4. Greetings, Your Highness
I couldn't let her fall.
I had never seen her before, but the recognition in her frightened eyes told me that she knew me.
First thing first, I had to steady her footing. The lady held tightly to my elbow until she had been returned safely to the balcony floor.
"What were you doing out here alone?" I asked her. "Although I can guarantee that my palace is safe, I can't speak for any unpredictable accidents that might occur."
She had a soft face, and eyes that hardened with determination. Determination for what, I had no idea.
"I-I… I just wanted to get some fresh air," she mumbled.
I could touch her and feel her heartbeat. I knew that she was either lying or there was something she was trying to keep hidden.
I let her go. "That should be simple enough. Would you like for me to provide a space where you could rest and recuperate? Let me know your name and your companion's. I'll inform them of where to find you."
She glanced up with her mouth slightly agape. There it was again, a sign of recognition. Not the type of recognition where she knew I was King, but the type that made her stare at me like I was an old friend.
Suddenly, the lady started crying. Tears fell down her cheeks like precious crystals. She covered her mouth.
"How can you always be this kind? I don't deserve it, especially not from you."
I frowned. Even I could see she was a lady of noble birth. Why would she refer to herself in such a manner instead of being filled to the brim with pride?
"Sorry. I've only had two days to process it all and I can't…" She started sobbing.
A sigh passed through my lips. I needed to be there for when my son does his proposal. But I couldn't leave her here alone.
I also needed to be careful. What if this was a trick setup by my enemies?
Gazing into the night sky, another sigh passed through my lips. I sank my hand into the inside of my jacket and retrieved my handkerchief. "Here. We wouldn't want the masterpiece you worked so hard on to be ruined by a few unhappy tears. Besides, what kind of King would I be if I allowed you to carry on without assistance?"
She accepted it. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
I let her know that it was alright and that she had no need to thank me.
We traversed back downstairs until we stopped outside a door that led back to the ballroom. This was the furthest I could bring her.
“Thank you again, Your Majesty,” the lady said. “I would have returned this handkerchief to you, but I’m afraid I’ve already stained it with my tears.”
“That’s fine. I couldn’t burden you with holding on to it.”
The lady giggled. “I understand. Someone might get the wrong idea if they see me with a handkerchief specifically tailored for you. That’s why you plan to use a different entrance after I return through this one, right?” She gently placed the handkerchief in my palm.
My brows rose slightly before settling. I took it and tucked it inside my jacket pocket. This woman certainly wasn’t simple. I chuckled. “You jest. Then tell me, did you really fall off the balcony because you were trying to catch some air?”
Her dazzling smile reached her soft eyes.
“I didn’t lie to you. I really did want some fresh air. It was only after I saw you, however, that I was finally able to breathe.”
With that, she curtsied and slipped through the crack in the door, leaving no chance for me to protest.
Her scent, I smelt it before, but I couldn’t remember from where.
Had she seen me fly into the palace in my dragon form? She made no indication that she did. Surely, if that were true she wouldn’t have turned to me for comfort.
All this time we spent talking, and yet, I still had yet to get her name.
Claire wasted no time in scolding me.
“Where were you? Do you know how long Sirius has been asking about your whereabouts? Your parents would kill me if you ended up missing.”
“I only took a quick walk, nothing more.” Besides, I would be the one to be punished. “So, did you see where Sirius turned to?”
“Did you ask for me, love?” Firm fingers gripped my shoulders and spun me around so I could face him. He smiled. “I hope so. I was looking everywhere for you and I nearly fainted when I saw that you weren’t here.”
I leaned into his touch. Other guests’ inquisitive gazes were the least of my concerns. “Don’t be silly, Your Highness! It’s not like anyone would hurt me in the palace.”
“You’re too naïve, Ester, but you’re right.” Sirius kissed my forehead. “No one would dare try to hurt you after tonight. Now, all that’s left is for my father to make an appearance.”
Right on cue, the announcer captured everyone’s attention. “Now announcing, KIng Chester Henry Memento Lavendale.”
