Chapter 6: Things Are Changing
Our moment was interrupted by a knocking on the door and the wiggling of the doorknob. “Blasé, darling, open the door.” A female voice called. Blasé tensed, as I walked over and opened the door and there stood a tall, slender blonde, brown eyed beauty. She pushed past me and straight to Blasé’s arms. She wrapped herself around him and kissed him. “Shit! What is this feeling?” Pain was shooting through my chest, it’s squeezing my heart, it was so intense I fell to my knees. The female looks at me. “Would you mind leaving me and my fiancée alone? Thank you! Bye!” She said pushing me out the door while I was still on my knees trying to recover from whatever just happened. “Courtney! Stop! She’s hurt!” Blasé yelled trying to help me up. “Don’t touch me.” I whispered trying not to let the tears that are prickling the edge of my eyes. “Storm, please.” He said as I pulled away from him. “No! You lied to me.” I sobbed as I was finally able to get to my feet. “Me and my kids will be outta here first thing in the morning. I can’t believe I fell for…” I trailed off and hurried downstairs. “Storm, come back!” Blasé yelled after her. I could hear his footsteps getting closer.
Summer ran up to me. “Mimi, what’s wrong? What happened?” She asked, putting her arm around my shoulder. “Don’t call me that. How could lie to me?” I whispered as I pushed her arm off my shoulders. “I trusted you!” I snapped as I pushed past her. “Kids, we need to go.” They came running to me. “Mama, what wrong?” Rebel asked. “We need to leave; we don’t belong here.” I tried to stay calm. “We need to pack our things and find somewhere else to live.” I told them making my way to their room. “Storm, please stop!” Blasé pleaded. I couldn’t even look at him. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms. “Blasé, darling, who is that woman?” The female asked, pointing at me. “And why are you holding her like that?” The female demanded to know. “Dada, who dat?” River asked, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “Minnie, could you please take the kids to their room?” He asked. “River, Ryder, Rebel, go with Minnie, we will be up as soon as we are done talking.” He told them and kissed the top of River’s head. They all frowned but did what they were told. Marco picked up River and she buried her little face in his neck and sobbed. “You promised you would never hurt them.” I whispered. “I know, I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen.” Blasé sighed.
Alex, Grace, Silas, and Summer were standing next to me. I had pulled away from Blasé when he was talking to River. “Courtney, what are you doing here?” Alex asked. “Better yet, how did you even get in?” Silas growled. “Wow! I’ve been gone for a year, and this is how you welcome your future Luna?” She pouted. “And why did that mongrel call you dada?” She glared at Blasé. “First of all, do NOT ever call my pups mongrels! Second, you are NOT my fiancé, and you are certainly not my Luna, and you never will be!” Blasé growled. “And there was NEVER anything between you and me.” He snarled towering over her. “You were screwing around with anything that had a dick. Oh, and then you admitted you didn’t loved me, that you only wanted to be Luna and then you took off to Goddess only knows where and honestly I don’t care where you went.” He snorted. “Didn’t it dawn on you when I didn’t go looking for you?” He rolled his eyes. “Lucky for me, I found my true fated mate and I love her more than I can describe.” He told her looking over at me. “And she has gifted me with three beautiful pups that I love with all my heart. Oh please!” Courtney scoffed. “She’s just a weak little human, she can’t give you what you need.” She scoffed. “You have no idea what I need, she’s the only one who CAN give me what I need. ONLY my true fated mate know what I need and no one else.” He told her. I wanted to believe him and a part of me did but there was another part that was telling me to pack the triplets up and disappear and NEVER look back.
