touch me earlier, but their touch was promising. I sighed and leaned into their hands, my eyes closing on their own as a low smile formed on my lips. "I trust you, Gray. Even though I haven't known you long and you really are just a stranger." I sniffled before opening my eyes and letting out a soft giggle. A chuckle of their own was let out before they pulled away and stuffed their hands into their pockets after standing upright.
"I told everyone to leave your tips in a hidden spot inside your car, I felt it was kind of dangerous to leave two thousand dollars in your passenger seat after I had done it and left. Don't want to put an innocent girl in danger." Grey winked, causing me to blush uncontrollably. I brought my hands up to my face to try and hide my flushed cheeks from them. "Thank you, really. If it weren't for you guys, I'd barely be able to sustain a living around here. I wouldn't even be in my new apartment." I felt tears well up in my eyes again, but I forced them back. It was finally time to go home and lay in my bed, and as per usual Kyle was there to walk me to my car and tell me my last goodnight.