King Chester presented himself in a royal uniform that was almost as dark as his hair. His sash was a rich purple that further illuminated the purity of his bloodline. I swore I heard a few noblewomen swoon as he descended the stairs.
We did the same as when his son first appeared. Our torsos bowed while our skirts were lifted.
“All rise!” Chester shouted. We followed his instructions and stood up straight. His smile shined brighter than a 40-watt bulb. “Don’t mind me. Carry on like I’m not here.”
The guest expressed their gratitude and parted to allow a clear path for the strongest man in the kingdom. His were shift and precise, the undeniable sign of someone who knew their status in life and where they were headed. And right now, he was heading to his only child.
But his eyes were locked on to me.
When he approached, Sirius hugged him and patted his back. "Dad! I didn't think you were coming at all!"
"Oh, please. It's not like I'm that late." King Chester softly caresses his son's ear. "And who is this?"
"Ah, this is my love, Ester Hermonia."
I bowed slightly. "Pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty."
"Pleasure is all mine. No need to be so formal when addressing me," Chester stated. "So, you're Christopher Hermonia's eldest daughter."
He talked as if hearing my name had answered a question that he didn't ask.
I lifted my head. "Yes. My parents apologize for not being able to make it."
"Tell them that they did well by sending in their place such a beautiful and well-mannered representative."
I smiled and lowered my head slightly, guilt eating away at my soul like a rabid dog. Yet, I couldn't show it.
"Thank you. I'll be sure to relay your message, Your Majesty."
While we were chatting, Chester's striking gaze never left my figure.
"Now that I've introduced you," Sirius said. "Could you step back a bit, Dad?"
Chester held up his arm in defense and retreated only two steps.
Claire stepped back as well, sensing that this was not the time for her to interfere.
Sirius held me by both hands, lifting them up to plant a kiss on each of them. "Ester," he spoke loud enough for the other guests to hear. "Everything about you has taken me by surprise. The day I met you was the day a hurricane stormed into my heart. At the risk of sounding cringe, I must say it wasn't love at first sight, but it was pretty close to it. Your strength, intellect and beauty brought me to my knees and made me swear diligence to you."
Someone cooed in the crowd, alerting everyone that something special was about to happen. The air was filled with silence. Even the music was changed to accommodate the atmosphere.
"Everyday I thank the dragon god, Scepter, for allowing me to get to know you. The more time I spend with you, the more I get to see parts of me blossom that I had never seen before." Sirius let go of my hands and got down on one knee. He retrieved something from his pocket. "And I want to grow with you for as long as possible, so that every time spring rolls by, we'd bloom into something more beautiful than the previous year. Ester Hermonia, will you marry me and become my one and only princess?"
The concept of "keeping quiet" was thrown out the window. Whispers circulated. I could tell how badly they wanted to take pictures but none would dare in the presence of the king. When it started to get louder, all it took was a simple glare from the king himself to return things to the way they were.
No one uttered a sound.
I covered my mouth. I let all the pain in, using it to help me produce tears. After seeing and talking to Chester, who was alive and whole again, I was more than determined to make sure he stayed that way. I would risk my second chance at life to keep him safe.
So if I have to crawl into the bed of the devil, I will. And shake my ass while doing it.
I, too, dropped to my knees and embraced Sirius. "Yes, yes, YES! A hundred times yes, Sirius. Oh gods, I can't believe this is happening! How come you never told me you were going to propose?"
The guests erupted into applause and shouts. The King sighed and clapped as well. Sirius chuckled. He slipped a precious sapphire ring on my ring finger. The same ring that I had cherished throughout our marriage. It reminded me of the trap I was willingly walking into.
"Then what would be the point of a surprise proposal?" He jested. "Thank you, Ester, for making me the happiest man in Nightveil."
I smiled and gently held his face. "That should be my line, silly." I kissed him and he pulled me closer to his body as we made out on the ballroom floor.
In the next following months, I would use this ring to my advantage more times than I could count. But in a game of snakes such as the one both Sirius and I were playing, I had to make sure that only one of us got bit.