Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Fuckin A Zig, I thought you weren’t going to be here for hours!” I said as I turned around to hug my best friend. “I got out early” she said with a shrug, “but I hate to interrupt?” She said, raising her eyebrow at the red head to my right. Damn. “Hi, I’m Beth and this is Jasmine. Miss Morana just helped settle a fight that I wanted nothing to do with.” Beth said, with a hint of something in her voice. Was that disappointment I heard? Awe. “Beth it is wonderful to meet you, I’m sure MISS MORANA here doesn’t want to keep you from your girls night. My best friend can be a little pushy afterall” Ziggy said while tossing a blonde wave in my direction. I gave her a smirk, she just shot another glare at me. Before I could make a comment about only sticking my nose in the right places, Ziggy tore me away from the beautiful ladies. I winked at Beth and followed my annoying friend to the last set of stairs. “And you tell me I’m the intrusive one” I said with a low laugh. She turned around to giggle with me and let out an adorable whine followed by “but you said we can have girls night!” Well technically, they were girls, I wanted to say, but I know she’s right. Aella has been wanting to let loose for a while and I need to be there. “You’re right” I said, only a bit whiny myself.

We started up the stairs and I had the chance to take her in again, but the only thing that has changed was her hair. She was barely an inch shorter than me and was absolutely stick thin. She looked like the perfect model from top to bottom. I was a little curvy but she was perfect. She used to keep her hair long constantly, even though it kept pointing out that it was horrible to have in a fight. Now it’s a little above her shoulders, it looked good on her and her light waves perfectly framed her oval face. She had high cheekbones and brown eyes that looked like dark chocolate. Ziggy had opted for a strapless cocktail dress for girls night and I fought back an eye roll. She loved dressing up and was always the life of the party, drinking and laughing with anyone. She always had something to say and wouldn’t hesitate to say it. She was my opposite but I loved her for it. I could talk to anyone but I didn’t want to, I didn’t like small talk. Having her around always kept me on my toes and it always involved talking to too many strangers. I love my humans but I don’t talk unless necessary or unless I’m interested.

When we finally made it up my ridiculous spiral staircase, we headed straight to my booth. I looked at my tiny blonde human server and just held up the number 3. She’s been here long enough to know that’s three bottles of liquor, not beer. Just as she got there with my bottle of Pisco, Ziggy’s tequila and Aellas wine, we heard a thump on the balcony. “Well at least she still knows how to make an entrance” I said with a grin creeping up my mouth. I did sleep with Aella, but we have been friends for so long, I just love her. I watched as her long milk chocolate legs came around the corner. She had her hair loose in her natural black curls but a silk ribbon tied just behind her bangs. She was in a deep purple dress with a slit in the side. I always loved that color on her. I brought out the blue in her eyes. She was as stunning as ever.

Aella was around the same height as Ziggy, still a little shorter than me but all legs, with flawless mixed skin and a heart shaped face and she was always perfectly manicured from head to toe. When we go out it’s like I’m going to a party with models as their socially awkward bodyguard.

I got up, I’m in my usual dress suit and suspenders, I’m not much of a dress person myself, but I did have the foresight to wear the blue dress shirt and starry night suspenders that she got me for my birthday. She gave me a once over and grinned as she came in for a hug. Her black curls squished against my brown ones as she squeezed my tighter than usual. “You good squish?” I asked as she loosened her grip. She sighed and said “very! But I’ve missed you two.” She brought Ziggy in for a hug and squeezed just as tight. “How are you doing, princess?” she asked with a smirk. I fucking hate that nickname and they knew it. Out of all of the 7 I looked and acted like the least likely person to be called a princess, including the boys. I wasn’t princess material and I certainly didn’t dress like it. You see, there used to be 7 Princes of hell. Now there was a queen.

