2 - EverMate Ball


As I reach halfway down the stairs, my parents stop their chatter and look at me. My father clears his throat and approaches the bottom step, meeting me with his glossy eyes. “You look beautiful, peanut,” he whispers to me, kissing me softly on my head. I leaned into him, smelling his musty old spice cologne.

“Thanks, Dad,” I smile back at him. He takes my hand and escorts me to our guests. My mom envelopes me in a hug. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment. “You look beautiful, sweetheart,” my mom says, rubbing my arms comfortably. “Remember to mind your manners, follow the rules, and you will be home in the morning, okay?” She says, almost as if she is reassuring herself. I gave her a tight lip smile and a nod. I see Lord and Lady Handich exchange a suspicious glance at each other.

“You look lovely, Everly,” Lady Annabel cooed by my side, gently taking my hand when I approached them.

“Not nearly as lovely as you, your Ladyship,” I bow my head slightly in return. Lady Annabel is a good friend of my mom. I usually call her Anna or Annabel, and we often hang out with my mom and sister, Candy. But since we are in a formal setting, I must show her the respect of her title. Old-fashioned laws, remember?

Lord Handich clears his throat now. “Yes, she is most definitely the loveliest,” he says about his wife. There is nothing but pure admiration in his eyes for her. “We should get going, Everly. Tonight is a big night. I hear King Lucien is going to make an appearance,” he says as he whisks me towards the door. The security guards make a protective border around us. I look over my shoulder to see my parents hugging each other and waving me goodnight.

We are ushered into a black and silver Hover Carriage. It’s the latest TR model, like the old Lamborghini. Four Range Hovers surround the Carriage, two on each side. The security escort is no joke.

“Your Excellency?” I quietly ask as I settle into my seat. “Hmm?” I get his response. He is looking at his HoloPhone. It’s a chip in your skin that can project to a screen like a computer. The advancement of this new society is insane, especially with magic back in the world.

“Why so much security? I’ve never seen you or her Ladyship with more than four guards.” I say cautiously.

“Actually… the extra security is for you, dear, by special order of The Oracle. It seems no expense was spared to ensure your safe arrival tonight,” Lord Handich said. Great. It's just peachy like a cobbler. What is so important that a little human girl needs 12 armed demon guards to escort her to a party? I think The Oracle inhaled too much incense.

The ride to the travel tunnel was uneventful. The clustered homes blurred into tall office buildings and then into a forest canopy. The large tunnel was on the side of the mountain where the old, dilapidated “Hollywood” sign was now ancient ruins. The tunnel, funneled by nature's magic, teleports objects anywhere in the world. We are going to the Land of Sandsbar, which people 250 years ago referred to as Saudi Arabia. To take a hovercraft would take about 10 hours. Tunnel travel takes about 9 minutes.

The Carriage slows down as we approach the tunnel. I can see through the front windows a large open hole in the side of the mountain. A swirl of various blue and orange lights danced around each other as if they were swimming in a large lake. Twinkling sparks burst around the painted canvas. It was mesmerizing. Once our car reaches the portal, the lights seem to part, as if time stands still. Everything seems to stand still while the swirls and bright lights outside the car are spinning rapidly. Inside the vehicle, movements are slowed, creating almost an anti-gravity effect. It was a surreal experience.

I am captivated by how the colors bounce off our skins and clothing, reflecting eerie shadows on Lord Handich and beautifully decorating Lady Annabel’s robust features.

To my disappointment, the luxurious psychedelic swirls of color ended abruptly and were replaced by a blinding white light. When my vision cleared, white sand reflected the full moon's light in every direction. I had only traveled outside of our kingdom once to New Europe.

This was otherworldly. Nothing but sand for miles, yet it was tranquil and mysterious. We traveled for about 20 more minutes, according to the clock on the dashboard in front of the car, before a large city appeared on the horizon. A true oasis in the middle of nothingness. Desert dunes that lined the path turned into tropical trees. We passed glass and concrete structures hundreds of feet in the air, towering over the land like a vast mountain range of industrial matrix of material goods.

Soon, the carriage stops at a golden gate intricately designed with carvings of the supernatural world. A flame of fire surrounds the eight Royal Dragon Crests while the other paranormal creatures are depicted on the sides. The gold sparkles in the moonlight, almost as if it is alive, making me blink a few times. It is simply a spectacular work of art.

The gates opened, and the cars flew in. An incredible garden that can only be described as something the old Christian bibles would compare to Eden. It was simply breathtaking. Large, sculpted fountains surrounded by tropical trees and endless rows of colorful flowers that GLOWED! Fully luminescent in the dark sky, glowing like a scene from a movie I once saw in the archives called Avatar. When magic was introduced back into the world, the Earth transformed and introduced incredible new species of plants and animals. I have never seen such a thriving agricultural greenhouse of diversity.

I was so busy drooling over the landscape that I did not realize the cars had stopped. A cleared throat brought my attention back from admiration, and I saw Lady Annabel smiling. I quickly exited the car and released a loud gasp. In front of me was an incredible house. Mansion? No castle would be a better word. Museum even?