“You’re not even a member of this pack anymore. You rejected your loyalty to the SilverMoon pack.” Alex growled. “Yes, that's right.” Grace agreed. “You have a choice; you can leave on your own or I can have you escorted from our lands.” Silas smirked. “You wouldn’t dare!” She shrieked as two guards appeared next to her. “Try me, PLEASE try me. I would LOVE nothing more than to throw you outta here and outta our lives.” Silas growled at her as she continued to struggle and yell and shriek for Blasé to help her. “Get her out of here, she’s caused enough damage and make sure she doesn’t even set a hair here ever again.” Silas said as the guards dragged her away. “My father will hear about this!” She yelled as she was escorted out the door. “Child stop your squawking, the whole pack can hear you.” An older man in long robes told her placing a kiss on her forehead. “Release my daughter, NOW.” The man growled. I don’t know how I could tell but he reeked of evil and darkness. I don’t know who he is but I don’t like him. I scooted closer to Grace and Alex when he walked in, he scares me. “Alpha, my apologies. I told Elder that…” Gordon, one of the guards, started saying. “It’s okay Gordon. Please wait at the door, we may need you in a moment.” Alex stated, narrowing his eyes at the Elder. “Yes, Alpha.” Gordon said bowing. “So, word has reached the Elders that there is a human female among us with three, possible, half-breed pups.” He said blankly. “Is she the one clinging behind you?” He said pointing to me as I hid behind Alex and Grace. “Bring her forward.” I looked over at Blasé shaking my head no pleading with him not to make me face this man. “She’s not ready to be presented to the Elders yet.” Blasé told him standing so that the man couldn’t see me.
“Eric, I am not asking but I am telling you and your daughter leave. We were in the middle of having a family dinner that was rudely interrupted by your daughter and now you.” Alex glared at the elder and his daughter. “Not to mention the problems she has created between my son and his true mate.” He scowled. Whatever confidence I had facing my mother was now gone, for some reason this elder guy scared the shit outta me. “Yes well, Courtney was quite surprised to walk in and find her fiancé in the arms of another female. And you will address me as Elder Eric.” He sneered. “First of all, Courtney is not and has never been my fiancé and second, so what that we were in each other’s arms, not that it would matter because Courtney is NOT my mate! She had no business being in my living space!” Blasé growled. “I am going to say this one more time and one more time only, Courtney is not and NEVER will be my mate or my Luna!” He calmly said. I could see that he was trying to keep Asher under control. “Son, please calm down. You’re scaring your mate.” Grace said, turning to me as I clung to her side. At this moment all I wanted to do was run upstairs, grab the triplets and high tail outta there. “Sugarbear, my love I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Blasé gently said taking me from Grace and hugged me to his chest. What the hell has happened to me life.
“I will not tell you again, release my daughter.” Eric growled at the guards, and he eyed Alex and Blasé. “When you realize that this human…” the elder said motioning to me with disgust, “can’t provide you with what you need, Courtney will be waiting for you. Come along my child.” He said tugging his daughter with him as he walked away. “Fat chance.” Summer chuckled with Silas high fiving her. “You better watch out human slut!” Courtney growled. With that remark, Blasé had her in the air by her throat pinned against the wall. “You will stay from my mate! If anything should happen to her or our pups, I will hold you personally responsible for any injuries they suffer.” He snarled as Courtney gasped for air and was struggling to breath and get out of his grip. “Release my daughter NOW!” Elder Eric demanded. Blasé glared at him. “Same go for you, you snake!” He said dropping Courtney to the ground. “I will also expect that should you make contact with Fred Walters, you will inform us of his and his mate’s whereabouts.” Elder Eric froze as Blasé chuckled darkly. “Did you think that I didn’t know that he’s your nephew?” Blasé asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did you know that his mate is human? That he had three pups and that he should have presented his mate and her daughter to the pack. Did you know that he was abusing his stepdaughter, who as it turns out is my mate? My mate who should have been safe in my arms for the last three years. THREE YEARS!” He gritted. “When he makes contact with you, you will contact my father or my Beta with his whereabouts. He and his mate need to answer for the treatment of my mate and the fact that they escaped from our custody. I know they had help.” Blasé told him. “Of course, Alpha.” The elder bowed and exited with his daughter who followed quickly behind as she glared at me. “Eric, be mindful of my son’s warning.” Alex warned as Elder Eric glared at him. “And should I find out that you had anything to do with his escape, you will be punished and stripped of your status, and you WILL be banished from this pack along with your daughter and any other members of your family.” Blasé warned. I could see the Elder swallow hard and bow as he turned and walked away.
