Chapter One

Chapter One

Hi, my name is Annabelle Lee McGee. Yes, my name is quite the mouthful. My mother, Amy Lee, thought it was cute at the time of my birth. In hindsight, it was the worst name she could have ever given me. If I didn’t adore her so much, I would change it. Instead, people just call me Anna.

This journey of mine started with me attending Western University. Honestly, it wasn’t my first choice of school, but my heart didn’t want to be too far away from home. My mind wouldn’t be able to deal with being halfway across the country with my family on the other half. Thus, Western University awaited me. It wasn’t a poor school at all, and the campus was just as big as any other ivy league school. Sometimes I feel too big, as getting from class to class is worrisome. Lucky for me, I had my trusty skateboard to make trips less boring.

It was nothing like zooming down the sidewalks; the wind blowing in my hair. I was unsure of if it was my bright-colored hair or the fact that I was a chick on a skateboard, but eyes were always on me anytime I rode around on campus. Especially from the guys. It’s like they have never seen a girl ride a skateboard before. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, at least not back in Upton County. The number of girls that loved boarding was astronomical. And they were good at it, unlike me. All the cool tricks weren’t something I held. Skating was my only forte. But that all would change when I accidentally bumped into someone.

Normally, I would apologize like a madwoman, but I wouldn’t be able to get a word out without sounding like a babbling idiot. That’s because the person I bumped into was Andrew Tate. Commonly referred to as Drew. The guy I’ve secretly swooned over since eighth grade. He’s a grade above me, as this is his second year at Western University. That may or may not have swayed my decision to come here, but that’s debatable.

The point was, Drew helped me up, looking at me sort of shocked. His dark hair and green-colored eyes are as mesmerizing as ever. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him. I’m surprised he still attended University given his track record through high school. It didn’t change how smitten I would always get just by looking at his beautifully structured face. Even though he barely paid attention to me growing up, my small crush somehow continued to blossom.

Looking at me, he flashed me a small smile before handing back my board. “Annabelle?” The infliction in his voice sounded like that of excitement.

I smile awkwardly, feeling my palms get sweaty. “Oh, yeah, it’s me, it’s me,” I say. Why am I like this?

“Damn, you go here now. Is it because of my sister?” This was the most he ever spoke to me.

I shrug. “No, no, I just want to be close to home, that’s all.” And maybe you.

He nodded before looking back at my board. “You board? I did not know.” that smile appeared on his face again.

The nerves were making it impossible to speak. I didn’t want to look like a complete idiot in front of him, but dammit, this was hard! We’ve never had much of a conversation before aside from saying hi. Even though that was few and far between. The only reason I got to see him as much as I did was because his sister was my very best friend. If it weren’t for that fact, Drew wouldn’t even know my name.

Regardless, my throat felt like it clenched up, with my face turning paler than it already was. My heart started racing super-fast and if Dillon hadn’t come when she did, it’s possible I would have passed out.

Drew’s face turned to that of concern, seeing me turn completely white. “Uh, Annabelle, are you okay?”

Before I could say anything, Dillon quickly placed her hand on my shoulder, relaxing me. “She’s fine, you idiot, just a little nervous,” she mentioned.

He still seemed concerned, but ultimately ended our small conversation once Dillon arrived. “Alright, well, we should go to the skate park sometime,” he suggested before walking off.

The breath I’d been holding in finally let out as Drew walked away from us. My mind screaming in excitement that he invited me to go somewhere with him. Is this going to be the start of a beautiful love story? Sure, going to the skate park can’t be considered a date, but it’s something.

In the meantime, Dillon finally accompanied me as we walked inside the building. She looked different from her brother. Instead of having green eyes, she had hazel. Her hair was lightly colored while Drew’s was dark. They both loved that grunge kind of look, dressing almost identically. Despite their differences, though, you’d think they were twins with the way their facial features resembled one another. However, as we’ve discussed, Drew had one more year on us. It wasn’t much of a gap, but big enough.

Dillon laughed, realizing what had happened. She’s known about my crush on Drew for a long time. At first, I thought she would be mad at me for liking him, but was indifferent to the situation. On the one hand, she wouldn’t mind if I dated her brother. However, Dillon knew Drew best and if our relationship didn’t work out, she didn’t want our friendship ruined because of it. Honestly, I saw where she was coming from, though it didn’t look like I would ever get his attention, anyway. The girls he used to bring to his house looked nothing like me.

“The hell was that?” Dillon questioned as we sat by the gigantic windows.

I sighed. “I-I panicked,” I admit. “That was the first time he’s truly talked to me.”

Dillon rolled her eyes. “As much as it pains me to say this, you’re never going to gain his attention acting like a damn idiot,” she was always blunt with me.

Though, I laughed. “You try having a crush on someone who barely knows of your existence,” I try to explain.

“Anna, if it’s anything like this, trust me, I never want to like anyone,” she reminded me. “Anyway, take his offer to go to the skate park.”

Should I take it? It was purely coincidental that we ran into each other today because of my clumsiness. How would I find him to even accept his gesture? Let alone be able to talk to him like a normal human being. If we went somewhere together, I’d probably make a fool of myself again. Shooting down any chance, I would have had to be with a guy of his caliber. Besides, the last time I checked, he had a girlfriend. Are they now no more?

Asking seemed like the smart thing to do, but I didn’t want to look desperate. Although, I knew I was right. Someone like Drew can only be single for so long. Especially when he’s dating someone like Juliana. She used to be one of the prettiest girls in our high school and, of course, the most popular. No, she wasn’t your typical mean girl type of popular either. Juliana was nice but could be possessive with Drew. Who wouldn’t be?

“Maybe, but there’s Juliana,” I say.

That made Dillon groan. “Oh, please don’t even get me started on her,” she wasn’t a fan of Juliana.

I laugh. “What? She seems nice. I have an English class with her,” it’s true. I didn’t want to step on her toes for liking Drew, too.

“Have you spent a night with the girl? She’s nice but way too preppy and wants everything picture perfect like she’s some kind of princess,” Dillon ranted.

That didn’t bother me. “So, she’s a perfectionist, big deal,” I say. “Either way, I don’t want to get my hopes up when he has a whole girlfriend.”

“Yeah, well, I for one would be glad when they break up for the billionth time,” she stated before standing up. “I have to get to class on time today before I get canned. Meet up for lunch?”

I nod before she walks away. My heart was still pounding from my encounter with Drew. I was hoping to see him again and try to accept his offer. If my mouth could form words. In the meantime, my feet slowly dragged me to my English class where I couldn’t quite pay attention. Who knew running into him like that would cause such a ruckus in my head? Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to see him again.

However, it seemed like that little encounter shifted the air in the universe.

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