Chaptor 3


I’ve been working at the coffee shop for two weeks now. I’ve been taking the subway to work every morning and every morning the scary guy was on the train just watching me. He was starting to freak me out. But I didn’t say anything to Herman or Carl yet. I’m my own woman now and have to take care of things myself. Taking care of things at this moment means getting off the train quickly and basically running to the coffee shop just to make sure the scary guy doesn’t stop me from talking to me or doing worse things to me. He gives me the vibe of someone that will rape you. I know it's judging a book by its cover, but that's how he makes me feel.

The better part of the past two weeks was the fact that I dreamed about a certain tall, dark and dangerous man and every morning it was like he was in my bedroom because I could smell him. It’s probably because he's been at the coffee shop every morning since the first morning he saw me there.

Massimo will come in every morning and we will talk about what happened the previous day or what I did the previous evening then he’ll take his espresso and sit at the same table and just look at me. He didn’t look at me like the guy on the train his looks were sensual and protective if that made sense, and it made me feel good, wanted. Some days he will be in his suit and other days in his gym/running clothes I’m still not sure if he runs or goes to the gym. I didn’t have the guts to ask him yet. But he looks sexy no matter what he wears. His driver will be with him when he comes in. I’m not sure why, but each to his own. Every day when he leaves, he will say see you tomorrow and every day I’m shocked and every morning when he comes in, I’m relieved to see him. He really has a strange effect on me. With my history with men or should I say one man I should run in the other direction but I am drawn to him. Like a moth to a flame.

"I made it Carl this is my second week and you didn't even think I'd make it through the first week."

"You proved me wrong Rachel, I'm very happy about that." While we were busy serving customers Carl and I spoke about everything and nothing.

"Rachel view my friends and I are going to a nightclub tomorrow night, you want to join us?"

“That sounds like a plan I have nothing else to do. What club are you going to?" I asked

“ It’s a club called, NAVA on 56th Street,” he said

As I looked up I saw Massimo looking at us with a very angry expression on his face looking from me to Carl, listening to our conversation.

“You can’t go to that club, Rachel” he demanded.

“Well, good morning to you? Did Massimo eavesdrop much?”

“I’m not eavesdropping. You were talking loud enough for everyone to hear. I’m serious, Rachel. You can’t go to that club." he insisted.

"Why Massimo, why can't I go out with friends?" I asked, irritated

It's not that you going out with friend Rachel. I just don't want you to go to that club."

“Massimo I don’t think you're in a position to tell me what I can and can't do” I said.

“Fine. Rachel, then I’m pleading with you not to go please” he pleaded.

“Sorry Massimo, but I don’t have any friends in New York and would like to make friends, so I’m going with Carl and his friends."

“I’ll be your friend and show you around New York and the nightlife” he pleaded again.

“Massimo, you’re a customer and I’m very sure you have a lot of things that need your attention and I’m not one of them.”

“I’m here every morning, aren’t I?” he said

“Yes but that’s for your espresso”

“I have an espresso machine at home Rachel and I own an Italian Restaurant. I don’t have to come here every morning”

He took his espresso and left. I just stared at his back, what was he trying to say and why didn’t he say see you tomorrow? Will this be the last time I see him?

When Massimo left, I was very confused about what that was, why was he so insistent that I don't go out? I had an abusive husband that never let me go out with friends. I will not let anyone tell me again, with who I can go out. No Thank you, mam. I'm done with that.

"What was that all about?" Carl asked me

"I have no idea, all I know is he is not happy, I hope I haven't lost you a customer Carl."

"That guy is way too smitten with you to not come back," Carl said

"Nonsense Carl his just a customer."

"I've seen that guy maybe once a week, now his here every morning and he sits down to drink his espresso and can't keep his eyes off you. His definitely smitten. And I heard what he said about having his own restaurant. Believe me, Rachel the Italians make better espresso than this coffee shop."

"We've only been talking every morning, how can he be smitten?" I asked Carl

"Have you looked in a mirror this morning Rachel?"

"Why is there something on my face?" I asked Carl

"No Rachel I'm trying to tell you, you are hot. I'm surprised not more men are throwing themselves at you, but with Massimo and his bodyguard here every morning might put them off."

"Carl, you are talking nonsense."

"I'm not, Rachel. What about the fact that since you started here we have more male customers?" Carl asked me

"I thought it was your usual customers."

"Some yes but definitely not all of the new men that are coming in."

"Fine let's leave it at that and I'll just say thank you for the compliment, Carl."

"Okay, Rachel as you wish."

We went back to work and I couldn't stop thinking about what Carl said about Massimo, was he really smitten with me, and did I chase him away now?