Once he and his awful daughter were gone, I fell to my knees. “I can’t do this.” I whispered. “You should take that woman as your wife, Luna or whatever. I’m not who you think I can be. I just want to take care of my siblings and keep them safe.” I started. “I wish Nancy never met Fred!” I yelled. “I wish my dad was still here.” I sobbed. “Things would have been so different and better.” Blasé crouched down beside me. “Sugarbear, please, you are the only one I want. I NEVER loved Courtney and I NEVER will love her or anyone else.” He told me lifting my chin, so I was looking at him. “You are my world; you and those three little rascals are mine to love and protect. Please don’t leave me.” He whispered. “Mimi…” Summer sat next to me “…please stay with us. We already see you as our family, a sister, a daughter, and a best friend. Storm, you may not believe me, but you are a lot stronger than you think you are.” Alex told me. “We can help you find your voice and your strength. We will be here to not only protect you but to love you.” He chuckled lowly. “You and your pups are already embedded into our hearts.” He smiled at me. “If you leave Blasé and Asher will not…” he trailed off “…please stay so we don’t have to find out.”
“Mama.” River called out peeking around the corner. “Hey babygirl, c’mere.” I told her sitting her on my lap. “Do we hafta to go? We no want to go.” She whispered. “I know baby. I’m sorry. We are going to stay.” I told them. “I got scared, I’m still scared but I’m going to work on not being scared anymore.” I told her, hugging her and her brothers tight. I can’t be scared, I have my kids to think of and I have a man who wants to love me and will do anything to protect me, to protect us. “Mama.” Rebel and Ryder said wrapping their little arms around me. “We protect you and sissy.” They told me. “Oh, my brave boys, no, I will protect you.” I said hugging the three of them closer. “And I will protect all of you.” Blasé said, wrapping the four of us in a tight hug. “Dada.” Ryder looked at Blasé. “Can’t bref.” We laughed and loosened our grip on them. River ran to Marco and hugged him tight. “We eat? I hungwie.” Ryder said rubbing his tummy as it growled loudly. Everybody chuckled as Marco, Summer, Silas, and his parents took the triplets outside.
“We will be there in a few.” Blasé told them. He looked down at me. “You feeling better?” I shrugged. “Yeah. I’m sorry, all this has been a lot to take in.” I told him with a sigh. “Tell ya what, let’s go outside, relax, have fun with our kids and we will figure things out tomorrow.” He said, pushing a stray hair behind my ear. “Can I ask you something?” He looked at me and smiled. “Of course, anything.” He assured me. “Were you and Courtney ever together?” I asked him looking down at my fingers. He lifted my chin. “No, never. I never even let her upstairs to my apartment, I only ever wanted my mate in there. Asher and I didn’t want the scent of any other female in our room.” He admitted. “So, I’m the only one who has ever been in your room?” I smiled inwardly to myself. “Yup and honestly…I’ve never been with any female.” I looked up at him. “Seriously? So, you’re a…” I trailed off. “Yeah.” He blushed a little. “Wow.” I said softly. “What?” He asked. “Well, it’s just that most guys will jump anything with a pulse and boobs.” I laughed. “I’m not most guys.” He said nuzzling my neck. I squirmed lightly. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Nothing really.” I shrugged. “Tell me, we are not going to keep secrets from each other.” “It’s just that…I do want to give this…” I motioned between us “…a chance but…” “But what?” I sighed. “That elder guy really scares the shit outta me. Is he really Fred’s uncle?” “Yes, he is but don’t worry about him, none of us trust him either. I don’t think any of the other Elders trust him. He’s a greedy and power-hungry man. He would hurt those around him, even his own family, if it meant he would gain money and power.” He snorted. “You and the nuggets will never be alone, someone will always be with you.”
