Chapter 8. Julliette

I sit in front of my vanity mirror and brush my thick black hair slowly taking my time on each stroke of my wrist.My very reflection is an epitome of grace.I had always taken pride in my hair right from when I was a little girl.Mother always said it looked like flowy ink,I never really knew what that meant until now.Its silky strands flowed effortlessly down my back regally

As I brush I look at my reflection but then something in me clicks and I drop the brush on my vanity table as I stare at every feature on my face admiring them one by one taking time on every inch of it.

My brown eyes

My lips

My nose

And of course my flawless skin

It was perfect, everything I ever wanted.

On days like this I wished my younger self would see just how beautiful I have become over the years.

I wouldn't say I was an ugly child.Never,but I just never felt pretty enough either.Every girl around me had some sort of natural beauty but I didn't and I always stood out like a sore thumb and I never understood why, puberty didn't exactly give me a break either,I was one of those teens that had the acne nightmare.

I shudder as my mind flashes through memory lane.I shake my head in an attempt to get rid of those seemingly traumatizing memories

Enough of this,I can't be sulking

I'm beautiful and that's what matters and no one can ever make me feel any less.


Of course, why would I ask that?

I pick up the brush more intensely pushing the doubt to the back of my head.My eyebrows knit together in concentration.

Somehow my mind still wondered to the times I would watch my mother strut side by side with other models.They were poise, elegant and most of all successful.

You'd think growing up with wealthy parents made me all that but it didn't.I had to learn them from my mother who taught me religiously with the art and quiet brutally too

My mind wandered further into my early teens when I got my heart broken for the very first time,it was painful but it turned me to the very woman I am.

Julliette Wayne,the woman with her name on everyone's lips.The heart throb of many owned by no one.

My parents had sent me to a boarding school where their friends' kids were.Fitting in was more difficult than I thought.But of course I still had my pride. I am a Wayne after all.

But everything changed when I met Raphael Adams.

My stomach churns at the thought of his name and I clutch the brush tightly without realizing.

It all happened so fast…

A knock on my door distracts me from my thoughts startling me a bit

The maid peeps her head out of the door"Madam your lunch is ready"she says innocently oblivious to my inner thoughts

I nod at her and she closes the door and I hear her foot steps go down stairs.

I exhale and shake off the feeling of inner conflict I had inside,I straighten my back and chin up.I can't let the servants see me looking miserable.I take a last glance at myself straightening out my PJs.Satisfied with no apparent crease I strut down stairs like I usually would.

I go down to the dinning room where she was apparently waiting for me.

"Your food ma'am" she chides in her usual smiley face

I take a seat and open the dish before me.Its aroma tickles my nostrils and it looked delicious.

"I made it myself"she says flashing a smile

"It looks delicious"I reply honestly giving her a pat of the back she's probably been waiting for

She stands there watching like she's waiting for my expression as I dish out the spaghetti, much to my dislike.I don't exactly appreciate being scrutinized.

"Could you please leave I'd like to eat alone" I ask as nicely as possible not looking her way

"Sorry ma'am"she mumbles then scurries off

I slowly start to devour my food savoring every bite of it as it tickled my taste buds, something about it tasted different from others I have tried. I couldn't really wrap my head around it.I shrug it off.It's probably me enjoying the food too much

A thought comes to mind and I reach out for my phone and call my mother.She's probably expecting my call anyway.

I start a video call and in a few seconds her face appears on the screen with her in a nail salon.She seems a bit distracted by the nail tech with her giggling girlishy with him

"Hello my love how"she starts but pauses looking at my food"what are you eating?"

"Spaghetti"I answer in a duh tone before putting more spaghetti in my mouth

"Uh huh"she replies with a disapproving look on her face"and how many times have you had that …spaghetti"

"Just for today mother"I reply honestly not ready for any lecture

Ugh am I supposed to starve?

She tsks, her disapproving face becoming more evident

"Try not to get fat while you're there you have a shoot once you get back here okay"she says

Of Course how could I forget.She's launching a lingerie brand and she wants me to be her model.For free

"We don't want you having fat in the wrong places"she says not looking at me "I'd fire that maid if I were you"she side comments

"Ugh mother,it's just spaghetti"I reply slowly getting irritated

"That's what your aunt Brianna used to say when we teenagers and now look at her"she replies looking at her freshly done nails "and now no modeling company would take her"

I can't help but roll my eyes at her comment.Aunt Brianna was never skinny but she is far from fat.My mother and her never met eye to eye after she chose to marry uncle Morris because he was from a lower class and of course mother always took it upon herself to ruin her image with every chance she gets since the time I was seven but I never better,she was just bitter Aunt Bri was able to rebel against grandpa and married a man she loved and not the one arranged for her since birth.To be honest she has a far happier family than we do even though they don't can't exactly afford a first class flight to Italy every month like we can.

"I saw her post online yesterday,she looks pregnant….. again.With the way things are going she might as well open her own soccer team"she says and laughter bursts out from the nail salon

"Mom! Do you really have to do this right now?"Slightly embarrassed she has to talk about our family feud in public

"What? Someone had to say it,who knows if she can even feed them"she says and the laughter continues

"Mom she is your sister"

This is getting old

"Hmm not after the family disowned her honey"she replies nonchalantly"I've gotta go honey,I've got a meeting in a few minutes"she replies before cutting the call

Typical mother

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