The Crash
20 Years ago
“Please Hazel, the pack will be fine for one weekend. You can leave Christoph in charge; he will have it covered.” Stephen pleaded with his wife.
“I don’t know Steph. You know, since the baby was born there have been more threats. They think I am weak now because I became a mother. I am not and my daughter will always see what it looks like to be a strong leader and woman.”
“She will know a strong woman because you are her mother. The danger will always be there. You are the most powerful Alpha in the Northwest and that means trouble is never far away. I am just asking for one trip to see my family. They haven’t even met the baby yet.” Hazel hated to see her love so upset. She knew it was important to see them as well and for Violet to meet her Uncle and Aunt.
“Alright love, we can go. Let me get some loose ends tied up and we will leave for Vale in the morning.” Stephen bent over and kissed Hazel on the forehead.
“Thank you Hazy. You are the best partner anyone could ask for. I will call Scott in the morning and get everything together.” Stephen left the room and Hazel took a deep breath.
“Looks like you and I have a big day tomorrow. You get to meet your Uncle and Aunty. They are going to love you so much.” She says to the beautiful green eyed girl nursing. She stroked her red hair absentmindedly while she read over the last papers of the day.
The pack stood along the walkway between the house and the black SUV waiting in the driveway. They all wanted to wave their Alpha and Lunar off. “Christoph you have the envelope and box we talked about right?”
“Yes Alpha.” Christoph replied as the little toe head escaped his grasp and ran to the baby in the car seat.
“Baby go bye bye! I miss you baby!” He says and kisses her on the top of the head.
Hazel bent down and said gently “She will miss you too Eli. You always take good care of baby Violet. She will see you again soon, then you can play with her.” She ruffled the toddler's hair with a smile. Eli looked up and says with all the authority he can muster. “I will be the baby's warrior, I promise.” Puffing out his chest and strutting back to his father. Christoph and Hazel looked at each other and laughed. "He is loyal threw and threw Chris. He got that from you" Hazel said to her Beta,“Remember what I said about the borders. Especially around Anthony Lake. We must keep it well protected.”
Christoph nodded.
“Yes Alpha. They know the drill. Now we must get on the road.” Stephen says taking the car seat and placing their six week old into the car. “We want to make it there before lunch.”
They decided to take the scenic route down US-26. Hazel loved that route best because it was away from most of the traffic. The ride was uneventful and gorgous. Hazel looked down at her baby and smiled we deserved this break she thought. Just then a car came zooming in behind them. Nudging the back passenger side of the SUV
“Keep driving!” Hazel yelled and turned in her seat to get a better look. What she saw shook her to her core. “How did he know where to find us?”
“Honey, we've got more company!” Exclaimed Stephen. Soon two more black SUV’s were in front of them. One SUV slowed to get alongside them nudging the wheels so they swerved towards the ditch. “Shit!”
The baby started crying “It’s okay Vi, momma’s right here.” Suddenly the SUV slammed on its brakes and yanked the wheel stopping perpendicular to the road blocking their path. Stephen slammed on the brakes sending Hazel flying into the dashboard. Her head was reeling and everything was spinning. She turned to Stephen rage in her eyes. “Stephen, you must run, take Vi and run!”
“I won’t leave you. I can’t.” Stephen said as he saw the men heading their way menacingly.
“You must save Vi. I will catch up to you. I know your scent. But you must go.” Hazel grabbed the baby, kissed her quickly and sent her away with her human mate. I hope I can save you, she thought. As she got out of the car and phased on the road.
She started snarling at the man with jet black hair and yellow eyes. As he walked calmly towards her. “Now Hazel, is that anyway to treat an old friend?”
A growl ripped through her. Making the other two men tremble. “Where did your mate go with that sweet new pup of yours? We had a present for her.” He drawled with a malicious grin on his face. With that, Hazel was blinded with rage and lunged towards the man. He was quick and got out of her way. He turned and grabbed something out of his pocket. It was shiny and pointed. Just as Hazel figured out what it was he threw it, hitting her in the heart. A yelp of pain escaped her mouth as she phased back into her human form looking at her chest where the silver dagger lay embedded in her heart.
“Bacchus” was the last words out of Hazel’s lips before life left her body.