“Hey! Will you two get out here! We’re waiting.” Silas yelled from the kitchen. “C’mon, Ryder is probably starving.” Blasé chuckled. “Is it normal for him to be eating so much? Rebel and River don’t eat like he does.” I asked as we walked outside. “Believe me, they all eat the same amount, he’s just more vocal about it.” He laughed. “Yes, it’s normal for them to eat that much.” I nodded. “Mama!” Rebel yelled running to me. “Hey baby.” I said, hugging him tight. “Ryder gonna eat all the food.” He frowned. “No, he won’t, there’s plenty.” Alex assured him. We all settled in at the picnic table, served our plates and enjoyed each. I looked at my siblings, my babies, my kids, they were so happy. We actually have people who care about us. It’s been a few months since we came to be with Blasé and things are going well. We were settling into a routine. Blasé and I spent as much time as we could together between his work, school, and the triplets. Fred and Nancy were still nowhere to be found, me and the kids were never alone, Blasé had his most trusted warriors with us when he, Marco or Silas couldn’t be with us. River was never happy when Marco was not with her, he juggled homeschooling and Gamma training. We still had to tell River that he would be gone for a few months for training camp.
The Next Day,
I woke before everyone, which is unusual, Blasé, Silas and Marco are always the first ones up. Not even Ms. Evers was up yet. I quietly made my way to the kitchen and started breakfast. Seven o’clock rolled around and the pack members started filing in. “Good morning, Luna.” They greeted as they walked in. “Good morning!” I chirped back. “Luna! My goodness, did you prepare all this by yourself?” Ms. Evers asked walking into the kitchen. “Yes, I hope you don’t mind.” I asked a little worried. “I thought you could use a break plus I was up with the chickens.” I laughed. “Thank you.” She said with a smile. “Storm! Storm! Where are you?! Gordon! Storm is…” Blasé was yelling when I stepped out of the kitchen, his eyes landed on me and like a flash he had me off my feet wrapped in his arms. “Where were you? I thought something happened to you.” He whispered in my ear nuzzling my neck and inhaling. “I’m sorry. I woke up super early. I didn’t want to wake anyone so, I decided to come down and make the pack some breakfast. I’m sorry.” I said, I felt him trembling. “Please don’t be angry.” I whispered. “Sugarbear, I’m not angry, it’s just with everything going on.” I interrupted. “I didn’t think, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” I looked up at him. “Don’t apologize, just please next time wake me or leave me a note, preferably wake me.” He kissed my temple. “Okay, I promise.” As he set me down on my feet, we heard giggling and squeals of joy and the pitter patter of little feet running down the stairs. Marco and Summer were chasing the triplets with tickle fingers. “NO, NO.” They squealed running behind mine and Blasé’s legs. “Mama, Dada, hewp pwease.” River squealed and Blasé picked her up and slowly started tickling her. “No dada, pwease stop.” She laughed. After we got them calmed down we all sat down and had breakfast.
“Gordon.” Blasé called. “Yes, Alpha. Please meet me in my office with your mate in ten minutes.” Gordon bowed and walked out. “Okay my little ones, you’re going to be with Marco, Megan, and Summer for the day. You will behave and do not wander off from them.” Blasé instructed them. “We pwomis dada.” They said in unison. “Mama, come wit us?” Ryder asked. “Not today son.” Blasé said and Ryder gave a little pout. Blasé chuckled. “I need mama’s help today.” Ryder huffed. “Otway.” I leaned down, hugged the three of them and Blasé led me out of the dining room. “So, what do we need to talk about?” I asked as he opened the door to his office. “A lot.” He motioned for me to sit on the love seat, and he sat next to me. “I know you have questions and there are things we need to figure out.” He said gently caressing my arm. Wholly shittles, his touch sends little jolts of sparks through my arm giving me goose bumps. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that, I’m not complaining though. Hahaha.
