Chapter 4
I got to NAVA just before 9 pm and saw Carl with five other people standing in line.
“Hi Carl”
“Hi Rachel you look hot”
“Thank you, Carl”
“Rachel this is Gideon, Christian, Burn my boyfriend and Olivia and her boyfriend Dare. Everyone this is Rachel”
“Hi everyone,” I said nervously.
OMG everyone is so sexy I definitely don’t fit in with this crew but hey let’s fake it till you make it tonight Rachel. We stood in a long row to get into the club when we eventually got inside, it was so hot.
The crew as I will be calling them, all went to the bar.
“Okay guys what are we drinking,” Carl asked.
Shots, shots Christian shouted or was it Gideon, I’m not sure but I’ll get it right sometime tonight.
I’m a lightweight when it comes to alcohol so I have to pace myself. The first shots of tequila came and everyone cheered and downed the tequila.
OMG, it was burning all the way down, I’m not a tequila girl. Then came the second shot of tequila.
Oh goody, I thought to myself, how am I going to skip some of these shots?
Okay guys I’m having a cocktail, I said. “No Burn said first we are going to dance”
He grabbed my arm and we moved to the dance floor the rest of the crew just behind us.
The dance floor was packed everyone was basically dancing on top of each other but we found a spot and we were all dancing together.
After the second song, I felt a body at the back of me. The guy was grinding his front to my back. I was trying to turn around to look at the guy but he held me too tight I couldn’t move.
He was grinding his dick against my ass and I was feeling very uncomfortable because the guy didn’t get the message that I didn’t want to dance with him I tried to elbow him, stomp on his foot nothing worked he was reeking of alcohol and cigarettes, the two smells I can’t stand.
I was looking for one of the other crew to help me but they were doing their own grinding and making out while dancing.
Ooo great theirs no one to help me get rid of this guy, I thought to myself.
I was starting to panic when suddenly I felt his body leaving mine. When I turned around I saw Massimo taking the guy by his collar and talking to him then he gave the guy to his driver and the driver escorted the guy to the front of the club.
When I took a good look at him I realized that I recognised the guy. It’s the creepy guy from the train.
That shook me up more, I’ll need to tell Massimo or Herman.
I was sitting in one of the VIP booths drinking a scotch on the rocks when I spotted her on the dance floor she was having a good time with her friends and she was looking so sexy in that silver dress. I’ll just be watching from here for now the Ricci’s won’t know I’m here if I keep a low profile. I think to myself In the second song there was a guy moving closer to Rachel he grabbed her and pushed her front to her back. What does he think he’s doing, he will regret putting his hand on my Bella.“ Luca come with me, Sir we can’t make a scene. Yes, I know Luca but I can’t let that guy manhandle my girl.” I stormed to the dance floor and grabbed the guy by the shoulder. “Man I’m dancing here” he screamed at me over the music. I think you danced enough and you're so blind you didn’t even see the girl didn't want to dance with you, so leave now I told him. No, I’m going back to dance with that girl he told me. “No, you most certainly will not, she’s been elbowing you and she stomped on your foot and you still didn’t get the message Luca took him out. Yes sir”, Luca took him towards the door and I went to my girl.
“Rachel you look beautiful” I whispered in her ear. She was so stunned, I liked that expression on her face. “What are you doing here? Just making sure you’re okay and it looked like I came at the right time. Dance with me Bella” I took her and pressed her back to my front and we started moving, the sexual tension between us was electric. After one song I told her “Bella let's go sit. Let me just tell my friends she said.” Friends my ass were where they were when she needed them. But I’ll keep that to myself. When she got back from her ‘friends’ I took her to the VIP booth.
“ Do you want something to drink?”
“What are you doing here Massimo? And why are you calling me Bella?”
“I call you Bella because you look and are beautiful”
“Okay but what are you doing here?”
“I asked you a question Bella, so you want something to drink?”
“Yes, fine water please”
“Two glasses of water please” I asked the bartender
“Now answer me what are you doing here?”
“I told you to check on you, I know this club is not of the safest places and by the look of things I wasn’t wrong in coming here”
“Thank you Massimo but there’s something I need to tell you about that guy” she told me.
