Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

They both nodded and we all giggled about nonsense on the way up. To make it fair we counted before take off. Ziggy was slower but she hardly ever got to let loose so she was happy falling behind as long as she got to play. Aella and I were neck and neck until she went into a nose dive just to flatten out and beat me to my own bar. I prefer the free fall. I twisted and spun until the last possible second and then opened my wings for the last few feet. I wasn’t the tallest but I had the biggest wings out of all of us that I’ve met. I had some upgrades after the war. Zig touched down right after me since it took so long to spin down. Ziggy was all smiles though, “I knew I was going to lose, I already put in an order for your table” she said.

As soon as we got in, faces lit up everywhere. Aella and Ziggy were always the life of the party, I was always just happy to be around but they never made me feel insecure about anything. These two, though, they were trouble in the best of ways. The band started playing hard rock and little metal as soon as they saw us and the crowd lit up. This bar was the same set up as my New York bar, just a little shorter, so after a bit of the mandatory smiling downstairs we retreated to the 3rd floor mezzanine. The smell of sex was everywhere, mixed with a little blood. Booths were filled with demons and angels wrapped up in one another, an array of drugs and alcohol around them. I grinned at the absolute chaos and debauchery around me, until I heard my name yelled from my own booth.

“DAEVA MORANA!” Than yelled, scowling at me. Why am I being yelled at in my own bar? I stormed over to him, getting directly in his face. “Who the fuck do you think you are yelling at me in MY bar Than Jabari?!” Yeah his name meant ‘death bringer’… for the lead grim reaper. I was standing toe to toe with him but he still had a good four inches on me, making me feel just small enough to have to look up to him. A smirk twitched on his lips and I couldn’t help it. I threw my arms around him as he picked me up and spun me. I couldn’t help but the fit of giggles that I let out. Aella came rushing over at that and pulled her brother in for a hug. He spun her around and kissed her forehead. “Why did you invite your brother to girls' night?!” Ziggy pouted but still wrapped Than up in a hug giggling all the same. “I actually didn’t know it was girls night, I'm just here with Roo” he said winking at Ziggy.

Looks like we’ll lose Zig at some point tonight. Why Acheros went by Roo, we don’t know. She blushed at him but turned to us and said “it’s still girls night and I lost all that hard work drinking on the way here”. “I was wondering why the table came prestocked” Than laughed as he pointed to my booth that was already ready with full bottles.

Once we all sat down Aella finally asked where Acheros was, since Than was supposed to be with him. “He got a message,” Than replied with a shrug. Fuck. “It didn’t seem like anything bad, just Devland checking in. Poor guy has to be bored.” I laughed at anyone calling Devland a “poor guy” let alone Than calling him that. They didn’t have the best history, but they seemed to respect each other enough. It’s not that I didn’t like Devland, it just always seemed like he had a stick up his ass. The only time I spoke with him was through his messages on our wings. I know he knows how to use modern technology. He could just fucking text us. But no, he just stays holed up in his place in Italy. Now that things were settled down, we all had time to actually do things, even do things together. He just doesn’t want to. That was fine with me, no fun killers allowed in my bars, anyways.

“Yo earth to D” Ziggy said. Okay, I zoned out, but I really wanted to go to Italy, I haven’t been in centuries. Thankfully, Acheros was behind Ziggy right as she said that and I smiled at her right as he put his hands over her eyes and said “guess…” but before he got the rest out Ziggy had flipped him over the table and he came crashing down nearly cracking the marble counter. Ziggy already had two knives at his throat before she realized who he was. She looked mortified and I was nearly rolling in my seat laughing. “Who.” He finished. “Ooops” was all Ziggy could manage before grabbing him by the collard and lifting him back up.

There might have been a lull in the background noises of grunts and chatter at the sight of one of us being thrown onto a table but it was quick to fill back up. Ziggy pulled him a little too quick to his feet and he almost stumbled into her. “Hey Roo,” she said with a giggle. Ugh. We’re definitely losing her tonight. Ziggy insisted that they were over and never sleeping together again year after year. Yet, no one could deny the pull they had to each other, not even the ones in question. We swear they are fated, nothing can keep them apart, but for some reason they wouldn’t give in and just stay together.

Than, Aella and I all think that they’re just in denial since they spent the most time together. Both of Ziggys parents were lost to the wars that the 6 princes started. Both on the right side. See, demons aren’t all bad. So Acheros and Ziggy spent the most time training together being only a few years apart. Aella and Than were created after Devland and myself then came Acheros and Ziggy and then Zolkan as the youngest. We are merely a few human years apart but have all lived over 2,000 years. I missed some of the good stuff, but after the whole “son of god thing” some of us were more needed than others.

Most “acts of god” after that were one of yours truly. Technically they were acts of god just through us, as training. We all trained separately but none more so than Devland. He was trained and loved by the god and devil themselves. The only one that came close to spending that amount of time with them was me, and I still couldn’t compete. Though, Lucy did like me enough to not smite me for calling him that. Devland was trained to make decisions as they would. We never saw him, just got messages here and there.

But Ziggy and Acheros were trained closely and since they got their wings, which fit together like perfect puzzle pieces, they still wouldn’t admit that fate was on their side. Yet, they messed around with others just to come back to each other every single time. At least that is what Ziggy thinks, I have it on good authority that Acheros doesn’t actually pay attention to anyone but her.

I’m now sitting in my booth laughing at Ziggy and Acheros laughing at each other and trying to make small talk.

Finally, they stopped complimenting each other long enough to notice us. “Oh hey guys” Roo finally said. I couldn’t hide my laughs anymore and the rest joined in. After catching up a bit I asked Acheros what Devland wanted. Acheros paused to take a deep breath. “Well…” shit. “Well.. he wants us to form the counsel.” Oh for fucks sake. “He just wants us to be in contact more. Share more. I guess?” So now Mr Angel wants to slum it with his peers. “Sooo. He wants us to form a stuffy counsel in the sky?” I asked. “No Prin… Daeva..” he corrected. “He wants us to form the counsel we were created for. I don’t think he plans on taking our lives away. He said he would be in New York this week.” Well there goes my bar.

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