Knock, Knock. “Come on in Gordon.” The door opens and in walks Gordon with a petite but a cute athletic-looking brown-haired girl. I looked at Blasé. “Each of us has a scent that identifies who we are, and we usually know who’s coming before they get here.” I shaped my mouth in an “O.” “The trips will start to develop their sense of smell pretty soon.” I nodded. “Actually, we will need to talk with them soon.” He released a breath. “There’s a chance that they could shift early.” He carefully stated. “Wait, what? They’re only three.” I started to panic. “Whoa, calm down, sugarbear.” He told me rubbing my back. “It’s common for them, considering their uncle is an elder. It’s nothing to be concerned about.” He told me. “He can’t have them! I’ll take them and hide before he…” I started but Blasé interrupted. He kissed my cheek and pulled me in for a tight hug. “Sssshhhh, calm down, breath, that’s not going to happen.” He said as he rubbed my back. “You don’t know that. You don’t know Fred like I do. He’s going to find a way to fight this. He always has a plan.” I said feeling like the room was spinning. “Luna, please try to be calm.” Gordon started. “We will do everything we can to make sure that you and those little pups are safe. I promise and I vow on my life.” He said bowing and kneeling in front of me. “This is my mate, my wife…Marcy. She will be your personal assistant and guard.” He introduced. “Luna…” I interrupted her. “Please call me Storm from now on.” I smiled at Marcy. “Luna Storm, I also vow on my life to protect you and your pups.” Marcy said kneeling to one knee and placed her hand over her heart. “Thank you Gordon and Marcy. I very much appreciate all your protection and support. And since it looks like we will be spending alotta time together, I must insist that you call me Storm.” I told them. “At least when we are not on official business.” I smiled at them, and they smiled back. “Oh and no bowing unless we are on official business.” I chuckled. “We will have to work on that one.” Gordon laughed.
“Sugarbear, things are going to change for you but any questions you have, all you have to do is ask.” Blasé told me. I let out a breath. “Okay, then let’s get started.” I said leaning on Blasé. “What do I need to know? He kissed my cheek. Well, first thing is that we need to talk about our mating and your Luna ceremony. Okay, what do we need to do? What do I need to do? And what is that?” I giggled. “Storm, my sweet girl.” Grace said excitedly walking into Blasé’s office. “So, when do we want to have the ceremonies?” She asked opening her calendar. I shrugged. “Do they happen at different times, or can we do them together?” “We can do it whenever you think is the best time to do them.” I told her scrunching my face trying to think. “Oh sweetheart, you can do them at the same time. I say the sooner the better, but we need to prepare you. We need to plan and find your dress and oh my, so much to do.” Grace squeaked as she looked through her phone and some kinda notebook she had on her lap. “Mom, focus.” Blasé laughed snapping his fingers. “Yes, yes. I’m sorry. I’m just so excited. Opinions on time frame.” She asked looking between me and Blasé. I shrugged not really knowing when would be a good time. “How about on the full moon in a couple of weeks?” He suggested. “If that’s enough time to prepare, then sure.” I agreed, a part of me was excited and the other part was scared beyond belief. “Two weeks it is. I will have your father send the invitation to our allied packs. Storm, we will need to go to the boutique to find yours and River’s dress. She’s going to look so cute. Blasé, you, Silas, your father, Marco, and the boys will need to be fitted for your tuxes.” She rattled off instructions. “Mom, maybe we shouldn’t be so formal.” With that comment she death glared at him. “Whoa mom, I’m just saying that because of her marking.” He said holding his hands up in surrender. She put her hand on her on her hips. “Have you even told her about it?” He sheepishly nodded no. “Don’t you think you should?” She tilted her head at him. “Sweetie, I don’t want to scare you but the mark you will receive will look like this.” She said showing me her left arm, it had a beautiful tribal tattoo. I lightly ran my fingers over it in admiration.