It was Friday morning and I was in a bad mood. I didn’t sleep well last night I could only think about a blond, blue-eyed girl that was disobeying me.

How dare she, I’ll make sure to teach her not to disobey me again. Take it easy Massimo I told myself.

But first I need to know if there is anything that needs my attention tonight.

“Enzo, Luca can I see you in my office”

“Yes boss we are on our way” Enzo said

“Is there anything that needs my attention tonight?” I enquired

“No boss, we’re meeting with the distributors tomorrow night at the club in the office" Enzo said

“Enzo can you handle anything that comes up tonight you can get Marco and Davide to assist you if need be," I asked Enzo

“No problem boss”

“Luca you’re coming with me to NAVA tonight “

“NAVA sir?”

“Yes, Luca did I stutter?”

“No sir but is there a problem we should know about, it is the Ricci's club and territory,” Luca said

“I’m well aware Luca but Rachel is going and I want to make sure she’s okay, you know the security at that club is up to shit"

“Yes, sir I know but still aren't we looking for trouble?" Luca said

“Boss won’t you need our help as well, as Luca said, it is the Ricci's club and there might be problems" Enzo said

“No Enzo I want to be as low-key as possible if there is a problem Luca will phone you or we can handle it ourselves"

"As you wish Sir"

“Now let's get back to business, anything that we need to handle?”

“We need to talk about the Ricci family,” Enzo said

"We just did," I said irritated

“Yes sir but there is another issue with them" Enzo said

“We think they tried to get to the office at the warehouse where we keep the diamonds, last night”

“Davide and Marco handled it but they got away we suspect the Ricci family but it could be another rival company or family that popped up”

“What about the security camera” I asked

“They were wearing hoodies and knew where the cameras were”

“That’s not good enough, Enzo. We need to do better” I screamed. My patience was running out

“We increased the security and installed a few more camera Sir" Enzo said

"Is that all we can do?"

We sat around my conference table and started strategizing and finding out if there could be any rival company or another mafia family involved or if could it be the Ricci family hiding behind the possibility of another rival company or another mafia family. The Ricci family would be the obvious suspects as they are one of the oldest Mafia families in New York and they are not happy that I am taking over New York and I am not part of any mafia family. You may say I’m first generation. My father and mother always owned their own Restaurant and they made a very good living with their restaurants but I always wanted more so I went for the illegal way of making money. I convinced my parents to move to New York I bought them a restaurant and that is still what they are doing. So needless to say for a ‘no name’ to come into New York and take over the market stirred up some trouble for me but that’s why I have loyal men to help me. Believe me, they know who Massimo Marchetti is.


It was 12:00 and no sign of Massimo. I got so used to him being here every morning making small talk, smiling at me and not to mention how he looked at me he was nice eye candy for me too. I know he’s a dangerous man but for some reason, I feel safe near him and alive when he looks at me. But it seems after I told him I was going out with Carl’s friends to NAVA he was done with his espresso’s and me. I felt a bit heartbroken, weird I know.

The day went by quickly maybe it was because I was going out and meeting new people and that had me excited.

“Carl, where should I meet you guys tonight?” I asked him

“Let's meet at the club at 9 pm we’ll wait for you in front” Carl said

“Great then I have time to go look for a new outfit”

“Wear something sexy, Rachel”

“You know it, Carl”

“See you later Rachel”

“Later Carl”

I took the subway to Times Square to look for an H&M or some brand I could afford. Luckily I found an H&M and found a cute sparkling silver mini dress. It fitted perfectly and if I may say so myself I looked hot in the dress, it looked like my legs would go on for days and it fitted my breasts perfectly I even had a nice cleavage. My ex would have said I look like a whore, but he’s not here and I have to dress how I would like to dress and not listen to his voice in my head. My mood soured immediately. Don’t think about him Rachel his not here, think about your new life and going out with other people tonight. I went to the cashier paid for my dress and left.

When I got to the apartment I met an older man in the foyer.

“Good afternoon sir”

“Good afternoon dear, call me Paul I’m the super here.”

“Hi Paul I’m Rachel I’m staying with friends here. Paul, can you tell me if you have any open apartments?”

“What are you looking for?” he asked

“One bedroom will do,” I told him

“You might just be in luck, I have a one-bedroom opening up at the end of the month, I can show you the apartment on Sunday say 1 pm?”

“That would be great thank you, Paul, have a nice weekend”

“Thank you, you to Rachel, see you Sunday”

I can’t believe my luck I’m going out tonight and meeting new people I’ve got a job and might have an apartment by the end of the month. New York is turning out to be good for me. I just need to get rid of the creepy guy on the train.

Now let’s get ready for tonight…

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