Chapter 8: What Trick Is This?!
Chapter 8: What Trick Is This?!
Maisie's POV:
I was not exactly sure what to think about all of this that was going on. I know I deserve to be punished for failing to do my duty, but this was the first time they went this far and to such an extreme. I must have really upset my mother to make her have Master do what he did. Well, I guess in the end, I did deserve it. I always deserve what they give me in the form of punishment. I know that even sometimes when I do what they tell me, I still get punished if it is not done fast enough and to their liking. I do know if I said anything about it, I would certainly get taken care of more severely after the fact.
As I thought about my punishment, it made me wonder if they even had someone else come to finish the job. Was that who came into the room before I completely lost sight of everything about what was going on? The absolute last thing I remember was how big He was, as there was no mistake in my mind that He was a very big man, even bigger than Master. His growl was a very scary growl as He even growled at me. It made me jump. Then, after that, I blacked out. That makes sense as to why I could not remember anything after that part. He saw me jump after hearing Him growl at me and took matters into His own hands. He must have added His own punishment by choking me which is why I can't remember anything else. Is that not what could have happened next?
I tried to focus on something else other than my own thoughts as I was getting nowhere. Where am I right now, I wondered. Was I actually lying down or was I still hanging up in the air? I have to say, it was really hard to tell at that point, as to what exactly was going on or where I was located. I continued to try to figure out where I was at that moment and see if I could tell what was around me, if anything, let alone anyone. As I tried to focus, I did believe I was indeed lying down. If that was the case, then who was it that moved me here? Master Kyle was not the kind type to lay me down but would wait till I woke up in the same position he left me before he made me know I was being moved. I know for sure that it was not my mother as she was not tall enough to reach the binding I was attached to. That could only mean that I was moved by the man who came into the room, but why would He want to move me anywhere?
I remember how many times I would usually wake up in the same position that I last remembered. Was this another form of trick that my mother or Master Kyle were trying to play on me? Or even worse, could this be a part of a new plan that the new big scary man came up with as that was the reason why He was brought in to participate in my punishment in the first place? Was this all of His doing as some kind of trick to get me to be punished in a new way? No matter, I still tried to figure out where I was.
I guess I could at least try to open up my eyes. Well, that did not work. Why was I not able to open up my eyes? I was always able to open up my eyes when I wanted to before. Well, I mean I have had my eyes swollen shut before, but even then, I was able to peek them open just a bit. But this was somehow different. I could not open them up at all, not even to peek. When I tried to look around and move my head, it was like everything was black all around me, or was that because my eyes were still closed? I tried to move my arms to see if they were positioned above me, and I could not even feel whether my arms were there or not. Wait, was I dead!?
Just then, as I continued to try to look around the black space I was surrounded in, I noticed a noise I kept hearing that kept getting ever so louder the more I focused on it. In a way, it almost seemed like the longer I was thinking about all of this going on, the faster this noise was getting. What was the noise I was hearing? Or was I actually hearing anything at all? I have never heard anything like that before, so what could it possibly mean? Wait, could this be another form of punishment that the new big scary man came up with? Was my punishment not over even after everything I went through already? What more were they going to do to me? All I did was get blamed for a chair that broke, well, the fact that it was Alpha's chair. Did that chair really mean that much to him which is why I am being punished this much?!
I tried to open up my eyes again and all of a sudden they both burst open wide. There was this very bright light and it burned my eyes like fire. I had to shut them just as quickly as I opened them. I needed to let them feel a bit better before I tried to open that again. I was not aware I was able to open them up like that, as when I was punished before I always had a hard time seeing afterward. What was the very bright light I saw? The room I was in down in the dungeon was very dark, so where was I exactly if it was this bright? I have to say, I had a lot of different thoughts running through my head. As to different reasons why this could be happening. Nothing I knew of helped me figure out how to answer any of them.
After I was sure the pain in my eyes was gone, I tried to open up my eyes again. This time, I only started to peek out of them to figure out where the bright light came from. When I finally tried to open them this time, I noticed I was not in a dark room like I was before. This room was a lot brighter and a whole lot nicer than the other rooms I was allowed in back at the pack castle. Where exactly am I right now? As I tried to look around the room a bit more, I started to open my eyes a bit further the more I looked around. I was trying to see everything that was around me. I could tell there were different walls of colors I have never seen before. It was like I was in a very large room in a place I had never been to before. A question that kept entering my mind was, who did this place belongs to? As I was never allowed to go into any room this nice.
As I continued to look around the room, I started to get a little bit of feeling in my arms and legs. I certainly wished that I hadn't. My arms and legs were really, really sore. A lot sorer than I ever remember being in fact, and I am used to being in a lot of pain. Was this somehow part of the new punishment from the big scary man as well? At that moment, I wished I knew who He was so I would know what I could refer to Him as, instead of the big scary big man. If I ever called Him that openly, I am sure He would probably hit me and knock me to the ground. Should I stand or curl up into a ball at that point? I certainly did not know what to do if I was in His presence as I remember the last time I saw Him, He growled at me.
At that point, I was scared of my own thoughts. I actually tried to roll over and found I couldn't. However, this time was not because I was not able to move due to pain or anything. It was because something was not allowing me to turn over. I then tried to turn my neck to see what it was. My neck was really hurting when I moved it. That was when I noticed there were several strange wires running from my arms and from under the garment that I was wearing. What was it that I was wearing anyway as I have never seen anything like it before? Where were the clothes I had on earlier, and my undergarments? My clothes were old and had holes in them but they were still mine as no one wanted them. This garment was like wearing a hard box, hard and stiff with starch.