Chapter 2: Meeting the handsome man by the Lake
( Allie's POV )
It's been two months after my arrival here on the farm and things have been going great. I've settled in nicely. Everything is as it was when I was just a little girl. Nothing has changed much. I have decided to go swimming in the lake today after I have finished helping Uncle Buck unload all the hay from the truck. "It's a particularly hot day today isn't it uncle? How would you feel about joining me for a swim at the lake after we unload all of the hay "
" Not today, but you go ahead and enjoy yourself. I have a few things to do in town. I will be back later for supper "
" No problem. Would Uncle mind getting me a few things, please? I don't know when I will be going into town again. " He gives me a great big smile
"But of course dear, anything for you "
I smiled and thanked Uncle Buck. After unloading the hay I give Uncle Buck a list of what I need and head into the house to get dressed in a bathing suit and get a towel to dry off afterward. I've decided to ride a horse to the lake today because I didn't feel like walking all the way there in the heat. And if it got late and dark, I would get back faster with the horse. When I arrived at the lake, I could already smell the fresh air. Everything there was so beautiful and peaceful with the birds singing and butterflies fluttering about over all the different color flowers. This place was magnificent. It looked like something from a magical fairytale book, or a painting. I can't believe that my uncle lives near something as beautiful as this. The beautiful blue sky, and the lake water that is so crystal clear. You could see through it. Everything about this place and uncle's farm, made me feel so relaxed and at home. The restless feeling is gone now that I'm here. I felt like I belonged here like I was meant to be here. If only I had my own little house watching over the lake. It would have been so wonderful.
I tied the horse to the nearest tree I could find, with the most grass, so that it could eat the grass while I enjoyed myself. I grabbed my towel and headed down to the lake. I put the towel on a big rock in the sun so that it can bake nice and warm for when I get out of the water. I took off my jean shorts, and cute white tank top, and hung them over a tree branch. Underneath, I had on the sexiest black (one-piece) bathing suit that hugged the curves of my body in all the right places. It showed just enough cleavage so that you could see how full and round my breasts were. The backside of the bathing suit went so low down my spine and stopped just before you could see the bum. The back also had zigzag straps going across my back, so that it wasn't too revealing, but you could see my spine from my neck down to my but. Just above my but, I had two dimples that made me even more appealing. I had a beautiful pear-shaped body that many girls would dream of, or so my friends used to say. I have never been the kind of girl who would show off her body, but today I have made an exception because no one is around to see me. I've always felt shy in front of men, and I would always wear something less revealing if I knew that me and my friends would be around a lot of guys. Luckily no one is around to see me now in this revealing bathing suit.
Allie enjoyed herself in the water. She felt like a mermaid. She always loved being in the water and something about this Lakes water is so magical. It is so crystal clear that you can see the fish swimming around you in the water. You can see all the way down to the bottom.
Alie was in the water, drifting on her back when it felt like someone was watching her. She got up straight and looked around, but couldn't see anything out of place. She decided to get out of the water even though she didn't want to, but her hands told her otherwise. Her finger started to shrivel up from being in the water too long. She climbed out of the water and got her warm towel that was baking in the sun. She dried off and went to get her clothes from the branch. Unfortunately, her tank top wasn't there anymore. She looked everywhere for it, thinking that the wind must have blown it off the branch, but it was gone. ' The squirrels must have taken it ' She thought to herself. She gave up looking for the shirt and went to look for a nice clean spot on the grass to throw her towel. She found a nice spot near the horse, that doesn't have stones that would poke her in her back if she lay down. It was not long before she drifted off into dreamland, And was suddenly awakened by the horse being startled. She got up quickly from the ground only to realize that a man was standing by the horse with his back turned to her. She gets this strange warm tingly sensation in her body while looking at the tall musculer figure standing by the horse. ' Who is this man ' she wondered." Hello sir, can I help you Maybe"
She asked with i soft trembling voice. She does not know who this man is and what he is doing here. He started to turn around slowly and stared me straight in the eyes. When our eyes met, a strange tingly sensation erupted all over my body. I just stood there frozen, looking at his handsome face with dark brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He is very tall with his body built like a Greek God. His eyes are what captivate me the most. They are a light hazel color with a gold-like glow to them. His eyes look so familiar as if I saw them before, but I don't know where. My legs are starting to feel numb. It takes all my strength just to keep standing and not fall.
I stared so deep into the man's eyes that I didn't even realize that he started moving towards me. My Heart started pounding as he got closer. He came to a standstill a few inches away from me. I can't help but look at his lips. They look so soft and I can't help but wonder how his lips will feel on mine. Snap out of Allie. I say to myself. What is going on with me? I never had this feeling before.
" Hi, I'm Jack," He says, holding his hand out to me.
" I, I'm Allie " I stutter, unable to move my arm to greet him. My body doesn't want to cooperate.
" Well, it is nice to meet you, Allie. Are you new here?"His voice is so deep and strong and something about it, is like music to my ears. I just want to listen to his voice all day. " Allie? " I hear his voice again. I snapped out of it when I heard my name roll off of his lips.
" Sorry, my head isn't with me today. What was the question? " I lied to him because I couldn't tell him that something about him awakened my inner core and it felt like my entire body was on fire. In a good way. " I was asking if you were new here. "
" Yes and No. I just moved here to come and live with my uncle. I always used to visit him on the farm on school holidays."
He looks at me so intensely, like he is recording every word of what I am saying and locking it away in some sacred archive of his. No one has ever listened to me so intensely like they really cared about what I'm saying. He stares so deeply into my eyes that it feels like his gaze is looking into my soul and revealing all the secrets that I have kept away in a safe hidden spot.
" Who is your uncle? If I may ask. " Stepping one more step closer to me. My head is telling me to run because he is invading my personal space and he is a stranger. For all that I know, he could be here to kill me. But my heart and body tell me another thing. My heart i pounding crazy in my ears and my body is standing frozen, hoping for him to come even closer so that our skin can touch.
" Are you okay? You look a little flustered "
"Y y yes" I'm fine! "
I stuttered again like someone who couldn't speak.
" Are you sure you are okay "He touched me on the shoulders in a very soft caring way and sparks went through my body. He stares deep into my eyes like he is looking into my soul and reading my mind.
" I'm okay. I think I'm just a little dehydrated from being in the heat all day"
I lied. I didn't want to say that she felt some strange connection towards him.
" Maybe we should get you home then. I will go with you to make sure you get home safely"
Without waiting for me to give him a response, he jumped up the horse and reached out for my hand and pulled me up the horse like I weighed nothing." I will ride and you can just tell me where you live" He says while taking my arms and folding them around his body. His touch sends sparks through my entire body. I said nothing, put my arms around his muscular body and held on tight.
On the ride home, I get captivated by the smell on his neck, it's a musky Forest type of smell. I love the way he smelled, so much that I went a little too close, and pressed my nose against his neck.
" Are you okay back there?" Jack asked.
"Owe yes. Sorry, I'm just a little cold. I think the wind blew my shirt away by the lake"
I lied about the cold part but not about my shirt.
At home, Jack jumped off the horse and reached for my hand again to help me off the horse and the touch of his strong rough hands made my heart skip a beat. I can't help but think about what a gentleman he is, with real manly hands. My hands looked like a little girl's hands in his, and I liked it.
We said our goodbyes and Jack started to walk away when I said, " Are you going to walk by yourself back in the dark " he nodded and said that he loves walking at night under the stars. I laughed and said goodnight and be careful out there. He winked at me and it felt like my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach.