Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Carissa's pov

And there was a man sitting across from where I sat, he felt strangely familiar. I waved but he must have missed it because his head was down.

"Sorry to intrude, but have we met before?" I went over and asked

"What part of minding your business in a place like this don't you understand?" He asked and my God, I knew that voice.

"The part where I really feel like I know you and that we have met before" I continued

"Clearly, you are drunk" he said

"Did you come with anyone else?" He asked

"Yes, but she is too busy with the very beautiful men to bother about the not so beautiful me" I muttered and he laughed.

That laugh, I have heard it before.

"You know I could swear that I have heard that laugh before, it feels so natural" I admitted

"Why haven't you?"

"Why haven't I done what?" I was confused

"Why haven't you sworn yet?" He repeated

"Cos I can't quite remember, the doctors called it amnesia or something of the sort"

"Well, that's good right?" He asked

"Good? What is good?"

"That you did not swear" he answered

"Oh, yes"

"You are a vampire" I admitted

"How would you know?" He asked

"Your heart beat is faint, and I can tell it's very much different from the guy sitting next to you"

"And you are a witch" he responded

"How did you know?"

"I can sense the magic, so powerful. B positive, your blood type, rare" he added

"Tell, what do you do with all that magic?"

"Look, I am not sure that I am a witch yet. I don't even know what they are about"

"But you do know how to sense a vampire" He replied and that he was right about that.

"Still in denial, huh?" He asked

"I have to go home" I said standing up

"I am not sure you can not take your self home" he said

"Come on, I'll get you home. Come on" he insisted

"Such a gentleman. I had always taught vampires were evil creatures and I dreaded them"

"Are you sure you have amnesia?" He asked

"What is your name?"

"Clyde" he replied curtly

"Clyde, I have heard that name too. Are you sure we have not met before?"

"I doubt it"

"Why should I trust you?" I asked

"I could have murdered you already for many reasons but I did not"

"Are you a murderer? Surely, you wouldn't dare feast on a witch now, would you? My coven would come for you" I assured

"You know about your coven as well, so much for that amnesia you have got" he smiled and I wondered what was so amusing.

(The next morning)

I woke up with a chronic headache, must have been because I had too much to drink.

"Margaret, how did I get back home yesterday?" I asked when I called her over the phone

"I do not know, I could not find you by the time I was ready to leave and you were not picking your calls. I had just thought you were getting laid"

"What?" The problem with Mag, I thought.

"Yes, someone did see you leaving with a gentleman" and then slowly, I began to remember the events of the night, but only vaguely.

"The restaurant is busy today. Quite a few witches here." Clyde had said

"You! Are you following me?" I asked and he ignored the question

"You see?" He asked when I turned around, they sure did look like witches

"Hey. So what? They often work in here." I retorted

"They're here to watch you."

"I did warn you that other creatures would take an interest in you."

"They're looking at me because I'm talking to you. They are not the ones

with the problem. And when did you warn me?"

"Before now"

"What does that mean?" And when he would not answer, I packed my things

"Do you mind?"

"Leaving so soon?" He asked


"Hey! Carissa." That was the witch from yesterday


"That was a vampire."

"Yes, yeah."

"What was he doing in the library?" She asked with a concerned look on her face

"I don't know any more than you do." I replied

"But he talked to you."

"It's not a big deal." I responded and left.

Clyde's pov

(Italy, Rome)

"What are you doing back here?" Brandon, my human friend asked.

Brandon was some of the few humans who knew of our existence and we're sensible enough to admit and live with it.

"I came here to run from a witch" I admitted

"Run from a witch? Since when did you start running from witches? She must be powerful then" Brandon replied

"That is not the case"

"What then is the case?" He pressed on

"I want to kill her but instead, I am craving her"

"That can't be good, can it?" He asked

"No, it can't. She has done unimaginable things to me, things I cannot dare to forget" I said

"And more so because she pretends to not remember or she really does not" I screamed

"You need to calm down"

"I am calm" I answered

"No, you're not" he insisted

"I am"

"Tell me, what did this witch do to you?"

"I don't know, maybe she's using a spell or something"

"No, I mean the thing that makes you want to kill her" he corrected

"She is the reason I was locked up in a coffin for years, trying to recover and just when I had recovered and I am willing to have my revenge, I begin to crave her"

"Well, must be for a good reason, I hope"

"It can never be for a good reason. We did not mate in our past lives for a reason, we cannot now. She is manipulating me into this" I admitted and some part of me knew I did not believe that.

Try as much as I might, a part of me had a soft spot for her.

"Damn you" I yelled

Turning to Brandon, I said,

"Let's go hunting"

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