Now let's sit down and you can tell me, but then Luca came back. “Sir we need to leave now.”
“Bella please come back to my place, I’ll take you to my club if you want to go another time but please leave with me now.” I practically begged her.
I could see on her face she wanted to ask questions but said yes anyway. “I’ll explain later, I promise,” I told her.
We made our way to the front door of the club when Anton the Ricci family's bodyguard stepped in front of us. Mr Marchetti, please come with me he said. Anton, I don’t want any trouble we are on our way out. I understand Sir but I’m only following orders he told us. “Luca take Rachel to the car so long” I instructed Luca.
“Sorry Sir Anton said Mr Rici wants to see all of you” "As you wish Anton, lead the way” I told him.
As we were walking to the office I presumed, I told Rachel to stay behind me and next to Luca at all times, she looked scared but said yes anyway.
You’ll be safe I promise I told her. We approached a door and Anton opened the door inside was the head of the Ricci family himself with 2 bodyguards.
His office looked like a typical Mafia boss's office Chesterfield couches a big dark brown desk and the smell of cigars. What a stereotype.
“Good evening Ricci what can I do for you,” I asked
“Marchetti you are in my club. The question should be what can I do for you?” “I don’t want any problems Ricci I just came to fetch a friend”
“If you didn’t want any problems why did you throw one of my customers out?” Ricci asked
“If you had better security I wouldn’t have to be here or have done that.”
“This girl must be important to you if you are in my club?”
“Like I said she’s just a friend and new in the city I was just looking out for her” “
Can I meet her?” he asked “No need we’re on our way”
“ Marchetti this is my territory, stay away”
“No problem Ricci I will go now” I turned around and took Rachel by the arm and Luca walked behind us.
“Just walk Rachel until we’re outside don’t stop” When we reached the door and went outside I was so relieved, that could have gone a million different ways.
“Luca, where is the car?” “I’ll go and fetch it, sir,” Luca said “No, we are coming with you” We started to run/walk to the car as soon as we were seated in the car I looked at my Bella there were different emotions on her face but the one that was the strongest was fear.
“Bella you safe, we are safe you don’t have to be scared anymore I will protect you” I reassured her.
“From what will you protect me, Massimo?”
“Can we please go to my place and I will explain everything, Bella?”
“Maybe I should go home?”
“You could but I will really feel better if you’re with me tonight”
“Massimo we don’t even know each other”
“Bella I went into the enemy’s den for you tonight I wouldn’t hurt you I promise I just want you near me tonight”
“Fine Massimo I’ll go with you, for some reason I trust you.”
“Thank you, Bella”
“Luca take us home please”
What a bizarre night. First, the man from the train grabbed me and forced me to dance with him, then Massimo showed up and forcefully removed the creepy guy from me and apparently threw him out of the club.
Then Massimo and I danced and he called me Bella, the dance and the nickname were very hot I must say, the sexual tension between us was electric. Then he took me to a VIP area. I didn’t even know the club had VIP areas.
The VIP area was very nice it had a bar and a nice couch facing the dance floor, I could see the crew from there. As I was about to tell Massimo of the creepy guy that danced with me his driver now known as Luca came in and said we should leave immediately. What had I gotten myself into?
But the scariest part was going to Mr Ricci’s office you could see there was no love lost between him and Massimo. And there we things said that I didn’t understand, and why didn’t he want to introduce me to Mr Ricci?
And now here I am in Massimo’s Escalade on our way to his apartment. This evening was like a rollercoaster ride.
But for some reason, I trust Massimo and will go with him and give him time to explain like he said he would. Like he promised he would.
We drove into the apartment’s buildings underground parking area. When Luca finally spoke and broke the silence of the last 30 min, it was like all of us were in our own heads thinking about the night and what happened.
"We’re safe sir” Luca said “Were we followed?” Massimo asked him “No sir” was all he said.
“Why would someone follow us” I asked Massimo “Bella I told you those people are my enemies,” Massimo said.
I thanked Luca even though I didn’t even know we were in danger.
“My pleasure misses” “Please call me Rachel, Luca,” I told him.
