Chapter 6
I drive through the familiar streets of Paris taking my time to observe it's beauty and mystique.The day was already at its peak but I still wanted to cruise around and see what's hot and whats not as my mom would say it
Still focusing on the road a familiar street comes to view,it leads straight to a club that's quite popular at this side of town and I think to myself "why not go ahead and have some fun?"
I go straight ahead and almost immediately it comes to view
Club 88
I don't usually come here but when I do I keep a low profile and use a fake name.I usually just come here to push reality aside for a bit,loosen up and interact.
I park my car in the sidewalk and I walk to the club entrance.There I meet two bouncers,bald headed with a mean mug on their faces.They kind of remind me of Steve and Kelvin, especially since they have the same hefty build.
Naturally there's a long line of people waiting to get in but of course I have my way.Ignoring them I walk right up to the bouncers and we share a familiar smile.
I dip my hand in my pocket and give one of them a few wads of cash, he takes it, smiles with more teeth and opens the door for me to enter.
As soon as I step in there's an uproar outside.
Not that that's my problem by the way.
I find myself a seat at the corner observing everyone.
The place is a bit more crowded than it usually is.
I shrug that off and go to the bar to order a drink.
Soon enough I notice someone in the corner stealing glances at me.I turn my gaze to them and give her and gives me a mischievous smirk.At that point I already knew what was on her mind and I had no problem with it
I take a proper glance at her as I sip my scotch.She was quite beautiful, even from afar.Slender with a pretty nose and curly hair and her eyes were a peculiar shade between blue and gray.
You don't see this everyday
She walks over to me still maintaining a seductive gaze as mischievous danced on her lips.
"Hey"she says "I'm Ariana"she coos
"I'm Marcus"I lie returning the gaze
I can't blow my cover for cheap thrills
She asks me if I would like to dance and of course I oblige intrigued by her courage.
It doesn't take long till we're moving to the rhythm of the music.
Soon after she takes my arm then and the glint in her eyes showed me she had other ideas from dancing.She drags me away from the crowd and I follow as the music begins to drown out.She leads me to a back door giggling and smiling but I stay alert in case of unknown attackers.
Within a minute we were outside.She continues to giggle innocently but right now something seems off.
It was then that I feel the cold steel land on the back of my neck
"Don't move"
The girl had stopped giggling and her face morphed from a girlish innocence to an evil smirk.
"Give us all your money and you'll go unharmed"comes that voice from behind
"What are you waiting for? Give it"she echoes trying to seem fierce but her small frame made it hard to take her seriously.
At times like this I do what I do best.Relax
"What are you doing? Bring out the money?!The voice says pressuring the steel more on my neck
I breathe in and out and put my hands up. The girl goes straight up to me and starts searching my pockets.I take this time of distraction to notice that person behind me had a shaky breathing.Thier voice was deep but lacked a sort of authority.
Whoever they are they were scared.
I've gotten all I need to strike
With a swift move I grab her arm and I elbow I person behind me and the gun goes flying on the air and across the street.
The person takes off faster than I can react leaving the girl with me struggling to escape.
Fear strokes her face and her mouth is agap obviously in shock at the turn of events.Her eyes begins to water and she starts to plead for mercy.
And I've gotta admit I'm actually feeling sorry for her
I let her go and she's about to take off but I stop her and I dip my pocket and stuff whatever is left in her hand.
Her eyes bulge at the amount in her hand and she looks at me with shock written all over her face with tears running like a fountain ruining her makeup.
"Th-thank you"she stutters
I give her a curt nod and walk to my car,but and can feel her gaze burning the back of my head.
I drive at a desirable speed, finally ready to go home-I've had enough unwanted turn of events for one day.
When I reach my condo,it's just like I had left it.It stood there magnificent as ever.
I park my car and take my luggage out already reaching the front door when I noticed something…
The door was unlocked.
Someone was in here
I guards are up,ready to strike.
I step in cautiously not wanting to alert the intruders.
Just then the lights go on
"Ralphy pooo"
What?! impossible.
How did she have my keys?
I turn my gaze towards the sound of her voice and and spot her in the living room with a short night dress that clung to her body and seemed a little too small for her
"Selena how the fuck did you get the keys to my house?"I bark not holding back
"Ralphy poo don't shout,mother in law gave it to me.She knew I'll be needing it"she replies in her usual cooing tone.
At this point it was driving me insane.
It was dark out and I couldn't chase her away by this time.
I have no choice but to bare with her for the night.
I'll kick her out tomorrow
I go upstairs to my bedroom and lock the door behind me.The last thing I want is for her to lurk in here.
I drop my luggage somewhere across the room and head straight to the shower.I let the heat wash the fatigue away and when I'm done I step out and call my mother.I needed an explanation.
I put it on speaker and go look for something I can put on for the night.The call doesn't go through and her voice comes to life saying to leave a message after the beep.
She switched off her phone.
Very mature mom
I head down stairs and get something from the fridge to eat and as soon as I close the fridge she's there.
At this point you'd think I'm used to this but I'm not.
Either way I ignore her and brush passed her and head to my room where I can get some privacy
She doesn't dare follow me
And as I land on my chair I sigh slightly regretting my actions of coming here a bit.
"Good night Ralphy pooo"I hear her coo from downstairs
I shudder in disgust.
My high school past has come to haunt me