It looked like a palace in the ancient portraits of the Old Roman Empire. Large white columns 50 feet tall lined the wrap-around porch. Huge 20-foot windows lined the white-painted walls. A royal purple carpet lined the walking path to the open gold doors in the center. Many people are formally dressed in magnificent colors and can be seen mingling with colored drinks in their hands. Demon security guards dressed in black were scattered everywhere.

Lady Annabel grabbed my hand and led me into the Ball, my feet gliding on the carpet and then gold and black tiles on their own while I gawked at the décor before me. This place was truly magical. It was the “Summer Castle of King Tristian” and was truly spectacular.

Beautiful decorations of gold, purple, and black accented the rooms. We were ushered into the main ballroom after checking in with an official attendant. The decorations consisted of large golden flower centerpieces with diamond and pearl strings. Tables were covered in black tablecloths, the walls and ceiling draped in royal purple satin cloths, and large golden chandeliers created a luxurious atmosphere. On a raised podium across the ballroom on one wall sat eight massive throne chairs, uniquely decorated. The thrones of the great Dragon Kings. Other gilded smaller thrones adorned side platforms. I am guessing by the crests on the chairs that it is meant for leaders of the different supernatural races or their representatives.

Large tables with endless feasts of different cuisines could be found in almost every corner. My mouth watered as my nose inhaled the mix of spices, and my tummy grumbled in hunger. I have hardly eaten in the last two days since receiving my letter.

I looked at Lady Annabel, who kept her arm tightly intertwined with mine. Lord Handich had ushered us to a group of older, grey-haired men. Looking at their eyes, a mix of supernatural beings: three werewolves, two vampires, one Warlock, and one Fae. I was introduced along with Lady Annabel, and I bowed my head when I was acknowledged, but none of them thankfully lingered their gazes on me.

Most supernatural creatures have human-like features. The most significant visible difference is the color of their eyes, and sometimes, they have other physical differences.

Demon hybrids (like the security teams) tend to have purple eyes, are abnormally tall, super buff like bodybuilders, and have claws for hands. Witches and Warlocks have neon green eyes. They also have a mark on their face like a tattoo, but it is a mark of their power given at their ascension. Fae linage has glowing neon blue eyes and many sprout wings.

Vampires and werewolves tend to have standard eye colors but turn red or black, respectively, when their beasts emerge. Werewolf fur matches the color of their human counterparts' hair. When mated, vampires and wolves also have bite marks on their necks. Lord Handich is a werewolf, and Lady Annabel is one of those rare human mates.

Mermaids are said to have rainbow-colored eyes or can change their colors at will. Dragons have normal eyes but glow a brilliant golden color that sparkles like diamonds when their beasts are present. Dragons are also said to have unique gifts.

Dwarfs, centaurs, and humans are dressed in formal tuxes and serve trays full of colorful liquid in martini glasses and champagne flutes. I wanted to grab a few of those glasses filled with liquid courage. Instead, I looked down and started playing with the fabric of my red gown while my escorts had a casual conversation with their adversaries.

I was getting hungrier and slightly more irritable when there was a BANG! BANG! BANG! Everyone stopped talking; the large ballroom the size of a football field where we were instantly growing silent as an announcer with a staff declared, “Presenting His Royal Majesty, King Lucien, First Supreme Lord of the Ever Glow lands.”

The next instant, the most breathtaking man sculpted from the fires of heaven itself entered the room. He had short, dirty blonde hair that was nicely styled. His clean, shaved cheekbones were sharp and defined, and he had a pointed nose. He was easily 6’7 in height, towering over the servants near him. He was dressed in a sharp black tux with gold trim and a bright golden sash across his chest, going from his right shoulder to his left hip. His aura screamed power and commanded the room. A smile graced his face, showing blindingly white teeth. I swear they just sparkled in the light like you see in cartoons.

Without saying a word, King Lucien raised a glass filled with amber liquid and bowed his head slightly, saluting the people in the room. The people, including myself, bowed in return, and then people started conversing once again.

I looked back up to find the spot the King was once empty. My heart skipped a beat, and oddly, I felt disappointed. I shook off the feeling and turned my attention to Lady Annabel. I was about to ask her if I could be excused when the most incredible smell of vanilla and strawberries grazed my senses.

I couldn’t help but salivate and started looking around me for where that intoxicating smell was coming from. I quickly glanced behind me and saw King Lucien heading towards us.

He stopped in front of all of us. I quickly looked down and tried to hide behind Lady Annabel. I realized the mouthwatering smell was him. My mouth continued to water, and I closed my eyes, holding tighter onto Annabel to keep my knees from collapsing. My tummy rumbled again, sending a blush of heat to my cheeks.

Suddenly, the most polished shoes stepped into my line of sight, and Lady Annabel was no longer in my grasp. "Hello, little one," came a booming voice, deep and sultry, that made my stomach flutter like a butterfly's wings. Look at me, little one. We do not bite. Much," the voice commanded, although gently, it held power. A few snickers softly resonated.

I took a breath and gently raised my eyes to meet the most beautiful brown eyes that instantly turned to a glowing golden color. I was so entranced that I almost didn't hear the one word that would change my life forever.


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