Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

I couldn’t help that laugh that escaped. “Really? You sold your soul, became a demon and your question is basically if I had sex with some siblings?” I tried to keep more giggles in but I failed. “Yes, Oscar, I fucked them both.

Though, do me a favor and don’t tell Than what I said.” Recruits. They never focus on the right part of the story. I was teaching some newly surfaced and trained demons and angels why it’s in their best interest to not piss us off. I only do this job when Aella is busy, she enjoys them much more. She has much more patience than I.

Now that that’s over, back to the humans. I have my own human job. Well, by that I mean I own my own bars, one in every continent and country, and one in every state in America. I love these little goof balls, and it’s extremely entertaining to watch the southerners get pissed when they lose to a small female in everything, but especially fights. Out of all of the others, I am the best fighter.

I’ve been in and stopped enough wars to know every tactic and beat most enemies before they get a shot off. It’s only when Davland puts a “do not disturb” order on a fight that it continues. Something about “the fates” every time. I say do not disturb but really it’s more like a letter saying “no action” or “stop this” along with a time and location. Fun killer. It’s been said that he hardly lets his demon side out to play and his angel holds the reins most of the time, just confirming my earlier sentiment “fun killer”.

On the slow periods I spend most of my time in my bars. I get to watch (and join) the bar fights and am basically rich as fuck, from that and accumulating wealth over more than 2,000 years. This year I opened my bar in Kansas City. I actually love human sports and this city has some good ones this year. The bar is three stories, walking distance to Arrowhead and the premier place to be whether sporting season or not.

The bar was three stories but it was actually the tallest building in the city. I also invested in the locals favorite bars enough to keep them running so the loyalists didn’t have a fit. I’m a demon, not an ass-hole. Since earth learned how to deal with its last mini plague, I have been spending more of my time at my bars mostly my Kansas and New York locations. Devland hasn’t sent me on an errand in 2 years, but I get the feeling that will change soon that will change soon. It’s been quiet for too long. So I will party until then, but I am very excited to get back to the field.

Aella recently found her fated love but she has been asking for a girls night with myself and Ziggy for ages. New York was always her favorite, so I’m headed there now since my “Enigma 101 class” as I call it is over. I love Aella, I do, but wow she is in love. I don’t care much for the fates, or their Cupids, especially since love makes people obnoxious.

I know I’ll eventually find mine, but that’s not going to change my job. It’s not like you can tell the fates “find me a new one”, you just live with your chosen one or you don’t. I don’t plan on living with mine. I would rather have a room full of them. I don’t hate love or anything, but I don’t want my life to change. What if the fates gave me someone boring, or that hates fighting. I didn’t want to have to change everything in my life for someone or something that someone else told me was a perfect fit centuries ago.

Before I got to the bar I stopped by Philly to pick up my Harley and put my wings to rest for the time. I loved New York, it smells like piss and blood and oh so much sin. My bar was basically a high rise with the first 3 levels made into a bar, the second and third wrapping around the outside of the first to give an excellent view of the pea brains from the mezzanine. The third floor was designed for my kind, but humans are allowed… if they’re into it. But considering it’s the best place in town for supernatural orgies, we don’t have many humans joining. If they do, their minds are promptly altered to make it seem a little more human.

As soon as I walked in the manager came and took my helmet. My curly hair exploded as soon as I took it off and he gave me a wink. He was probably a few inches shorter than me but had a cocky attitude and ‘douche’ written all over him. Though, he is surprisingly good in bed. He likes to be the boss and it always made me giggle since I could kill him with my pinky, but it’s nice not to be in charge once in a while. “Will you be joining us upstairs tonight, Cam?” I asked, I probably should have sounded less bored. “I’m closing tonight, but my door will be unlocked all night” he said again with a wink. I’m starting to think he just can’t blink properly. I gave him my best “warm” smile and headed to the stairs.

I walked up to the second mezzanine and was immediately hit by the smell of blood. I caught a quickly falling man by the collar with blood dripping down his nose. “Hey sweetheart” he said grinning up at me. I responded with a brief “call me that again and I’ll take you to the ring myself”. His smile widened, but mine fell quickly. Men. “Who threw the punch?” I demanded, letting the demon rule just a bit of my voice. You could have heard a pin drop before someone finally answered. Good. I don’t like repeating myself.

A tall skinny white boy stepped forward, not what I was expecting. “Do you want to tell me why you were fighting in my bar?” I asked, using my sweetest voice. The tall one answered, again, surprising. He had curly blonde hair and zero body fat, hazel eyes and a chin dimple. “This prick was hitting on my girlfriend ma’am” he said. “So?” Said the shorter string bean that I was still holding by the collar.

I let out a low laugh, “and did anyone ask the lady if she wanted either of you?” Silence. “No?” The blonde piped up again “ma’am-“. “If you call me ma’am one more time you’ll look like string bean here” I interrupted, pulling string bean one up by his shirt to show off his bleeding face. “Continue.” “Ummmm” he started again, “well no, but he was hitting on her.” I walked closer to the bar with string bean one still in tow. I walked up to the red head at the bar whose face told me enough. “Hello beautiful” I said, “will you tell me what happened without calling me ‘ma’am” please?” She looked shocked. I have a reputation but again, I’m not a complete dick.

She looked up at me with a small smile, I like this one. “Forgive my manners, what is your name, Doll?” “Beth, miss Morana.” “Well Beth, you can call me Daeva. Now please enlighten me.” I said, maybe laying it on a little thick now, but what’s the point in being half demon without using the perks that came with it? “Well this one” she pointed to the string bean in my hand “came up and asked for my number. I told him no, he kept talking me for a few minutes after I told him I wasn’t interested.” Fucking prick. I tightened my grip a bit. “Then Milo came back and went all Neanderthal and started swinging.”

Oh yeah, I liked this one a lot. “So string bean here, doesn’t take no for an answer and your caveman doesn’t ask before he swings. My dear, I’m going to leave this up to you. Would you rather them finish their fight, or have them both leave?” She looked at me again like she was trying to read my forehead. “Honestly, I broke up with the caveman a week ago, so I would rather they both just leave.” She said with a shrug. I couldn’t help but smile at most of that, though I did want to watch them finish. “Ok doll,” I simply replied and got my bouncers, more demons, to literally toss the two out. As I turned it looked as though my new doll was standing up to leave.

I was about 5’10” but she stood maybe an inch or two shorter than me. “I hope you’re not leaving on account of the cavemen, Beth.” I said looking down and her hazel eyes. She took a deep breath and stuttered out something about it being her fault before I quickly shut that shit down. “Your caveman was here to seek you out and string bean didn’t take your no for an answer. None of this was your fault and I will not have you saying otherwise. Allow me to buy you and your friends a bottle… please” I added after a moment of silence, I don’t like asking twice, but I am a firm believer in manners and the word ‘No’. “I would love that, but it’s just Jasmine and I here,” she said “a whole bottle would be too much.”

Everything was coming up Morana. I leaned over the counter and gave the bartender a wink while I grabbed an expensive bottle of tequila. I snatched 3 shot glasses and passed them to the girls. “Nonsense” I said while filling up the glasses. “How did you know I like tequila?” Beth asked with a smirk. A perk, and downfall, of my job was mind reading but I wasn’t about to tell her that. “Well you’re young, beautiful and just got out of a relationship. Tequila is usually the best bet.” Her and Jasmine shared a look before downing the shot with me. I filled my own again, downed it and was just getting comfortable when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

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