Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

Acheros and Ziggy came up from downstairs giggling while Aella and Jaakob nearly broke my patio landing outside at the same time. Dickheads. I liked Jaakob, but he was another boring one. Built like a house but slow and boring. He’s wearing a nice button down and black jeans while Aella is once again stunning in a baby pink dress and thigh high boots.

His brown hair is tied back barely and hers is sitting at the top of her head exploding out in tight curls from her ponytail. Ziggy is in a floor length black dress showing just enough skin to distract her surfer boy. Her blond waves are down almost matching Acheros in length and style. Acheros is wearing a shirt but if asked, I would call it a smock since only one button was actually buttoned showing off his well built chest. He’s also wearing shorts and sandals.

Damn surfers. Roo was ony a little taller than me, skinny, with barely kept dirty blonde hair. Sirona is in a sundress, even Than and Ol are looking nicer than what I was expecting weiring suit pants and button downs.

I am in my typical suit and suspenders. I opted for a black crop top with a tear in the chest, the angle shows off my assets perfectly, the suit pants do wonders for what little ass I have and the suspenders are the burgundy of my wings wrapped in black lace. It was as girly as I get. Plus the slit in the shirt was almost the exact shape of the scar on my face. It isn’t an ugly scar but it does cause an annoying split in my eyebrow and curves down just past my high cheek bone. I’m very glad that scythes are no longer popular. The front part of my curls were tied up in two mini buns looking like horns, and the rest of the curls are doing whatever they want as always.

This is as dressed up as I’m gonna get. Honestly I’m hoping that Devland gets here early and makes it quick so that I can get downstairs to the red head that is back in the bar and keeps thinking about me. Part of my powers are “mind reading” and her mind is as open as a book. I usually block out the extra noise and only use it as needed, but I wanted to see if I had a shot.

The rest of us continued to catch up and tell more war stories while we waited. We still had an hour until Devland was supposed to be here and the band was playing Rage Against the Machine while most of the booth curtains hung open showing the patrons getting hot and heavy in their booths. NDA’s were a big thing up here but thanks to my manipulation, most humans don’t remember enough of their time here to say much anyways.

The demons I trust. I have always been what the humans might call a 'free spirit'. I liked my time to myself, I enjoyed the silence. I have been through enough wars and fighting to know when it was necessary and when it wasn't. I was also extremely sexual and just wanted the people around me to enjoy themselves.

I was watching myself go down on thw redhead downstairs like a movie in my mind when she was distracted by a newcomer at the bar below. Damn. I turned back to the conversation at hand, something about teaching Jaakob how to surf. Wow, I would pay good money to see that. Than and Jaakob kept laughing about dragging Volkan out on the water when Acheros excused himself.

I suddenly found myself wanting more and more to go downstairs, just to flirt. It looks like Devland wasn’t going to be early anyways, what is the worst that could happen? The pull got stronger and stronger and after my 4th bottle of Pisco I was ready to just make a break for it. I have never felt the urge to leave a party more. I wanted to distract myself and wrap myself up in someone warm. Man, woman, demon.

Yes, I was part angel but I don't trust the little ass holes. Demons and angels alike were accountable for their own actions, neither inhereintly good or bad after their cleansing in one realm or the other. But I have had enough bad dealings with rogue Angels that I wasn't letting one anywhere near my bed.

I stood up, no longer able to deny the pull I felt towards the stairs when Acheros came back into view. Is he laughing with someone? Then the most beautiful creature I have ever seen stepped around the corner of the stairs. How fucking tall is this guy? He had to be close to 7 feet tall, walking behind Roo on the stairs and still a head taller than him. Damn. He was built like an even bigger house than Jaakob.

He made Jaakob look like a noodle, even through his clothes I could see hims bulging muscles. He had curly black hair slicked back a bit but curling out at the ends, milk chocolate skin, only a little darker than Aella, like a toasted coconut. He had the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen in my life, high cheekbones and eyebrows so sharp they could stab someone.

Why did I feel like I have known him forever? The pull towards the stairs was getting so strong I felt like I needed to tie my legs to the seat to keep still. Did I lose something? What the hell is happening? Oh no. No no. Not this. Not him. No no no no no no no. This can NOT be happening. How long have I been standing here? Oh no. Why is he looking at me like that? Is that a smirk? Oh no. I stood there with my jaw clenched absolutely fuming.

My Demon side was trying to find a way to tie him up in my suite while my Angel was wanting to make a Daeva sized hole in the wall to run. This. Can. Not. Be. Happening. Out of everyone in the cosmos. Why him? The fates are cruel, cruel creatures. No, I didn't know him but he was literally glowing, seeping angel. While I was having my own internal crisis the bar was at a whisper and Acheros was looking between Devland and I, smiling as they made their way to us. Devland had a satisfied smirk on his face. I couldn’t bring myself to turn and look at the rest of them but I just hoped that they didn’t notice or ask.

I was trying to get my feet to move to excuse myself. I just wanted to jump off the balcony and fly across the country. Maybe the earth? I haven’t been to hell in a while, maybe Cerberus wants a vaction. Before I got control of my feet Acheros and Devland were in front of me. Fuck. Again. “Hello, love,” Devland said grinning. I stood there with my eyes wide trying to make myself move. "Fuck."

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