Chapter 9: Talking to my parents

( Allie's POV )

Last night with Jack, was one of the best nights of my life. We sat and talked for hours on end. I had to call Uncle Buck and let him know that I would be home late. Saying goodbye to Jack last night left a hole in my heart. It feels like something is missing. Even though I've only seen him twice now, it's like I can't live without his presence. I never heard one of my friends say that they felt like this, that they can't live without their boyfriend. Maybe I should go to his house later, and surprise him. I don't know if his guards would let me in by the gate, but I will try.

I have decided that today is the day I am going to ask my parents about the loan for the store. I already spoke with Uncle Buck, and he said that he just wants to finish up in the stables then we can Skype Mom and Dad. I went to the kitchen to put on the kettle for when Uncle Buck was finished, he could have a warm cup of coffee. The Kettle just finished boiling when Uncle Buck steps into the house.

" Hmmm. Are you going to make us some coffee Allie dear? " Uncle Buck asks, looking all happy.

" Yes, uncle. I thought we could have i nice hot cup of coffee while we talked to Mom and Dad" I poured the water into the two cups I had lined up for our coffee.

" Don't forget those delicious cookies you got the other day " Uncle Buck says, before disappearing down the hall to go wash up.

I laugh at Uncle Buck. Those cookies are delicious. Our box is almost finished. I think I should ask Sasha for more of those cookies, and maybe try some of her other flavors as well. Luckily we exchanged numbers, so I could just call her later.

I quickly ran up to my bedroom to get my laptop and set it up at the kitchen table. When Uncle Buck sat down next to me, I Skyped Mom and Dad.

" Hey, sweetie. How have you been? I'm so glad to see you " I can see the excitement on my dad's face when he saw me over the Skype camera.

" Hi, Dad. I am so glad to see you too. Where is Mom" Noticeing that she isn't sitting next to Dad.

" Here she is now," Dad says while lifting his arm so that Mom can sit next to him while resting his arm over her shoulders.

" Hi, sweetie. Just look at you. You are just glowing" Mom's face lit up the moment she saw me.

" Hi, Mom. I've missed you guys so much. How are things ?" I feel a knot in my throat from just realizing how much I've missed them.

"Everything is going great. It's just so quiet without you" I could see the sadness in her eyes and I could feel the tears built up in mine. I try not to blink, because I know the tears lingering in my eyes would pour down my cheeks if I blink now.

" Aww! Uncle Buck and I have something to discuss with you guys. I have good news. I finally figured out what I to do." Dad's face lights up.

"that is great. I'm so proud of you sweetie"

" You have so many talents, I'm sure you will strive in whatever you do," Mom says, looking very proud of me.

"Thanks, Mom. When I was in town the other day, I came across this cute little store for sale and I thought that it would make a great gift/coffee shop with everything handmade, so I was wondering if you guys could help me with a loan and I will pay you back as soon as the business starts taking off"

" I think Allie would do well here in town because we don't have a gift shop and I will also help her renovate the shop.

We were on Skype with my parents for a while. Trying to sell my business presentation. Mom And Dad both thought that it was a great idea, but they gave each other a concerned look and I knew that something was wrong.

"We would love to help you Hunny, but money is running a little tight at the moment," Mom says, I could see in her expression that she is heartbroken.

" We have some money saved away for our retirement. It's not much. It will only be half the amount of the store. We used up almost all of our savings for your college tuition and your car to get to college." Hearing Dad say that, made my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. now I feel bad for asking them for money. They worked so hard to give me everything I've ever wanted and now I wanted to take their last bit of savings.

I don't want to take the only money they have saved up, so I said to them that they should keep their money instead. I would try and make another plan on how to get the money. I have a business degree after all.

we talked a little longer on Skype with my parents and then it was time to say goodbye.

How was I going to get that huge sum of money? I only have a little money that I saved up during weekend babysitting jobs I did when I was in college. I thought that I would get the money to buy the shop from Mom and Dad and use my savings to buy the stock I needed to fill the store.

Today is just not my day. maybe I got a little too excited. I should think about getting a job and saving up, but by the time I save up, the shop would already be sold " Ugh". I just don't want to think about it now.

I told Uncle Buck that I wanted to surprise Jack with a romantic dinner tonight and that he shouldn't wait up. Uncle Buck gave me a crooked smile

" Someone is in love ". I did not deny it, because it's the truth. I went upstairs to take a quick shower and get dressed. Tonight I'm just going to put on a long black dress that is made of T-shirt material. It was a plain but beautiful dress, with thin straps that went over the shoulders and crossed at the back. I'm also gonna wear a jean jacket, because it might get cold. As for shoes, I am just going to slip on a black pair of sandals. I quickly tie my hair into a messy bun and put a little eyeshadow on. I'm making a light smokey eye. It always goes well with my dark brown eyes, and last, my new perfume and big silver hoop earrings.

I say goodbye to Uncle Buck and head off to Jack's house. I hope that the guards would let me in, or that he is even home tonight, and not on some business trip.

When I reached the big gate of Jack's house, there were no guards at the gate and the gate was open. I think I would just drive in slowly in case someone tries to jump me or something. As I approached the front door of the house, I could see Jack's car standing in the driveway, but there was no one in sight. The car door is open but Jack isn't in it. I think he might have run into the house quickly, and left the door open. I park my car at the side of the house where the under-roof parking is and head toward the house. I knock on the front door, but there is no answer. it's strange. the other day this place was full of guards and now, not a single person was in sight. I pulled on the door handle to see if it was unlocked and to my surprise, it was. I step into the house and close the door behind me. I call for Jack, but there is no answer. I head to his bedroom, to see if he isn't in there maybe. Jack's door was open so I just went inside and called for him, but no luck again. Oh well. I guess I will start the dinner then. Maybe Jack would be back in a while. he is probably out for a walk or something. Just think how surprised he would be if he came back to a home-cooked meal. I look in the big pantry to see what food Jack has in there. It is stacked with food. Every girl's dream, or my dream. I got a bag of macaroni in the pantry and now, to look for a big pot and frying pan. I pour water into the pot and put it on the big stove. When the water starts to cook, I will put in the macaroni. Next, I start chopping the onions. I barely started chopping the onions, my eyes started to water. I went to get i kitchen towel to pat the tears off. I don't want to smudge my makeup and mess it all up, and when Jack sees me, I would look like a mess. As I patt my eyes dry, I hear the door open, and there is Jack in the door " Ooh my God. I'm so sorry Jack " I quickly close my eyes. " Jack, I am so sorry. I wanted to surprise you, but " I barely finished my sentence when I felt his finger on my mouth. I just stood there, blushing, because I knew that he was standing right in front of me naked.

Jack takes my hand slowly and puts it on his chest. In the few seconds, I could see him before I closed my eyes, I could see that he was built so muscular with dark chest hair. He looks so manly. Just with my hand here on his chest, I could feel the heat in my face and I started to breathe heavily. " Open your eyes Allie" I hear him say, but I squeeze them shut even tighter, and the next moment he takes my hand and starts moving it slowly down his abs.

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