Devlands father started an uprising against human kind when he heard about Lucy wanting to retire after he had already begun the experiment. Lucifer really doesn’t like his given name, he doesn’t like Lucy much more but Beelzebub is a mouth full, so I called him Lucy. His favorite was ‘Belial’ which basically translates to sinful. The prince of the 7th circle brought in the other princes except for my mother. He figured Lucy couldn’t leave to join humanity if there was nothing left of it. First and Second Messanian war, and all the Persian wars went by without Lucy really paying much attention. As Sven (Yes, his name translates to seven, Lucy was a simple angel he lacked naming imagination), was gathering followers, the experiment was finally successful enough for retirement to be in Lucy’s reach. I was noticing a lot more fights to break up and mother dearest started to question the princes. I know what you’re thinking: we’re all related. Very much, no. The princes of hell are beings created by solar systems exploding and are a step below god and the devil themselves in power. They’re only as related as the stars. So anyways, mother was getting weary of the other six and starting to bring it to Lucy’s attention more. He was waiting and weighing his options, then they started kidnapping and torturing not only Angels but demons and humans alike. I was blindsided. There was too much happening at once everywhere, like the leaders of the world were possessed…. Yeah something like that. On top of that, there was chaos between all factions of the supernatural world, no one knew who was on their side. Luc took the reins but not before we could stop wars from reaching the humans.

God came down and did some smiting, Devil did his voodoo and Devland lost his dad. That’s not saying much though, he wasn’t winning father of the year awards. Word is that his dad is the reason Devland clings so tightly to his angel side. The powers that be had a talk with him and that’s also why he was in charge of judgments. He was one of the few of us to not join the final fight, but I was assured that he was needed elsewhere. That was the closest that we have ever come to meeting to my knowledge. Though I do feel like we are always in the same place years apart, like we’re circling each other. I am good with avoiding him as long as I can though. Anyways after the fight was won, the one that remained loyal to the balance was my mom. Woo hoo! So she’s now, technically queen of the 7 circles. Which makes me…

“Yeah, Princess, tell Aella about how you were about to ditch us tonight” Ziggy chimed in happily. “I was not! I just thought you were gonna be late!” I responded maybe a little too loudly. “Bitch you know I could have been in California 5 minutes ago” Aella said, cocky little shit. “You and I both know you’re not THAT fast, Squish” Ziggy teased. Whose side is she on? Aella shot her a glare and said “whatever you say Puddin’”. Ooh now there might be another fight on my hands, yay! Acheros, our little surfer boy had a thing for our Ziggy, ya know the tall gorgeous blonde in charge of punishments? Well after they had a run in the sheets, he took to calling her ‘puddin’. She. Hated. It. We however, found it hilarious and will never stop calling her that. She has a way with knives but she loves us, so we’re like 70% sure she wouldn’t use them on us. After shoving Aellas wine bottle in her hands and a few more jabs of horrible nicknames we settled into our usual fits of giggles and catching up. “Soooo” Ziggy said looking to Aella “how is the dreamy angel the fates so kindly blessed you with?” Aella and I laughed, the fates were… well they were dicks, but they did find her a handsome angel to be stuck with forever. Aella loves him more than anything, but.. “he’s still so fucking slow!” Aella said after telling us all of the mushy stuff. I nearly spit out my pisco laughing. The fates basically told her to slow down and smell the roses by fating her with Jaakob. He was a slow flier, big and burly and muscles on muscles but so slow and Aella was a speed demon, literally.

“Well then let’s have a race” Ziggy said, nearly bouncing in her seat. “Oh yes, pahleaseeee” Aella drug out. “I thought we were staying here and drinking? It’s cheap here anyways” I said only a little prideful. “Please, please, please! I need a release and look” Aella said and then chugged her 4th bottle of wine. Damn. We don’t get drunk like humans, but 4 bottles is enough to at least start feeling it a little. Four bottles of liquor for most of us was like a human version of maybe two beers. I was on my fifth but most of my days are filled with drinking so I had even more tolerance than they did. Zig followed suit and chugged the rest of her fifth bottle. “Okay” I conceded, “I have a bar in Pittsburg, last one there buys” I said standing up. Before I could blink the girls were both up and heading towards the balcony. We were all itching to let our wings loose. I stopped them and dragged them to the outside elevator. “From the top?”

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