We got into the elevator and Massimo pressed a code into the elevator control panel then he turned to me and said
“I really want to kiss you Bella but I think I owe you an explanation first” My knees went weak and I grabbed for the railing in the elevator.
“When I kiss you, Bella, nothing will be able to keep you standing” Massimo said, and with those words, the elevator doors opened and we stepped into the foyer of his penthouse apartment.
There was a big round glass table in the middle of the foyer with fresh flowers on. When you look past the foyer everything was open plan with a huge lounge with a fireplace and arched windows that looked out on the New York skyline, big cream sofas that looked as if you could disappear in them the dining room had a big glass table with 8 cream chairs around it and the kitchen. OMG. It was beautiful and any cook's dream. Did Massimo actually cook? I thought, and yes in the corner was indeed a coffee machine with espresso cups next to it. Everything was cream and white, not the colour scheme I would have thought Massimo would have, his such a muscular man. The art against the walls was beautiful and big it complimented the space perfectly.
Massimo left me to take everything in and then I went to the arched-shaped windows the view was spectacular I could stand here the whole night. This is the best part of the apartment I thought, I was staring out the window when I felt him behind me.
“What do you think Bella?” Massimo whispered in my ear. I got goosebumps all over my body when he whispered in my ear.
“You’ve got a beautiful place Massimo but this view must be the best.” “I think if I’m honest I bought this place for the view” Massimo told me” I can’t blame you” I said.
“Now do you want something to eat, or drink or do you want to take a shower before we talk?”
How did he know I would love to shower and get the smell of the club and that guy of mine? “ I would love to shower but I don’t have a change of clothes,” I told him.
“No problem you can wear one of my sweatpants and a T-shirt, Wait here and I’ll go and fetch it for you and take you to the guest bathroom, you can sleep in there tonight as it is quite late already if you want to of course, Luca can always take you home”
“Thank you, Massimo”
A few minutes later he came with a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt for me and took me to the guest bedroom.
“I’m going to take a shower to get that place smell of me, I’ll get you in the lounge when you’re done.” And then he left me.
The bedroom was big with a huge bed in the middle of the room with white bedding on. It looked so comfortable. I definitely think I should sleep on this bed tonight; the problem is I might not want to go home.
I walked into the bathroom and for the hundredth time tonight, I was shocked. The bathroom was bigger than my room at Herman & Sally’s place with a huge oval bath with candles around the bath and bath salts. I picked up the bath salts and smelled them. It smelled like lavender and then I saw the view. OMG, how many times am I going to say that tonight, the whole apartment had arched-shaped windows and it looked like everyone had a better view than the next it was breathtaking and the best is you can look at the city lights while you are in the shower or bathtub. I decided if I didn’t get in the shower now, I would be staring at the city lights the whole night, so I took off my clothes and turned on the shower, I found lavender body wash in the shower and shampoo and conditioner, is every bathroom stocked, I thought. I put some of the lavender body wash all over my body and washed all the bad memories of the night off. I put some shampoo on my hand and washed my hair. Everything smells so nice, I thought.
I got out of the shower and dried myself. I didn’t see a hair dryer in the bathroom, so I just towelled dry my hair and put it in a messy bun then I put on Massimo’s sweatpants and t-shirt. It was too big for me but I made a plan. While I was getting dressed, I thought to myself, hopefully, Massimo will kiss me tonight.
That will make this evening less of a disaster.
I was standing in the shower with my Georgio Armani Bodywash all over me and washing that place off my body.
I’m glad I went there but it was also stupid of me to go. But who would have helped my Bella if I didn’t? When I think of that man’s hand on her or the fact that she was in Ricci’s office it makes me furious.
Thinking of my Bella has one big effect on me and that is what I’m looking at now, my angry rock-hard cock. And thinking of her naked in the shower in the next bathroom is not helping.
I would have to turn the cold water on to get rid of this hard cock, but it will not work, so I took him in hand and start jerking off with the image of Bella in my head and how she listened to me when it was imported how she obeyed me and how she looked tonight in that dress I wanted to rip that dress off her the moment I saw her. It didn’t take long before I came all over my hand.
Hopefully, that will take the edge off for now because she’s not ready for me yet. I’ll need to take it slow if I can.