Chapter 1: Moving to her uncles Farm

( Allies POV )

I've always wanted to know how it feels to fall in love with someone. Lately, the loneliness would surface out of nowhere. I would get so jealous seeing my friends with their partners as they kissed and their lips would touch as they kissed and I would get so mesmerized, wondering how it might feel because I had never kissed anyone in my life before, and I did the kisses you give your parents on the cheek counts as a kiss. I was never as lucky as my friends who could attract the eyes of any man they wanted, or at least the eyes of just one man. It was only when I went to college that men started to take an interest in me, but I never felt attracted to any of them even though I did feel lonely and craved the companionship of a man. I didn't know why, or maybe reading all those fantasy novels had set a high standard for what I wanted in a man. I would rather read a book or write in my journal than spend time with the men at the college. They are all scumbags who think they can get in any girl's pants that they want. They went through all their choices of young ladies at the college and when there wasn't anyone left that they hadn't already slept with, their eyes averted on me and they would make bets to see who could get in my pants first. Luckily none of them was as lucky. Other people at the college used to call me names, like ( The Heartless Geek ) because I couldn't fall in love with anyone, except for animals. I seem to have a better connection with animals. I always loved to visit my uncle on his farm on school holidays and help out around the farms, that is why I have decided now that I'm finished with college, I'm going to live with my uncle. Lately, I've been feeling a pull toward the mountains near Uncle Buck's farm and I don't know why. It is like something is telling me that my destiny is there. I can't get the feeling out of my system. I dream about those mountains every night and wake up feeling restless, so I have decided to go and stay with my uncle and help out around the farm until I've decided what to do with my life. After packing, I went downstairs to have breakfast with my parents for one last time.

" Morning Mom, Morning dad "

Both look excited to see me, but I can see the sadness in their eyes.

" Morning Sweetie. How did you sleep" Mom asks, giving me a pack on the cheek. She has always done that ever since I was little.

" I slept great. I'm so excited about today " I went to sit next to Dad." You look more excited about going to live with your uncle than you were about graduating " Dad glares at me over his reading glasses with a smirk on his face.

" Because at Uncle Buck's I can be outside with the animals all day and not cooped up in a school all day " My parents laugh at my comment and I can't help but feel sad. There won't be anymore mornings like this where we would have breakfast and just talk. " I'm going to miss you guys so much" Mom came over to me and gave my hand a soft squeeze. " We are going to miss you just as much sweetie," Hearing Mom say that puts a knot in my throat and I should swallow hard so that I don't start to cry." I should finish up because I have to go and say goodbye to my friends "

After breakfast, I helped Mom with the dishes, and Dad went to fetch my suitcase and put it in the car for me. He didn't want me to carry the heavy suitcase by myself. At the car, it was finally time to say goodbye and there was no holding back the tears anymore. The tears poured out of me, and both of my parents started crying as well. They pulled me in for a long hug. Nevertheless, they had to say goodbye because I still had to go and say goodbye to my friends, and start the long journey to my uncle's farm. After what felt like minutes, I climbed into the car and waved at my parents as I headed off into town, to meet up with all my friends at the local coffee shop where they all agreed on meeting each other so that I didn't have to drive to each one's house individually.

As I walked into the coffee shop, everyone screamed " SURPRISE", I just stood there in shock, unable to believe what my friends had organized for me. How could I have asked for friends better than these? My Friends decorated the entire cafe with balloons and a big banner saying "Goodbye" with a table full of gifts just for me. I am so blessed.

" I can't stay long but I appreciate what you guys did for me ", Allie said to her friends. You guys should all come and visit me sometime on the farm. There is a lot of fun stuff to do, horse riding, Hiking in the forest and even skinny dipping in the lake " I winked " My friends laughed.

I started tearing up again when it came time to say goodbye. Everyone had their chance to say their goodbyes. I climbed in the car, which is now full of all the going away gifts my friends gave me.

I head off on my journey. The road is long up ahead and by this time it's already past two in the afternoon. I put the Radio on so that the music can distract me from the heartache I'm feeling from leaving my childhood home, family and friends behind. After a while, I got so lost in the music that I started singing along with the radio and before long, hours had passed away and the sun started to set. I just realized how late it was when I saw that the sun had almost gone under.

My body started to ache from all the driving for hours on end. I pull over on the side of the road to stretch my legs a bit. I only had about an hour of driving left. I was close to Uncle Buck's farm because I could see the beautiful big mountains close to where he lived. Uncle Buck and I would always go hiking near those mountains when I was just a little girl. He would show me all the wonderful places to go, and we would have a picnic in the forest. There was this one spot I particularly loved. It had a waterfall, and everything there looked so magical with a meadow filled with different kinds of flowers.

I was so busy daydreaming when all of a sudden I heard a branch or something crack behind me. As I turned around to see what it was. Terror went through my body as stared straight into the eyes of something huge. Its eyes were a bright yellow color. It is almost gold and it was glowing in the dark behind some big bush. I can see some long dark brown fur with a tint of black. What could this creature be ' I thought to myself. '. It looks much bigger than a bear, but I am unable to see what it is because it's dark, and the sun has already set. I try to move, but my legs are stuck in one spot, unable to move from the shock I'm in. In my mind, I could already imagine what was going to happen next. This huge creature is going to kill me and drag me off into the forest and my parents would never find me. They would not know what had happened to me. The Creature gave a long howl, and I know that this is it. The last moments of my short life on earth.

I closed my eyes because I didn't want to see how this big animal was going to kill me. My entire body trembles from the terror that is about to happen. I could already feel the big beast's teeth piercing my flash.

I stood there with my eyes closed, waiting for the animal, or whatever it was to attack me. After a few moments when nothing had happened, I decided to open my eyes and look. "What a relief ". The creature was gone, It was nowhere to be seen. It just vanished. Now was my chance, before that thing came back. I ran to the car as fast as I could, jumped in and drove off. Luckily it wasn't that far from Uncle Buck's house anymore, but the last hour of driving felt like forever as I started to feel tired.

Finally! I reached the dirt road of the farm, and it was only a few minute's drive to the farmhouse. I could start seeing the lights outside of the house from a distance. When I reached the gate, my uncle was already waiting for me on the front porch. He saw the car's lights from the main road coming up to the house. Uncle Buck knew immediately that it was me because he rarely gets visitors on the farm.

As I approached the house, the dogs ran to the car in excitement to see who came to visit. When I climbed out of the car, the dogs realized who I was, and jumped up against me to greet me lovingly with their tails wagging crazy.

" I think it's my turn to say Hi now guys"

uncle Buck said to the dogs.

" Uncle Buck"

I said and ran into his arms like I hadn't seen him in years.

" My sweet girl! How have you been? I've missed you so much. This place has been so quiet without you here" He hugged me even tighter.

" Ow Uncle Buck, I've missed you and the farm and all the animals just as much "I kiss him on the cheek and he gives me a soft smile.

"Let's grab your belongings, and head inside. I have prepared a lovely meal for you ". I nodded and we started unloading the car and taking everything inside the house. We had to make two trips, because of all the gifts I received from my friends.

After dinner, I went straight to bed because I was exhausted from the long drive and all the excitement of the day. As my head sat down on the pillow the restlessness I've had went all away.

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