Chapter 4

I sigh with my eyes closed, turning my body to the opposite side it was, noticing a certain change when my head lays down on something more... resistant. Squeezing my eyelids, which felt like they were stuck together, I opened my eyes, finding Ravi's eyes fixed on me, while keeping both arms under his head.

"Good morning "he says smiling slowly, showing a row of perfect white teeth. Damn, he was more handsome than I remembered "You talk in your sleep "I widen my eyes, lifting my head from his chest, realizing that I had accidentally drooled over the place.

I quickly wiped the saliva, sitting on the bed.

"Did you sleep here too?

"This is my room "My eyes wander around the deservedly organized room "And this is my bed "I look at the bed, blinking a few times "I don't like sleeping outside my bed.

I run my hands over my face, slowly realizing the situation I've gotten myself into. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either.

She vaguely remembered the conversation she'd had with him the night before and how she'd ended up there. But where was it?

"I'm sorry about that. Same. I didn't mean—” I trail off, having no idea what to say.

"Don't worry about it "he says getting up at the same time "The night for me wasn't so bad. It didn't look half bad to both of us"A brief smile comes across his face.

I watch him walk into the bathroom only dressed from the waist up. I look more closely at the plain"walled room, looking for a picture frame if I want one, not finding one; The few objects were not colored, they had, opaque colors, matching the texture.

It didn't seem to be the men's room, generally the men's room was messy. There were dirty and clean clothes everywhere, as well as a lot of rubbish.

It was like a hotel room there.

"Where is it here? "I ask as soon as Ravi leaves the bathroom, going to what appeared to be the closet, returning wearing a gray shirt that was stuck to his body.


"Where we are? Where do you live?

He gives a half smile.

"He's still in town, if that's what you mean "he says just before leaving the room "There's a new toothbrush on top of the sink "He calls from the hall.

The bathroom clearly resembled a hotel room, without a doubt. There were fluffy white towels just waiting to be used. A large mirror that allowed you to see all your imperfections, a magnificent bathtub that would easily fit two people and a shower with five different water jets.

Anyone could easily spend more than an hour in the shower. It was bathing paradise, which I didn't think twice about taking advantage of, since I had a good reason to take a bath. Get me out of that smell of sweat and vomit and blood.

I felt extremely embarrassed after the shower, perhaps because I had used his soap and one of his towels, without even asking permission. In order not to overdo the hospitality, I ended up washing my hair at home, as I felt that it would be too much work.

The smell of coffee and fried eggs fills the air as I make my way down the porcelain tile steps, ignoring the coolness beneath my feet. The room was much bigger than I expected, equipped in the best possible way, without deviating from the simplicity that the decoration wanted to demonstrate.

The house inside was big, spacious. Two families would coexist very well there, not that I had never seen houses that size, but I had grown up with the burden that blacks, men or women, could not easily get a house like that or an expensive car.

At the bottom of the stairs I look left to find Ravi pacing the room. I don't think twice about going to meet him, stopping in the doorway, waiting for him to notice me. And he notices me, flashing me a smile.

"He comes. You can eat what you want "I approach the island, counter, in the middle of the rectangular kitchen. The wooden table with six chairs beside it was pretty, but it didn't look attractive enough to make Ravi use it.

I take two slices of bread, cutting off the edges I hated, feeling his eyes on me. I didn't like them, I had my own self"sufficient reason, since as a child they forced me to eat to the brim and it ended up in a way, this traumatized me and for some time I refused to eat sliced bread, until that morning.

Ravi's look wasn't disapproving, quite the contrary.

"Do you want scrambled eggs? "asked nta distracted by the function.

"Maybe "He goes to the stove, bringing a frying pan "How many people work here? I ask, trying not to look directly at her abdomen.

I couldn't help but think about what had just happened, especially with Ravi in front of me like that, his eyes locked on mine, his presence so all encompassing. Every time I looked at him, my cheeks heated up, a shy blush spread across my cheeks, betraying the intensity of my emotions.

It was as if the mere look of him could unravel my deepest thoughts, as if I were completely exposed before him. I felt vulnerable and, at the same time, excited that he could see beyond the words and understand the intensity of what I was feeling.

My thoughts wandered between the shared moment, recalling every detail, every touch, every whispered word. Each memory ignited a flame within me, fueling the desire to experience it all over again, to dive into the deep waters of this love that blossomed between us.

The flushed cheeks were an involuntary surrender, an obvious sign of the impact Ravi had on me. It was like my face was an open book, revealing the joy and excitement I felt at being around him.

"Just three "he says putting the eggs on one of the slices of bread "They clean the house and do the laundry.

"And who cooks?

"Me "I raise my eyebrows in surprise, not expecting to hear that answer. He looks up at me, smiling without showing his teeth "You're surprised."

"Nowadays men don't like to cook. In this century they continue to think that it is an exclusive duty of women.

"Not me "He sits down in front of me, helping himself with what was there, which for two people was enough food "And even if I didn't think that way, I don't have a wife or girlfriend to force me to do that.”

"You don't have why you don't want to or... why haven't you found the person you want?”

"Both things "he says without even thinking "I don't need a woman making my life hell and cooking for me "He sighs, holding my gaze "I'm sorry if you are that woman.”

"I'm not "I take a good bite of bread, with my stomach grateful for something solid to digest "No... I'm making anyone's life hell, much less cooking.”

He just keeps holding my gaze for a few seconds, until he shifts his attention to his plate.

"And you're from right here in the city? "I blink a few times, thinking very well what I was supposed to answer. I didn't often go around telling strangers little details of my life and I didn't feel like I hadn't been completely honest with Ravi, had omitted certain details.

"AND. I live."

"And... "He sighs "do you always put your life in danger?”

I shift uncomfortably on the bench.

"It was an accident."

"The car I know, I practically saw the accident "He leans forward "But what about the pills?”

I automatically remember the conversation we had before going to sleep. Of the promise he had forced me to make.

"That won't happen again, Ravi "I murmur "I won't anymore... "My suicide attempts had all been failures, there had been no merit in any and I doubted if I tried again, if I would have the same “luck”.

"Sincerely? "I immediately look at him, feeling like a child listening to a sermon, since by his tone of voice, that's what it seemed "I hope no one else does what I did yesterday "I take a deep breath, nodding immediately. With that said, he gets up, leaving the kitchen, returning in the same minute with my bag.

I thank him with a brief smile, immediately opening my bag in search of my cell phone. The smile slowly fades from my face when I notice there are twenty missed calls from him, plus messages. I ended up deciding to open one of the messages, which made him realize he was online, calling me right away.

Hesitantly, I answer the call, not looking directly at Ravi.

"You didn't answer any of my calls "He accuses.

"I had a car problem "I force the words out of my mouth "Then I ended up sleeping in a hotel. "I lie."

"Why didn't you call the insurance?”

"It was late and... I was tired.”

Brief silence. Ravi gets up, taking food off the counter.

"You have work. We already know who the guy we are looking for is.”

"I think I want a vacation.”

"No "he says in a firm voice "I want you on this operation "Before I could say anything, he hangs up. I toss my phone back in my bag, looking at Ravi.

"I have to go," I mutter.

"I noticed "I get up, helping him with that task "No need, I can handle it "He takes the margarine from my hand, holding my fingers for a fraction of a second "Need a ride?”

I didn't know exactly where I was, consequently I wouldn't know how to get out of there.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me at that post.”

"I'll ask them to do it.”

Of course he wouldn't take a few minutes out of his life just to help the stranger get back into her life, although I wanted to spend a few more minutes with him before returning to my harsh reality, where I was an undercover cop in operations, who still lived with her toxic uncles.

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