“It’s beautiful.” I told her. But the skin was raised. “Sugar, it’s not a tattoo, it’s more of a branding.” He explained. “A branding?” He got up and pulled out the branding rod. “There’s one for pack members, one for the Alpha and then one for the Luna and the ranked members, like the Beta and Gamma.” He continued. “It will be blazing hot, placed on your left arm aligned with your heart, and left there for several seconds. My love, it’s going to hurt, I’m not going to lie but it must be done.” He said looking at me with a little worry. “Another part of our bonding is that I will mark you,” he lightly placed his finger on the left side of my neck at the base of my collar bone and right below my ear, “right here.” “What do you mean by mark?” “Well, I’ll bite you.” He said as he watched me close waiting for my reaction. “Uh…okay. Will it be done at the ceremony?” “No, that is something we will do in private. It’s an intimate thing between the mating couples. We will be doing that in the privacy of our room afterwards.” He smiled, winked and wiggled his eyebrows. I needed to quickly change the subject before I look like a beet all over. “Uuhhh…” I said swallowing hard “…if it has to be done, then okay.” I said sitting up straight. “So, then my dress will have to be sleeveless and low?” “Grace, if I may ask, what did your dress look like?” She smiled wide at me. “I still have it if you would like to see it.” She offered. “I would love to.” She got up and hurried out.
Before I could say anything else, we heard the pitter patter of little feet, the door opened and River scurried in. “Ssshhh…I hiding fwom Coco.” She giggled and squeezed behind the sofa. “River! Baby girl!! Where are you?” He called out. “River, baby, game is over, please come out.” He was starting to sound worried. “Marco is there a problem?” Blasé raised his eyebrows. “Uh…no not really. Just playing hide n seek and I found the boys, but my little princess has gotten better at hiding.” He sighed and I motioned behind the sofa as a little giggle filled the room. A look of relief crashed over him. Blasé and I grinned at him. “Well, since you can’t seem to find her then maybe you can find some other little girl to take on a picnic.” Blasé teased. We heard a small gasp. “Yes, there is a cute little brown-haired girl that has a big crush on you. I’m sure she would LOVE to go with you.” Of course, I was talking about River, but she didn’t know that. “I guess I should find go find her then.” Marco said turning to walk out. “No, no Coco! I right here.” River crawled out from behind the sofa. “There you are!” Marco said with surprise picking her up and hugging her. “You no take other girl on picnic, you only take me.” She demanded with a little scowl. She’s so cute when she’s mad. “You, my Coco.” She told him burying her head in his neck. “Oh, my little one, of course I’m your Coco.” He assured her rubbing her back. “Ready to go on our picnic? Should we take your brothers?” He asked her. “Do we hafta?” She asked with a frowned. “No, we don’t have to if you don’t want to.” She gave him a big smile. “Okay, say bye to mom and dad.” He told her setting her down on her feet. “Hey princess.” Blasé hugged her tight. “Hi daddy.” She snuggled in his lap. We sat there for a little while. Marco stepped out to get the picnic basket ready. “River am I still your favorite, right?” Blasé asked, he was worried that he wasn’t her favorite wolf anymore, now that she had her Coco. “Yesh dada, you best dada ever.” She wrapped her little arms around his neck. “I wuv you daddy.” She said inhaling and he did the same. “River, you ready?” Marco called. “Yesh.” She answered, kissed Blasé’s cheek, gave me a big hug and bounced off to her Coco. “Marco…” Blasé started “…I am trusting you with my, our baby girl.” He said as more of a warning. “I will protect her with my life, she is my life and my world. I will not let you or Luna down and I will not let my little mate down.” He looked at River with so much love and affection. “Okay, you two better get going.” I told him squeezing and tickling her. I love hearing her laugh. Marco took her hand, and they went off to their picnic.